Inquiries and Activity Folders
This section includes all of the inquiries and activity folders used in the Employee Benefits area, listed alphabetically. For more information on each inquiry, click the appropriate link in the Page Code column.
Inquiry Name |
Page Code |
Description |
Benefits and Deductions Summary |
This page displays the current, future, and past enrollments. For example, the dollar amount enrolled in flexible spending accounts, the total cost of dollar-based benefits and deductions, the total cost of percent-based benefits and deductions, dependents that are covered for particular benefits, benefits that were waived during the enrollment, or deductions that were unenrolled during the enrollment process. |
Beneficiary Designation |
This page allows you to create, view, and update beneficiaries associated to benefits where beneficiaries are allowed to be specified. |
Benefits Enrollment |
The Benefits Enrollment Wizard is an enrollment process that enables an employee to enroll herself/himself and any eligible dependents into the various employee benefit and voluntary deduction programs. Your organization can specify whether you can perform electronic enrollments when newly hired to the organization, for an open enrollment period, or for a life event. |
Benefit Enrollment Wizard Landing Page |
The Benefits Enrollment Wizard Landing page is a Welcome page. This page provides the four enrollment cards: Open Enrollment, New Hire Enrollment (for new hires), Life Event Enrollment and Personal Deductions to access and enroll into the benefits using the Benefits Enrollment Wizard. These cards are available to user based on their eligibility and enrollment period. |
Benefits Summary |
This page allows you to see a summary of benefit enrollment, dependent enrollment, and deductions for an employee. |
COBRA Management Activity Folder |
Makes it easy for you to administer various activities associated with entering and maintaining COBRA coverage by gathering all of the necessary pages together into one place. |
HIPAA Master Inquiry |
Allows users to view issued HIPAA Certificates. These certificates provide evidence of an employee’s prior health coverage and may be required if an employee becomes eligible under a group health plan that excludes coverage for a pre-existing medical condition. |
COBRA Roster by Name |
Displays an alphabetical listing of all individuals eligible for COBRA. |
Dependent Roster |
This page allows you to view an alphabetic listing of all dependents. It provides the ability to find a dependent without already knowing the employee's ID. It also provides a method to determine if the same person is covered by multiple employees. |
Manage Benefits |
This page allows you to manage an employee's current benefit enrollments, and view other eligible benefits. |
Manage Deductions |
This page allows you to manage an employee's miscellaneous deductions. Manage Dependent Coverage. |
Manage Dependent Coverage |
This page allows you and employees to manage their benefits related to dependents. |
Manage Dependent Profile |
This page allows you and employees to view, create and modify dependent information. |