Net Pay Distribution (NPD)
The Net Pay Distribution (NPD) transaction allows you to designate where an employee’s pay check is distributed. It also allows you to initiate or terminate automatic direct deposit of an eligible employee's paycheck into one or more a checking or savings accounts. In addition, you can determine how the pay information is distributed to an employee (with a check to home or work location, direct deposit stub mailed, or emailed).
Note: An Employee can also update their direct deposit information via Pay Landing > Manage Direct Deposit carousel tile. Employees should refer to the “Net Pay Distribution” topic in the Employee User Guide for more information.
Sites have the option to validate the payroll routing numbers that are entered on the Net Pay Distribution transaction. The ABA Routing Number validation can be enabled by setting the ABA_ROUTING_NUMBER_VALIDATION application parameter via the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) reference page. For additional information on this setting, please refer to the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) section of this user guide.
One Primary Account, the account into which all unassigned pay is to be deposited, can be specified by selecting the Primary Account field on Net Pay Distribution. Only one Primary Account can exist for any given date. Secondary accounts are each assigned a Priority Order. The Priority Order determines the hierarchy by which the system allocates pay if the Paycheck does not contain enough Net Pay to distribute to all of the designated accounts. The account with a Priority Order of 1 has the highest priority. No two accounts can share the same priority order for an employee with overlapping date ranges.
Important InformationImportant Information
When entering a Secondary Direct Deposit account, either the Primary Account must be approved before a Secondary Account can be submitted or the Priority Order of the Primary Account must be set to 0.
Each secondary account is also assigned either a Distribution Amount (a fixed dollar amount per Pay Period) or a Distribution Percent. The Distribution Percent for each individual account cannot exceed 100%. Enter the percentage as a decimal, for instance 90% should be entered as .90.
A secondary account can be assigned a Deduction Frequency. Accounts with a Deduction Frequency only receive direct deposits in Pay Periods linked to the Deduction Frequency code entered. This functionality allows for flexible deposit schedules. For example, if an employee is bi-weekly and the Deduction Frequency is monthly, the employee will be paid out once a month to this secondary account. The Primary account will be paid every pay period.
Deposits can be removed using the Delete functionality. An NPD transaction can be created using the Modify Net Pay Distribution link from the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder. Accounts can be deleted from the pre-populated NPD transaction by selecting the relevant transaction line and selecting Delete before submission.
Field InformationField Information
This transaction captures the following information:
Accounting information, such as ABA Routing Number, Account Number, Nickname, Account Type, effective dates, Prenote Issue Date, and Mail Check Indicator.
Accounting distribution information - The Primary Account, the account into which all unassigned pay is to be deposited, should be marked by selecting the Primary Account check box. Only one Primary Account can exist for any given date. Secondary accounts should each be assigned a Priority Order. The Priority Order determines the hierarchy by which the system allocates pay if the Paycheck does not contain enough Net Pay to distribute to all of the designated accounts. The account with a Priority Order of 1 has the highest priority. No two accounts can share the same priority order for an employee with overlapping date ranges. Each secondary account is assigned either a Distribution Amount (a fixed dollar amount per Pay Period) or a Distribution Percent. The Distribution Percent for each individual account cannot exceed 100%. Enter the percentage as a decimal, for instance 90% should be entered as .90. A secondary account can be assigned a Deduction Frequency. Accounts with a Deduction Frequency only receive direct deposits in Pay Periods linked to the Deduction Frequency code entered. This functionality allows for flexible deposit schedules. For example, if an employee is bi-weekly and the Deduction Frequency is monthly, the employee will be paid out once a month to this secondary account. The Primary account will be paid every pay period.
Travel bank account information - This is an employee Travel Bank Account that is used for travel payment processing such as disbursing the travel advances, and reimbursements.
The Net Pay Distribution transaction can be created in the following ways:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create Net Pay Distribution row-level action on the Net Pay Distribution tab of the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder.
Select the Modify Net Pay Distribution row-level action on the Net Pay Distribution tab of the Deduction Management (DEDM) activity folder.
Refer to the following topics that contains the instruction on the tasks that can be performed using the Net Pay Distribution (NPD) transaction:
Creating an Automated Direct Deposit
Terminating an Automated Direct Deposit