Employee Leave Request
The Employee Leave Request (LREQ) transaction allows you to make any requests of future time off or justification for past time off. These transactions can be passed through workflow to supervisors, who then approve or decline these requests. This page also enables you to download the leave requests in the .ics format that can be uploaded in your calendar application such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple and so on.
Note: A Human Resource Administrator may create an Employee Leave Request transaction for an employee to record his/her leave request via Employee Leave Request transaction. Human Resource users should refer to the “Leave Request” topic in the Time and Leave User Guide for more information.
Field InformationField Information
Use the Leave Request Detail grid line to identify the leave request information.
Note: Attachments and comments may be required for an event line on the transaction, depending on your site setup.
Partial Day Leave RequestPartial Day Leave Request
To enter a leave request for a partial day, select the Partial Day check box. You will then be able to enter a starting and ending time for each day of the request.
The Leave Request transaction can be created in the following ways, based on user access rights:
Select the Create or Leave Request action on the Time and Leave Landing > Leave Requests carousel tile to add new leave request information. Once you have made all of your changes, select the Submit button to save the leave information and return to the Leave Request carousel tile.
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create New Leave Request row-level action on the Employee Leave Request tab of the Time and Leave Management (ATLM) activity folder.