You can select the View or Edit row-level action to review or update your evaluation. This opens the Evaluations page, which allows you to view/edit, and if acceptable, sign the evaluation.
On the Evaluation page, select the Evaluation Information or Ratings Details link at the top of the page, to navigate to these sections. The Detailed Ratings section displays the ratings that you have been given, any comments regarding the evaluation, and a list of areas for growth. Select the Rating to view detailed information for the rating, comments regarding the evaluation, and/or areas for growth.
Select Next, at the bottom of this page, or the Evaluation Acceptance link at the top of the page, to navigate to the Evaluation Acceptance section.
Evaluation AcceptanceEvaluation Acceptance
The Evaluation Acceptance section displays your Rating Profile and allows you to add any comments you might have regarding the evaluation. If you are satisfied with the evaluation, you can select the Sign Evaluation button. The Generate PDF button allows you to open a PDF version of the evaluation, which you can then save or print.
You can return to previous sections by using the Back button or by selecting the section name link located at the top of the page. Select the Sign & Submit button to sign the evaluation. Select Save & Close to save your changes and exit the evaluation.
When accessing the Evaluation, the managers can perform the following steps:
The manager can verify general information about the employee. The Detailed Ratings section allows you to provide ratings for the employee, enter comments regarding the evaluation, and list areas for growth. Select the Rating to open the line details, then enter the rating number, comments regarding the evaluation, and/or areas for growth. Select Save to close the line details.
You can select an Overall Rating for the employee, enter comments in the Evaluation Summary box and set the Evaluation Ready for the Next Level Manager Review field to Yes. The evaluation will be displayed in the next level manager’s In-Basket for review. Select Save and Close to save changes and exit the evaluation.
Evaluation Acceptance for Next Level ManagerEvaluation Acceptance for Next Level Manager
As a next level manager, you can Approve or Decline the draft evaluation. When either button is selected, the evaluation moves back to the evaluator's In-Basket.
If you would like to continue with the evaluation at a later time, select the Save & Close button to save your changes. The evaluation will remain in your In-Basket.
Evaluation Acceptance for EmployeeEvaluation Acceptance for Employee
Once the evaluation has been approved by all levels, you may open the evaluation and select Evaluation Ready for Employee Review and then select Release to Employee. The evaluation will be available for employee review and acceptance.
Once the employee has accepted the evaluation, it will appear as a work item in your Performance Management Worklist where you can approve or reject the evaluation. If you reject an evaluation, it is returned to the evaluator's In-Basket. Refer to Performance Management Worklist for additional information.
Select Save & Close to save any changes made to the evaluation and exit the evaluation.
Note: A Human Resource Administrator can also create or update the Evaluation via the Evaluation transaction. Human Resource users should refer to the “Evaluation” topic in the Personnel Management User Guide for more information.
The Evaluation transaction can be created in the following ways, based on user access rights:
Select the Create or Edit action on the Performance Review Landing > Manage Current Performance Review carousel tile to add new or edit existing information. Once you have made all your changes, select the Save & Close button to save your details and return to the Manage Current Performance Review carousel tile. If you select the Cancel button, you will exit the Evaluation transaction without saving your changes.
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.