Performance Review Landing

The Performance Review Landing Page allows you to view information related to your current/past performance expectations and evaluations and to submit a Self Evaluation.

The Performance Review Landing Page also allows manager to update, view and approve performance expectations and evaluations for their direct reports. This page allows managers to be notified of future expectations and evaluations, complete and update expectations and evaluations, view and compare expectations or evaluations of two or more junior level managers, and view expectation and evaluation histories.   

The Performance carousel consists of the following functions:

Manage Current Performance ReviewsManage Current Performance Reviews

The Manage Current Performance Review tile on the carousel allows you to view your evaluations, self performance evaluations and expectations that have been signed/released by your manager and now require your signature.  Select each section from the list to view the complete evaluations and expectations.

For managers this section displays expectations and evaluations that are in progress. An expectation or evaluation is displayed until it has been updated and reviewed by both the evaluator and the next level manager.

The following information is displayed on the Current Performance Review section for the employee and managers.

Performance Evaluation Over Time AnalyticPerformance Evaluation Over Time Analytic

This section displays the graphical representation of your performance summary over the years in your organization. This section displays the performance year and overall rating as you hover the mouse on the graph.

The manager can also view this information.


The Evaluation section allows you to view and update your performance evaluations.

You can perform the following action on this page.

  • Select the Edit action to modify or update your existing performance evaluation details. This transitions you to the Evaluations transaction.

Self EvaluationsSelf Evaluations

The Self Evaluation section allows you to view and update your self performance evaluations.

You can perform the following action on this page.

  • Select the Edit action to modify or update your existing self evaluation details. This transitions you to the Self Evaluations transaction.


The Expectations section allows you to view your current performance expectations for a given period. Select an evaluation from the grid to view the complete evaluation.

After reviewing the expectations, you can select the Sign Expectations button to indicate your acceptance of the expectations.  Your name and the date you signed the expectations will then be displayed.  Once your manager has also signed the expectations, the manager's name and date of signing will also be displayed.  Once an expectation has been signed, it will no longer be displayed in the Manage Current Performance Reviews Expectations section, but will be moved to the View Past Performance Expectations section.

You can select the View or Edit row-level action to review/edit the detailed explanation of the expectation. The Expectation Details displays the Definition of Expectation and the Definition of Measurement for the expectation.  Select the Generate PDF button to open a PDF version of the expectations that can be saved or printed.

View Past Performance ReviewView Past Performance Review

The View Past Performance Review tile on the carousel allows you to view evaluations, self evaluations and expectations that have been completed.  Select each section from the list to view the complete evaluations and expectations.

The manager also can access the employee past performance review section.

The following information is displayed on the Past Performance Review section.


You can select the View button to review or update your evaluation. This opens the Evaluations page, which allows you to view/edit, and if acceptable, sign and submit the evaluation.

You can view your rating profile, overall rating and evaluation summary on the Evaluation page.  This section also displays the relevant self evaluations for the employee if there are any.

It also displays a section with Employee and Manager signatures.


The Expectations section allows you to view your completed performance expectations. Select an evaluation from the grid to view the complete evaluation.

You can select the View button to review the detailed explanation of the expectation. The Expectation Details displays the Definition of Expectation and the Definition of Measurement for the expectation.  Select the Generate PDF button to open a PDF version of the expectations that can be saved or printed.