Employee Evaluation (EVAL)
The Employee Evaluation transaction allows you to create and record an employee's evaluations details.
This transaction can be created by an Admin role user, only from the Evaluations tab of the Employee Relations (ER) activity folder’s. For creating an evaluation the Employee, Employee Appointment ID, Department, Unit and Title information is required to initiate the right evaluation process applying all the configuration that are set up on various related reference pages- Performance Policy, Performance Type, Rating Scale, Goals Category, and Goals, Mapping.
Note: An employee or manager can also update Employee Evaluation transaction via the Evaluation Wizard which can be accessed via the Performance Journey Landing Page > In Progress Evaluation carousel tile. Employees should refer to the “Evaluation Wizard” topic in the CGI Advantage Employee/Manager User Guide for more information.
The transaction has the following tabs:
General InformationGeneral Information
This tab is used to enter or edit the:
General Information details such as Evaluation Dates, Performance Type, Evaluator, Evaluator Appointment ID and Evaluation Due Date.
Overall Rating and Signatures scalar has Overall Rating, Manager Overall Comments, Employee Final Comments and Final Score along with the signature panel. Signature Panel information is derived from user details who signs the evaluation.
Self Assessment General Assessment section has Self-Assessment Due Date, Employee Rating, Employee Self Assessment Comments.
Goals Signature scalar information is derived from user details who signs the Goals.
Goals and AssessmentGoals and Assessment
This tab is used to list the goals associated with the employee’s performance policy and the goal related details. The grid also has the Employee Rating, Employee Comments, Manager Rating and Manager Comments against each goal provided.
Training and CompetencyTraining and Competency
This tab lists down the Training and Competency related details associated with employee’s performance policy based on the mapping configurations. There are fields to capture Due Date, Current Level, Target Level, Status and Completion Date.
360 Degree Reviewers360 Degree Reviewers
This tab lists the 360 Degree Reviewers details such as Reviewer ID, Name, Title, 360 Review Status and Overall Rating.
360 Degree Feedback360 Degree Feedback
This tab lists goals assigned to a 360 Reviewer and the ratings and comments provided by them.
Reviewer FeedbackReviewer Feedback
This tab displays the Reviewers details including Reviewer ID, Name, Title and Review Status.
Evaluation HistoryEvaluation History
This tab display actions taken on the evaluation. Name of the person who has taken the action and the date when the action has been requested on and completed on. This also displays the override details. For Example, if the manager was not available at the due date of the Goal Finalization and admin completes the action on the manager’s behalf then admin will be captured as the Name of actor.
The page-level menu for the Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transaction, other than the standard transaction actions there are other actions available for the admin that are the actions available to Employee and Manager roles within the wizard. These actions helps the admin to move the evaluation status from one status to other in case any user is not available and due date is about to be missed. The admin can intervene and help the transaction move through the whole flow.
Release Goals/Evaluation to Employee - Changes Evaluation status from Initiated to Goals Pending Employee Review; or Assessment in Progress to Evaluation Pending Employee Signature; or Pending Reviewer feedback to Evaluation Pending Employee Signature.
Employee Sign Goals - Changes Evaluation status from Goals Pending Employee Review to Goals Pending Manager Approval.
Manager Sign Goals - Changes Evaluation status from Goals Pending Manager Approval to Assessment in Progress.
Submit Self-Assessment - Admin can submit the Self Assessment details on behalf of the employee.
Employee Sign and Accept Evaluation - Changes Evaluation status from Evaluation Pending Employee Signature to Evaluation Pending Manager Signature.
Sign and Complete Button (Manager Action) - This button at the page-level changes Evaluation status from Evaluation Pending Manager Signature to Evaluation Complete. After this action the transaction goes to Final and Submitted status and is not available to employee and manager users for any edits.
Field InformationField Information
The Employee Evaluation transaction contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Field Description |
From |
This is the Date from which the evaluation transaction is effective. |
To |
This is the Date To which the evaluation transaction is effective. |
Performance Type |
This field defines the Performance Type for which the Evaluation will be processed. |
Evaluation Status |
This field defines the status of the Evaluation transaction. |
Evaluator |
This field infers the value of the evaluator of the transaction. By default, the evaluator is fetched based on Supervisor/ position hierarchy. The Hierarchy is set on the Organization Chart Settings (ORGS) page. If the Evaluator does not have an assigned User ID, the details will not be fetched. |
Evaluator Appointment ID |
This infers the value of the Evaluator Appointment ID of the transaction. |
Evaluation Due Date |
This field displays the due date of the evaluation process. Users can also override the due date by manually selecting the due date. |
Goals Finalization Due Date |
The From Date of the Employee Evaluation plus Due Date lag days will define the Due Date of the Evaluation process.For example:[PM1] Evaluation From Date is 31-March-2022 and Evaluation Due Date Lag Days is set to 30 days then the Due Date of the Evaluation will be set to 30 April 2022. |
Overall Rating |
This field displays the overall rating for the employee for the evaluation. |
Manager Overall Comment |
This field displays the overall comment for the employee’s evaluation. |
Employee Final Comment |
This field displays the comment provided by the employee on the self-assessment process. |
Final Score |
This field displays the final score of the employee’s evaluation. |
Employee Name |
Name of the Employee whose evaluation is being viewed. |
Employee Date Signed |
Employee signature date on the final Evaluation. |
Evaluator Name |
Name of the Evaluator on the evaluation. |
Evaluator Date Signed |
Evaluator signature date on the final Evaluation. |
Self-Assessment Due Date |
Due date for completing Self-Assessment. |
Self-Assessment Completed |
Yes/No – is the self-assessment completed by the employee. |
Employee Overall Rating |
Overall Self rating by the employee. |
Employee Self-Assessment Comments |
Overall Self-Assessment comments by the employee. |
Employee Name |
Name of the Employee whose evaluation is being viewed. |
Employee Date Signed |
Employee signature date on Goals. |
Evaluator Name |
Name of the Evaluator on the evaluation. |
Evaluator Date Signed |
Evaluator signature date on Goals. |
Goals |
This displays the list of goals associated with the employee’s performance policy. |
Description |
This field display the description of the goal. |
Goal Category |
This field displays the category of the goal as per configurations. |
Manager Rating |
This field defines the rating against the goal. |
Definition of Measurement |
This shows the definition of measurement for each goal. |
Weightage |
This field displays the weightage of a goal either as per configuration or as the value entered by the manager. |
Include in Score |
This field defines if a goal is included in score or not. |
Ad hoc Goals |
This field is a read only field with valid values as Yes and No. This field denotes that the goal is individual specific (Ad hoc goals) and not coming from the Goal Library. |
Type |
This is a drop-down field which defines if it is Training and Competency. While setting up a training, Training Name and Due Date are required fields. While setting up a Competency, Competency Name, Target Level and Due Date are required fields. |
Name |
This field defines the name of the Training or Competency as per the selection in the Type. |
Current Level |
This field define the current competency level of the employee. If current level matches the Target level that was set to be achieved means the competency requirement is met. |
Target Level |
This field defines the target competency level to be achieved. |
Due Date |
This date display the due date for completing Training or Competency. |
Completion Date |
This defines the date on which the training or competency is completed. |
Status |
This is a drop-down field with two valid values, Met and Not Met. |
360 Review Status |
This field is a read only field that shows the status of the 360 Review process. Various 360 Review status can be Feedback Not requested, Feedback Pending, and Feedback Received. |
Rating |
This field displays the rating provided by the 360 Reviewer |
Goal Comments |
This field displays the comments provided by the 360 Reviewer. |
Review Status |
This field displays the status of the Reviewer feedback process. It is a read only field. Various Review status can be Review Not Requested, Review Pending, Reviewer Requested Update and Reviewed. |
History |
This Evaluation History tab in the Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transaction displays the name of the different stages in the evaluation process, who worked on the particular action and when was the action completed. It also displays if any of the designated actions were overridden by Administrator or Manager. For example, Initiating an Evaluation is mostly by Admin- if Manager triggers the evaluation, then the History shows that this action was Overridden by manager. The History field displays the name of the different stages in the evaluation process. |
Name |
This displays the Display Name of the user who takes the action. |
Requested on |
This field display the date and time on which the specific action is requested on. |
Completed on |
This field display the date and time on which the specific action is completed on. |
Override |
This field has two valid values, Yes and No. When any action pending on a manager or employee is taken by the administrator, then the Override column gets updated as Yes and name field displays the Admin name. Similarly, Initiating an Evaluation is mostly done by Admin- if a Manager triggers the evaluation, then the history shows that this action was Overridden by the manager. |