Manage Team Information Landing
The Manage Team Information Landing Page provides a carousel that allows you to perform the following functions:
Employee Profiles - allows managers to view general information for their direct reporting employees.
Department Details - allows managers to view department specific data information for their direct reporting employees.
Timesheets - allows managers to view timesheets that are missing, need to be certified, or are pending approval for their direct reporting employees.
Leave and Overtime - allows managers to view leave balance alerts and upcoming leave requests for their direct reporting employees.
Task Details - allows managers to view the list of task information for their direct reporting employees.
Upcoming Events - allows managers to view the list of upcoming birthday and anniversary details for their direct reporting employees.
Performance Journey – allows managers to view evaluation and goals information for their direct reporting employees.
Performance Management - allows managers to view evaluation and expectation information for their direct reporting employees.
Learning and Career Development - allows managers to view list of license, certification, competency and education information for their direct reporting employees.
Compensation - allows managers to view compensation information for their direct reporting employees.
Work History - allows managers to view work history information for their direct reporting employees.
Emergency Contact – allows managers to view emergency contact information for their direct reporting employees.
Employee ProfilesEmployee Profiles
The Employee Profiles page allows managers to view general profile information for their direct reporting employees.
The Employees Profiles page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Total Employees: represents the total number of employees reporting to the manager.
Permanent Employees: represents the total number of employees whose Permanent Assignment type is Permanent.
Full Time Employees: represents the total number of employees whose Percent Full-time is 1.
Search and Grid Details:
The grid will filter based on the current employee records when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Hi Chart is static and will not change based on the search fields updated by the user.
Department DetailsDepartment Details
The Department Details page allows managers to view department specific date information for their direct reporting employees.
Search and Grid Details:
The grid will filter based on the current employee assignment records. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Timesheets page allows managers to view timesheets that are missing, need to be certified, or are pending approval for their direct reporting employees.
The Timesheets page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Missing Timesheets: represents the total number of direct reporting employees who fails to submit their timesheet.
Outstanding Timesheet Certification: represents the total number of timesheets of direct reports that require managers’ certification.
Outstanding Timesheet Approvals: represents the total number of timesheets of direct reports that require managers’ approval.
Search and Grid Details:
The Missing Timesheets grid will filter based on the total missing timesheets for current pay period when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Timesheets Certification grid will filter based on the total outstanding timesheets records required to be certified when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Timesheet Approvals grid will filter based on the total timesheets pending approval when a user arrives on the page. Users can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Hi Chart is static and it will not change based on the search fields updated by the user.
Leave and OvertimeLeave and Overtime
The Leave and Overtime page allows managers to view leave balance alerts and upcoming leave requests for their direct reporting employees, allowing you to work with employees to ensure that their leave balance threshold levels are not exceeded.
The Leave and Overtime page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Total Leave Balance Alerts: represents the total number of Leave Balance Alerts records for their direct reporting employees.
Total Upcoming Leave: represents the total number of Upcoming Leave Request records for their direct reporting employees.
Total Overtime Requests: represents the total number of Overtime Request records for their direct reporting employees.
Search and Grid Details:
The Overtime Requests grid will filter based on records with an effective date 30 days of the current date when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Hi Chart is static and it will not change based on the search fields updated by the user.
Task DetailsTask Details
The Task Details page allows managers to view task information for their direct reporting employees.
The Task Details page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Tasks Not Completed: represents the total number of task records having the task status that is not set to Complete.
Tasks In Progress: represents the total number of task records having the task status set to In Progress.
Tasks Not Started: represents the total number of task records having the task status set to Not Started.
Search and Grid Details:
The Task grid will filter all task records belonging to employees that report to the manager where the Task Status is Not Started and In Progress. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Hi Chart is static and it will not change based on the search fields updated by the user.
Upcoming EventsUpcoming Events
The Upcoming Events page allows managers to view upcoming birthday and anniversary details for their direct reporting employees.
The Upcoming Events page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Upcoming Birthdays: displays managers the total number of upcoming birthdays of their direct reporting employees whose birthday is coming up within the next 30 days.
Upcoming Anniversaries: displays managers the total number of upcoming service anniversaries of their direct reporting employees whose anniversary is coming up within the next 30 days.
Search and Grid Details:
The Upcoming Birthdays grid will filter records where employees have a birthday within the next 30 days when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields
The Upcoming Anniversary grid will filter records where employees have an anniversary within the next 30 days when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
Performance JourneyPerformance Journey
The Performance Journey page allows managers to view evaluation and goals information for their direct reporting employees and employees for whom they are Evaluators for a certain evaluation. For example, if Manager Peter is not reporting manager for employee Jack, however a quarterly evaluation for Jack is assigned to Peter for assessment then the information for this particular quarterly evaluation is available to Peter.
The Performance Journey page contains Team Evaluation Status section that lists evaluations that require manager action. The summary widget will change based on the updates to the evaluation status for reporting employees.
Evaluation Not Started - Number of associated evaluations that are Initiated but not released to the employee yet.
Goals Pending Manager Approval - Number of associated evaluations for which goals are signed by employees and are pending manager signature. Such evaluations will have an evaluation status of Goals Pending Manager Approval and the evaluation transaction is assigned to the manager for review and approval.
Assessment In Progress - Number of associated evaluations for which goals are finalized and are undergoing assessment process that includes self- assessment, manager- assessment and 360 degree feedback cycle.
Evaluation Pending Manager Signature - Number of associated evaluations for reporting employees that are signed by employees and are pending manager signature.
Search and Grid Details:
The following fields can be used to filter records in the grid.
Employee ID - The pick list field that displays all Employee IDs for reporting employees.
Appointment ID - If an employee has multiple appointments, this field acts as a filter on the appointment for the Employee ID.
First Name - Displays evaluations based on the first name.
Last Name - Displays evaluations based on the last name.
Performance Type - Displays all evaluations based on the Performance Type.
Evaluation Status - The drop-down field that allows the user to filter evaluations based on the status of evaluation process.
Grid below the search scalar lists down evaluations (associated with this Manager) for reporting employees or non-reporting employees that matches the search criteria. Each evaluation listed in the Grid includes a menu with Manage or View options.
The Manage option is available for evaluations of reporting employees. By clicking on the Manage button, Manager would see the Performance Journey carousel for the employee whose record is clicked. This page displays different tiles for In Progress Evaluation, Completed Evaluation, Conversation related to the reporting employee. Performance Journey carousel is accessible for both Employee and reporting Manager.
The View option is available for evaluations of non-reporting employees. By clicking on the View button, Manager would enter the Evaluation wizard and is able to perform all the required actions for this employee related to evaluation. Managers cannot see the Performance Journey carousel for non-reporting employees.
The Performance Summary page shows the information related to the reporting employee’s performance related information. This page displays the following:
Evaluation Progress - This displays the reporting employee’s completion percentage for the goals, training and competencies finalized for the primary performance type.
Review Status - This widget displays the status of evaluation of the reporting employees in the form of donut chart. The donut chart shows the information in three parts - Not Started, In progress and Completed. The data is based on the current evaluations associated with this manager.
Appreciations - This widget displays the information related to the appreciations received under the logged in manager’s department, Reportee and their own appreciations. Also, two links are available - Appreciate and View All. When a user clicks on Appreciate, the user is navigated to Share Appreciation page. If clicks on View All, user navigates to the page where all the Appreciation page where all the appreciation data is present.
Overall Rating Trend - This displays the information of the latest three overall rating of the reporting employee for the primary performance type.
Related Topic
Performance ManagementPerformance Management
The Performance Management page allows managers to view evaluation and expectation information for their direct reporting employees.
The Performance Management page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Evaluations In Progress: represents the total number of evaluations where the evaluation status is not equal to Complete.
Self Evaluations In Progress: represents the total number of self evaluations transactions where the Phase Code is Pending and the transaction is assigned to the manager for review. .
Expectations In Progress: represents the total amount of expectations where the evaluation status is not equal to Complete.
Search and Grid Details:
The Evaluations In Progress grid will filter records where the evaluation status is not equal to Complete when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Self Evaluations In Progress grid will filter records where the Phase Code is Pending and the transaction is assigned to the manager for review. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Expectations In Progress grid will filter records where the evaluation status is not equal to Complete when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Hi Chart is static and it will not change based on search fields updated by the user.
Learning and Career DevelopmentLearning and Career Development
The Learning and Career Development page allows managers to view license, certification, competency, and education information for their direct reporting employees.
The Learning and Career Development page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Licenses and Certifications Expiring within 30 Days: displays managers the total number of employees whose Licenses and Certifications records are expiring within 30 days.
Total Current Competencies: displays managers the total number of their direct reportees who are having the current competency records.
Total Employees with Degrees: represents the total number of employees with degrees reporting to the manager. Employee with multiple records will be counted once.
Search and Grid Details:
The Hi Chart is static and it will not change based on the search fields updated by the user.
The Compensation page allows managers to view compensation information for their direct reporting employees.
The Compensation page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Total Pay Period Amount: represents the total pay period amount for their direct reporting employees.
Total Monthly Amount: represents the total monthly pay amount for their direct reporting employees.
Total Annual Amount: represents the total annual amount for their direct reporting employees.
Monthly Calculated Salary: for sites utilizing semi-monthly or monthly payment frequencies, the Monthly Calculated Salary field is populated with the employee's monthly calculated salary when the USE MONTHLY CALC SLRY is set to true on Site Specific Parameter (SPAR). When the USE MONTHLY CALC SLRY SPAR is set to false, the Monthly Calculated Salary field is blank. For more information on Monthly Calculated Salary refer to the Monthly Calculated Salary section CGI Advantage Payroll Processing User Guide.
Search and Grid Details:
The grids will filter based on the current employee records when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Hi Chart is static and will not change based on the search fields updated by the user.
Work HistoryWork History
The Work History page allows managers to view work history information for their direct reporting employees.
The Work History page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories.
Employees with Work History: represents the total number of employees reporting to the manager with a work history record. Employee with multiple records will be counted once.
Employees with no Work History: represents the total number of employees reporting to the manager without a work history record.
Search and Grid Details:
The work history grid will filter the latest work history record for each employee when a user arrives on the page. User can expand the results by using the search fields.
The Hi Chart is static and it will not change based on the search fields updated by the user.
Emergency ContactEmergency Contact
The Emergency Contact page allows managers to view emergency contact information for their direct reporting employees.
The Emergency Contact page contains a Hi Chart with the following categories:
Employees with Emergency Contact: represents the total amount of employees reporting to the manager with an emergency contact. Employee with multiple records will be counted once.
Employees without Emergency Contact: represents the total amount of employees reporting to the manager without an emergency contact.
Search and Grid Details:
The Hi Chart is static and it will not change based on the search fields updated by the user.