Automated Pay Generation Setup

Advantage HRM allows premium payments for employees to be automatically generated in order to reduce the amount of manual input and to ensure that the correct premiums are paid. Automated Pay Generation allows for criteria to be defined to determine which and how much of each premium payment should be generated.

The following reference pages are used by Gross-to-Net to determine if automated pay should be generated.

Automated pay generation requires the following additional setup for processing.

Additional Setup for Automated Pay GenerationAdditional Setup for Automated Pay Generation

In addition to the AUPC, APPE, and PDAY reference pages, the GENERATE AUTOMATED PAY parameter on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is used to determine if GTN should bypass automated pay generation all together. If the entry's Yes/No Flag is set to Y, GTN invokes automated pay functionality. Otherwise, no pay is automatically generated regardless of setup on the above reference pages.

Automated Pay Criteria TypeAutomated Pay Criteria Type

When the system determines which of the employee’s pay events are eligible for a given automated pay generation using AUPC and APPE, these pay events are compared to the Criteria depending on the Automated Pay Criteria Type. Two types of Automated Pay Criteria can be setup: Overtime Pay and Premium Pay.

  • Overtime payment

  • Daily Overtime - the system compares the sum of all the hours in eligible pay events for each day to the Overtime Threshold and Overtime Cap on AUPC. A pay detail is generated with input hours equal to the number of hours above the Overtime Threshold but below the Overtime Cap for each day.

  • Weekly Overtime - the system compares the sum of all the hours in eligible pay events for each seven day period starting with the first day of the pay period to the Overtime Threshold and Overtime Cap on AUPC. A pay detail is generated with input hours equal to the number of hours above the Overtime Threshold but below the Overtime Cap for each week. This calculation does not span pay periods. The first week is defined as days 1 through 7 of the pay period. The second week is days 8 through 14 and so on. The last day of the pay period is the last day of that week, regardless of whether it is the 1st or 7th day of that week.

  • Pay Period Overtime - the system compares the sum of all the hours in eligible pay events for the pay period to the Overtime Threshold and Overtime Cap on AUPC. A pay detail is generated with input hours equal to the number of hours above the Overtime Threshold but below the Overtime Cap.

  • Premium Pay

  1. Shift Premium - GTN compares all Time In/Time Out combinations for all eligible pay events to the Shift Premium Start Time and Shift Premium End Time. A pay detail is created with input hours equal to the total number of hours worked between the Shift Premium Start Time and Shift Premium End Time.

  2. Holiday Premium - the system generates pay whenever hours are worked on a day with a schedule type of Holiday on the employee’s work cycle on WDAY.

  3. Off Day Premium - the system generates pay whenever hours are worked on a day with a schedule type of Off Day on the employee’s work cycle on WDAY.

  4. Premium Day Premium - the system uses the Premium Day Schedule ID on AUPC to determine which dates (from PDAY) are eligible for premium payment. If hours have been worked by the employee on those days, the pay event’s input amount equals the total number of hours worked on that given premium day.

State Tax Withholding OptionsState Tax Withholding Options

When the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter is set to Y, the State Tax Withholding Option determines the state code that is assigned to automated pay events. There are two State Tax Withholding Options: Primary State and Withhold based on entered time.

  • Primary State - the system uses employee’s primary state tax code on State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) to populate the state code on the generated automated pay.  If the employee does not have a State Tax Enrollment  record, the Gross-to-Net (GTN) logic uses the default values on the Offline Process Configuration (OPROC) reference page to assign the state code.

  • Withhold based on entered time  - the system verifies the state codes for all of the pending pay/pay detail records included in the evaluation for the day.  If all of the state codes are the same, use the state code from the pending pay/pay detail to populate state code on the generated automated pay.  If there are multiple state code values present in the pending pay/ pay details being used for evaluation, GTN uses the employee’s primary state tax code on State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) to populate the state code on the generated automated pay.

The default value for the State Tax Withholding Option is Primary State. If your site does not utilize the Next Generation Payroll service or the MUTLI_STATE_TAX parameter is not enabled at your site, this field will not be used by automated pay processing.

Automated Pay Generation ProcessingAutomated Pay Generation Processing

Using the AUPC, APPE, and PDAY reference pages, the Gross-to-Net process generates automated pay based on the employee’s time values and the reference page setup. GTN identifies which pending payments’ pay events are eligible for automated pay, verifies that the pending payment’s time values satisfy the criteria, and calculates the amount of pay to be automatically generated. The system compares the reference pages to the pending payments. If an employee is exception paid and no Timesheet or Timesheet Adjustment has been entered for the employee, the system uses the employee’s Work Day (WDAY) schedule. GTN begins automated pay processing by looking to the AUPC page with the employee’s pay policy. If there are no records for the employee’s pay policy and given pay event, the system uses any wildcard entries on that page that have that pay event. If an employee’s pay policy qualifies for an AUPC entry, GTN performs processing based on the Automated Pay Criteria Type of that entry.

When GTN is processing an entry, it begins by determining why employee pay events are eligible by using the Include/Exclude Pay Event field and the APPE page. If the Include/Exclude Pay Event check box is set to Include All, all employee pay events are compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated. If this check box is set to Include Specified, only the pay events listed on APPE (associated with the same Pay Policy and Generated Pay Event from AUPC) are compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated. Conversely, if the field is set to Exclude Specified, only the pay events listed on APPE (associated with same Pay Policy and Generated Pay Event from AUPC) are not compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated. Once GTN determines what employee pay events are eligible, the comparison is made depending on the Automated Pay Criteria Type. Then, if it is determined that pay should be generated, GTN creates a pay detail using the Generated Pay Event. The number of Qualified Hours is used by GTN as the input amount and the rate is derived from PPET. If on the AUPC entry, the Replace Qualified Hours box is checked, the system subtracts any Qualified Hours for the automatically generated premium from the originally entered pay detail. If multiple pay events are entered for an employee which together qualify him/her for premium pay generation, and the Replace Qualified Hours box is checked, the hours are removed from the pay event with the highest Remove Pay Priority Number from EVNT, and then removed from the next highest until no more hours must be removed.