Check Disposition
The Check Disposition (CHCK) page allows you to display the current status of an employee’s check, and allows the user to change the status of the check.
If the Update Balance Immediately field is set to Yes, then Advantage HRM will schedule the Gross-to-Net Immediate Update of Cancelled Checks batch job; populate the Job ID field with the Job ID of the batch job.
Note: When canceling/redepositing a paycheck that uses multiple distributions, the disposition status for all of the paycheck’s distributions is changed. All distributions are cancelled out on the distributions table. It is not possible to recalculate a single distribution without recalculating the entire paycheck.
The Check Disposition (CHCK) page includes the following tabs:
Check DispositionCheck Disposition
Use the Check Disposition tab to identify the employee, bank and check details.
GTN Process InformationGTN Process Information
Use the GTN Process Information tab to identify the GTN Job information.
The Check Disposition transaction can be created in the following ways:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create Check Disposition row-level action for the desired record on the Issued Checks/Advises tab of the Payroll Check Status inquiry page.
Select the Create Check Disposition row-level action for the desired record on the Issued Checks/Advises tab of the Payroll Management (PAYM) activity folder.
Refer to the "Cancel and Replace Checks" topic for instructions on how to replace a check via the Check Disposition transaction.