Contract Pay Summary
The Contract Pay Summary (CONP) transaction provides contract pay summary information for employees processed under the regular contract pay model. If the USE NEW CONTRACT MODEL parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is set to Y, you must use the Contract Pay Summary (CONS) page instead of this page.
Contract actuals and contract earnings are automatically updated for contract pay employees through Gross-to-Net. If the ALLOW CON/RES BALANCE UPDATE parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page has the Yes/No Flag set to Y, you can then update these calculated values using this page. Otherwise, only the liquidation-related fields and the Override Contract Value Amount field can be updated.
The Contract Pay Summary transaction can be created in the following ways:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Modify Contract Pay Summary row-level action on the Contract Pay Summary tab of the Contract Management (CONM) activity folder.