Setting up Localities on the Locality

The Locality (LOCL) reference page is used to establish local tax identifiers. A Local ID may be tied to a Deduction Type record, and allow employees’ pay and deductions to be tracked by locality.

To set up this page enter the following fields:

  • Locality – this is a required, five-character alpha-numeric field.

  • Short Description – this is a required field containing a short description of the locality.

  • Long Description – this is an optional field containing a long description of the locality. When left blank, this field will default to the Short Description value.

  • From – this is a required field defining the date the locality becomes effective.

  • To – this is a required field defining the last date the locality is effective. When left blank, this field will default to 12/31/9999.

Refer to the following topics for information about setting up Localities on the Locality (LOCL):