Reference Pages

The Payroll Processing business area includes the following reference tables:

Page Name

Page Code


Automated Pay Criteria


Sets the criteria for creating a specified type of Automated Pay. This page states the type of criteria that must be satisfied and the parameters for those criteria. GTN looks to this page based on the employee’s pay policy, retrieved using the pay period start date.

Automated Pay Include/Exclude Pay Events


Determines which pay events are considered in determining if the employee’s time worked qualifies him/her for automated pay generation. On the Automated Pay Criteria (AUPC) page, the Include/Exclude Pay Event fields can be set to All, Include Specified, or Exclude Specified. If this field is set to Include All, all employee pay events are compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated. If the field is set to Include Specified, only the pay events listed on APPE (associated with the same Pay Policy and Generated Pay Event from AUPC) are compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated. Conversely, if the field is set to Exclude Specified, only the pay events listed on APPE (associated with the same Pay Policy and Generated Pay Event from AUPC) are not compared to the criteria to determine if pay should be automatically generated (these pay events are excluded).

Bank Check Disposition


Allows you to translate check dispositions received from banks to system-equivalent check dispositions. A check disposition is a status that the check is in, such as "cleared". This page is primarily used in the automated check reconciliation process.

Category Cap


Allows you to define and maintain annual cap amounts. You can establish a maximum allowable deduction amount for deduction processing or maximum allowable payout amount for leave processing. The Category Type indicates if the category cap is a Deduction (DED) or Leave (LEAV) category cap.

The Use Pay Period End check box indicates if the calendar year from the Check Date or the Pay Period End Date is used for calculating Category Cap (CCAP) Subject Gross Cap yearly limits. If this check box is selected, the calendar year from the Pay Period End Date is used for calculating Category Cap (CCAP) Subject Gross Cap yearly limits.

CCOMP Profile


Provides the ability to define and maintain codes that are permissible combinations of Client Compensation plans and pay types, and provides fields to set up the control of pay and leave for compensatory time. This page is used to group employees who follow the same Client Compensation rules.

Chart Rule


Allows you to define the codes that groups employees into time periods during which they were hired. The chart rules then determine what pay or leave rate an employee receives based on the date the employee was hired or started work. This page is applicable for pay rates if you entered Y in the USE CHART FOR TD PAY FL parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page, and is applicable for leave if you entered Y in the USE CHART FOR LEAVE FL parameter or the USE CHART ON LEAVE CATEGORY parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page.

Check Message Selection


Allows you to define personal messages to be printed on selected groups of employee checks.

Check Print Parameter


Provides information to the Check Print process, in order to print checks or generate an electronic funds transfer (EFT) file. More specifically, this page provides the Check Print process with the bank account number for the checks and electronic fund transfers in each pay cycle and payroll group combination. The check print process is run after Gross-to-Net and the check formatting process.

Check Stub Section


Allows you define Check Stub Sections and their associated Attribute Prefixes.

Configurable Pay



Allows you to define configurable pay rules to generate specified pay for identified employees.

Configurable Pay Method


Displays information on the methods available for use in Configurable Pay rules.

Contract Period Identification


Allows you to define the codes that identify the time periods that constitute each type of contract.

Contract/Reserve Pay Policy


Allows you to identify the contract and reserve pay policy’s eligibility and liquidation rules.

FICA Class


Allows you to define the valid combinations of participation in the OASDI and Medicare deductions. Please note that you can set up a FICA class that has no OASDI or Medicare information for people who are exempt from FICA. You can also set up a class for employees who are exempt from OASDI but not exempt from Medicare.

FLSA and Client Comp Hours


Allows you to define hours charged against an FLSA and/or Client Comp plan type. In order for employees to receive FLSA (compensatory time or overtime pay) or Client Comp (client specified pay or leave compensation), they must work the maximum hours stated in their FLSA or Client Comp plan type. For example, professional staff work 40 hours each week prior to compensatory time, Overtime pay, or client compensated pay or leave.

FLSA and Client Comp Work Cycle


Defines all of the valid FLSA and Client Compensation Work Cycles that can be used on FLSA Profile (FLPR), Client Compensation Pay and Leave Profile (CCPR), and Pay Cycle (CYCL). This page allows you to define the codes for FLSA and/or Client Compensation work cycles that are used to specify time periods that constitute a normal work schedule for different FLSA and/or Client Comp plan types. For example, police officers or firefighters might have a work schedule made up of varying shifts, while a receptionist works a more structured Monday through Friday shift.

FLSA Profile


Allows you to associate the permissible combinations of FLSA plans and pay types and provides fields to set up the control of pay for compensatory time or overtime.

If Built-in Pensionable Premium OT is selected, the employee's FLSA Premium Overtime earnings are split into built-in pensionable and other non-pensionable premium pay events for all employees with this FLSA Profile during FLSA Gross-to-Net processing. If this field is not selected, then the system utilizes normal FLSA Gross-to-Net processing. Built-in Pensionable Pay Type is used to issue the pensionable Premium Overtime earnings for all hours included in the range stated by the Built-In OT Pensionable Hours field of the FLSA and Client Comp Hours (FCHR) page. Once the pensionable Premium Overtime has been issued for the specified range, all remaining FLSA Premium Overtime pay continues to use the pay event type specified in the Pay Type field on FLSA Profile (FLPR).



Allows you to define the codes that can be used to determine employees’ pay or promotion schedule. The use of Grade is controlled by SPAR entries and is on an employee’s title (TITL) or overridden on ESMT.

Historical Check Detail


The Historical Check Detail (HISTCHCK) page displays an individual employee's deductions for previously processed checks.

Historical Deduction Summary Detail


The Historical Deduction Summary Detail (HISTDED) page displays a summary of an individual employee's deductions for previously processed checks.

Leave Action


Allows you to define the codes that identify the action to take for a particular leave category when performing balance checking. Possible leave actions include drawing down a balance, bringing up a balance, rolling balances, paying out balances, and reporting out of bounds conditions with no balance adjustment. Each leave action entered on the Leave Category (LPCT) page must be defined on this page.

Leave Bank


Allows you to define codes for leave bank categories that identify Leave Banks. Leave bank categories can be used by employees to donate leave in the leave bank or withdraw leave during exigency. When defining a Leave Bank Category, you must specify the Bank Type as Accumulation or Direct Donation. Accumulation bank type is used to accumulate leave donated by employees for distribution to other employees, whereas the Direct Donation bank type is used to donate leave directly to the recipient employee’s account.

Leave Category


The Leave Category (LPCT) page lists all leave categories for a given leave policy. A leave category defines a type of leave balance. For each category in this page, thresholds for a leave balance are defined for daily, monthly, and annual leave processing and leave actions are specified for each out of bounds condition. The page also indicates the frequency of balance checking for a given category.

Leave Frequency


Allows you to define the codes which identify how often leave balances are accrued (i. e. weekly, biweekly, monthly). The Leave Frequency codes are entered on the Leave Policy Type (LPET) and Pay Cycle (CYCL) pages.

Leave Policy


Allows you to define the codes that identify all leave policies used by an organization to govern all employee leave processing. The application refers to these policies when processing employee transactions. The number of policies set up reflects the amount of control over leave processing. For example, you can set up an exception and positive leave policy, or you can set up more specific policies such as exception-administrative, exception-technical, or positive-administrative, and positive-technical.

Leave Policy Event Type


Allows you to define all valid leave types for a given leave policy. For each leave type entered, leave event parameters such as minimum and maximum amount limits are specified.

Leave Progression Rule


Allows you to track the various, progressively increasing leave accrual rates of employees. Since employees typically earn leave based on length of service, this page provides a mechanism for retrieving leave accrual rates, based on length of service, from the Leave Rate (LPRT) page. The system calculates length of service based on event date and the leave progression start date from the employee's assignment record. Furthermore, the usage of leave progression rule is controlled by SPAR.

Leave Rate


Allows you to define the guaranteed minimum leave accrual, the minimum number of hours required for accrual, the standard number of hours required and the standard accrual rate for each leave type. The guaranteed minimum accrual and the standard accrual rate are expressed in the basis for the leave type, and the minimum and standard required hours are always expressed in hours. Prorated accruals are based on the ratio of included hours to standard hours multiplied by standard accrual rate. The maximum thresholds and dispositions for each leave event may also be defined on this page.



The Locality (LOCL) reference page is used to establish local tax identifiers. A Local ID field is tied to a Deduction Type record, and allows employees’ pay and deductions to be tracked by locality.

Note: The LOCL reference page is timeline maintained.

Mass Approval Trigger


Allows you to approve pending payments. Approvals can be made according to agency, organization, or retro processing run number.

Mass Change Requests for One-time Transactions


The Mass Change Requests for One-time Transactions (MAS3) page is used to produce one-time transactions for many employees at one time. One- time transactions are those normally entered on the following pages: One-time Payment (OPAY) to generate a one-time payment for a specific amount, One-time Deduction (OTDED) to generate a one-time deduction for a specific amount or rate, Retroactive Trigger (RTRG) to generate a request to perform a retroactive pay calculation or leave accrual, and Supplemental Pay Trigger (STRG) to request to include an employee in a supplemental pay cycle.

Offline Process Configuration


The Offline Process Configuration (OPROC) reference page provides the ability to configure feature specific payroll information so that employees can be processed based on site specific information.

Pay and Leave Events


Allows you to define and identify pay and leave events such as regular pay and leave without pay. The event codes are primarily used on time and leave transactions.

Pay and Leave Category


Allows you to define and identify types of categories for pay, deduction, compensation, leave processing, and leave bank processing events. The category is also used for pay and deduction reporting purposes (e.g., W-2 and 941 reporting) and check printing. In addition, this page defines how events are summarized and stored on the employee’s records, how the leave category balances are calculated (i.e., year-to-date, inception-to-date, etc.), and how the leave category amounts are defined (i.e., hourly, daily, etc.).

Pay Class


Allows you to define the grouping for employees whose pay is calculated in an identical manner. The Pay Class code on an employee's record informs the system on how to interpret an employee's permanent pay parameters, and to receive rates of pay from the Pay Rate (PPRT) page for table-driven pay. In addition, the page allows you to define a retirement work schedule and retirement pay code.

Pay Cycle


Allows you to define a distinct payroll cycle period in which pay, deduction, and pension details are processed for a given group of employees. The definition includes pay period begin date, pay period end date, check date, multiple compensation end dates, and pension system parameters.

Pay Cycle Pattern


Used to indicate what Pay Cycle records are created by the Populate CYCL and WCPC Tables batch process. This process eases the data entry associated with maintaining the Pay Cycle (CYCL) and Work Cycle for Pay Cycle (WCPC) tables by creating entries, on CYCL and WCPC, based on user input via the Pay Cycle Pattern (PCPT) and Work Cycle Pattern (WCPT) pages. The Populate CYCL and WCPC Table batch process creates CYCL and WCPC entries within the user-defined timeframe.

Pay Event Frequency


Allows you to define the frequency codes entered on the Event Type (EVNT) page that are used on the Pay Cycle (CYCL) page to indicate when a payment should be issued. For example, once per month.

Pay Period


Allows you to define time and pay parameters for each pay period. After the initial entries for each pay period are established, this page is automatically updated for each payroll number in each pay period.

This page must also be set up for each Payroll Number before the payroll number can be included in a gross-to-net run. When Gross-to-Net is run, this table is updated with the next successive entry from the Pay Cycle (CYCL) page entries.

Pay Policy


Allows you to define the codes that describe valid pay policies applicable each pay period. The system refers to these policies when processing employee transactions. The number of policies you set up reflects the amount of control you want over pay processing. For example, you can set up an exception and positive pay policy, or you can set up more specified policies such as exception-administrative, exception-technical, or positive-administrative and positive-technical.

Pay Policy Event Type


This page allows you to define whether or not a pay event is valid for a specified pay policy and defines how pay for the event is calculated for that policy. A wildcard pay policy can be entered with an event type on the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) page. It is represented as *****/ Event Type.

Pay Policy Rate


Allows you to define an organization's pay plans and allows an employee's pay to be table-driven. Depending on the options selected on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page, pay rates can be established on Pay Rate (PPRT) for any combination of grade, step, pay chart or pay progression.

Pay Progression Rule


Allows you to define the codes that provide a mechanism for retrieving pay event rates. These pay event rates are based on length of service. The system calculates length of service based on event date and the progression start date from the employee's assignment record. Furthermore, the use of pay progression rule is controlled by SPAR.

Payroll COA Required Elements


The Payroll COA Required Elements (PCREQ) reference page is used to define the Chart of Accounts (COA) elements that are required on transactions and reference pages that use accounting distributions. The transactions that use accounting distributions are Employee Accounting Data (DEPTA), Employee Event Accounting Information (DEPTE),

Payroll Group


Allows you to define the groups of employees for check printing purposes based on their assigned pay cycle. The payroll group is assigned to employees on the Payroll Number (PYNO) page. For example, Department 010 pays employees on a weekly and biweekly basis; therefore, Department 010 defines on this page one payroll group for weekly paid employees and one payroll group for biweekly paid employees.

Payroll Number


Allows you to define the payroll numbers used to group employees for whom pay is generated at the same time. This page also identifies the payroll group with which a payroll number is associated.

Personnel Action Rules for Employee Assignment


Allows you to define by Personnel Action which fields on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction are to be displayed for population as well as how to input data on the Personnel Action Wizard pages.

Personnel Action Wizard Rules Leave Processing


Allows you to configure leave termination processing rules for leave balances. The page allows you to define whether a leave balance should be paid out or reset to zero based on a personnel action or personnel action/reason combination for a valid Leave Policy and Leave Category combination.

Premium Day


Identifies the dates that will qualify for “Premium Day” automated payments. The Premium Day Schedule ID, is inferred on the Automated Pay Criteria (AUPC) page. The Premium Day Date field identifies the date of the day that qualifies for the automated payments.

Reimbursement Category per Plan Year


Allows you to validate the appropriate reimbursement and salary reduction categories for each Plan year by linking a Reimbursement Category from RPLY to a particular Salary Reduction Category from SLPY. The PREM page also indicates whether the benefit program is a medical or dependent care Flexible Spending Account and if the account if allowed to go negative, i.e. accept reimbursements that exceed the amount contributed by the employee in the specified Plan Year.

Reimbursement Plan Year


Allows you to identify the start and end dates of the Plan Year for reimbursement categories.

Reserve Payout Factor


Allows you to determine the factor to be used for contract or reserve calculation purposes depending on the contract model in effect. The regular model pays out a portion of the accrued reserve based the table factor. The new model pays out a portion of the anticipated contract based on the table factor. For example, by setting the numerator to 1 and the denominator to 3, 1/3 of the accrued reserve is paid out under the old model and 1/3 of the estimated contract is the target payment under the new model.

Retirement Pay Code to Amount Basis


Allows you to crosswalk the Retirement System, Retirement Pay Code, and Amount Basis ID to the Retirement Pay Code Amount Basis ID in order to support the payroll engine in determining the retirement pay rate.

Retro Frequency Selection


Along with the Retroactive Pay Trigger (RTRG) page, this page controls the scheduling of retro calculations and payments. This page lets you control when certain groups of employees retroactive triggers are to be processed. At least one Retro Frequencies entry must be entered in order to run an offline retroactive pay process successfully. If all retroactive pay triggers are to be picked up every time your site runs retroactive pay processing, enter all asterisks (*) in all fields, leaving Retro Frequencies blank.

Retroactive Processing Frequency


Allows you to define the codes used on the Retroactive Frequency Selection (RSEL) page, and in parameters for retroactive pay processing jobs.

Salary Reduction Plan Year


Allows you to identify the start and end dates of the Plan Year for salary reduction categories.



Allows you to define the increments within a grade. Based on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) set up, step can be used in determining pay and leave accrual rates.

Step Placement and Progression Rule


The Step Placement and Progression Rule (SPPRL) page is used to define how an employee's Pay, Grade and Step progresses. The Step Placement and Progression Rule (SPPRL) page is used to store the number of months an employee needs to stay in a particular Grade and Step before they can become eligible for promotion to the next Step within the same Grade.

This page allows you to specify how Step placement and progression occurs for a specific Pay Policy and Grade. The Step Placement and Progression Rules are measured in the number of months an employee has worked.

State Tax Reporting


The State Tax Reporting (STRPT) reference page allows to track all information specific to a state for annual tax reporting, in one location.

Time Category


Allows you to define codes that specify either a Labor Distribution Profile or an Object/Sub-Object to which overtime hours are posted. This code is then entered on the Event Type (EVNT) page for base pay. Whenever an employee works overtime (as defined by the employee standard pay period hours on Pay Class (PYCL)), those hours are charged to the accounting distribution specified by the time category if the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page entry ACCTG CHARGE EXCESS TIME CATEG has the Yes/No Flag check box selected.

Tax Reporting


Defines which pay and deduction categories are included or excluded on such reporting processes as W-2s, Quarterly Summary Reporting, 1099-Rs, and 1042-Ss. It also defines which pay or deduction categories are included in the Payroll Summary (QPYR) UI - Inquiry.

Tax Reporting Description


Defines the descriptions for each report ID. These report items are used to group categories on the Tax Reporting (TAXR) page for reporting or UI - Inquiry purposes. Refer to the Tax Reporting Supplement for information on setting up report items used in tax reporting. The page also defines the State ID and Local IDs.

Time Classification


Allows you to define the codes which identify the different periods of time which comprise valid work weeks.

Timesheet Event Selection


The Timesheet Event Selection page allows you to indicate pay and leave event type codes to be printed on a timesheet for an employee. Using this page, you define the list of valid events for a given pay or leave policy, Work Location, Position Number, and pay location along with organizational values like Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local. The event type codes that are printed on an employee's timesheet are based on this defined list. An employee in a policy and pay location not defined on this page does not have any event codes printed. Many times, there are event codes that are common across pay locations within a pay policy or leave policy. The system allows a wildcard values for Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, Work Location and Pay Location.

User List


Allows you to define the lists of system codes to be used in Configurable Pay rules.

Work Cycle


Allows you to define the scheduled shifts, hours, and days that constitute the entered work cycle.

Work Cycle For Pay Cycle


Used to define all of the Work Cycles (FCWK) and their associated end dates with a particular Pay Cycle record. This structure allows for an unlimited number of Work Cycles to be associated with a single Pay Cycle record.

Work Cycle Pattern


Used to define a group of Work Cycles that are associated with a specific Pay Cycle code. These entries define what Work Cycle for Pay Cycle (WCPC) entries should be automatically created by the Populate CYCL and WCPC Tables batch process. This process eases the data entry associated with maintaining the Pay Cycle (CYCL) and Work Cycle for Pay Cycle (WCPC) tables by creating entries, on CYCL and WCPC, based on user input via the Pay Cycle Pattern (PCPT) and Work Cycle Pattern (WCPT) pages. The Populate CYCL and WCPC Tables batch process creates all the CYCL and WCPC records for that year.

Work Day


Allows you to define normal work days, off days (i.e. weekends), holidays, and contract work days for each work cycle.

Work Type


Allows you to define the codes that identify the duties or positions employees or applicants can fill or filled in the past. This code is used on the Employee Prior Work History (EWRK) and Applicant Prior Work History (AWRK) pages.