Step 1 - Verify Processing (PACTWP)
After entering the Personnel Action Wizard the first page that is displayed is the Personnel Action Wizard - Verify Processing (PACTWP) page.
The Personnel Action/Personnel Action Reason combination is used to retrieve the Personnel Action Rules for Employee Assignment (PAWREA) page. The rules on PAWREA are used to determine inputs for the fields on the PACTWP page of the wizard.
The PACTWP page displays the information for this session of the Personnel Action Wizard for the employee. At the bottom of the page, the following options are displayed. Select the check boxes that are applicable:
Update Employee Assignment Attributes - This check box is a display-only field and defaults to selected. All personnel actions initiated through this wizard will update the employee’s assignment record(s).
Update Employee Benefit and Deduction Attributes - Based on the rules on PAWREA, this check box can infer as cleared or selected. This field may be overridden based on the rules set up on PAWREA.
Update Employee Leave Balance Attributes - Based on the rules on PAWREA, this check box can infer as cleared or selected and in addition, the rules on PAWREA determine if this field may be overridden. For any Non-Termination Action Type, this check box is always cleared.
Once all options have been verified, select the Continue button to start Wizard processing. At this point the processing is different based on the value of the Action Type on PACTWP. The following topics detail the processing that is taken for either a Termination or Non-Termination Action Type.
Personnel Action Wizard - Termination Action Types Flow Diagram
Personnel Action Wizard - Non-Termination Action Types Flow Diagram
Refer to the following topics for additional steps:
Step 2 - Employee Assignment Updates (Non-Termination Types) or Step 2 - Employee Assignment Updates - Termination Types