Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR)
The Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) transaction allows you to record and view information relating to the assignment of an employee to multiple positions. This enables an employee to be assigned to as many as ten different positions for a given appointment. In order to assign an employee to multiple positions, their assignment record must be set up on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction with the Split Position check box selected. In addition, the sum of the values entered in the Percent Full-time field for each position defined in the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance transaction must be equal to the Percent Full-time value defined on Employee Status Maintenance. For example, if an employee is part-time, with a Percent Full-time of 0.7500 (or 75%) defined on Employee Status Maintenance and has two positions defined on Position Distribution Profile Maintenance, the total percent must equal 0.7500 (such as 0.5000 for one position and 0.2500 for the other).
The Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) transaction has the following tabs:
Position Distribution ProfilePosition Distribution Profile
Use this tab to enter the Position Distribution Profile information including the Employee ID and the effective date in the From field.
Position Distribution Profile DetailPosition Distribution Profile Detail
This tab captures the following information:
General information regarding each position is captured, including the Department and Position Number. For each line entered on the page, the Department, Unit, and Position Number must be unique. This ensures that the same position is not listed twice. Valid values for the Labor Distribution Override Option are: Use Entered Accounting Values, User Entered Labor Distribution Profile, and Use Position Accounting Values. Note: Split position processing is only allowed when the Split Position check box on ESMT is selected. This indicates that the current assignment is using a split position. In addition, the sum of the Percent Full-time fields must be equal to the Percent Full-time defined on the employee's assignment (ESMT).
Fund and Detail accounting information can also be captured.
Refer to the following topic that contains instructions on the task that can be performed using the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance transaction: