Position Maintenance (PSMT)

The Position Maintenance (PSMT) transaction allows you to create a new position, change the status of an existing position, and define or change profile attributes of a position.

When the POSITION CONTROL SITE parameter on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is set to Yes, the Short Description, Union Local, Civil Service Status, Pay Class, and Payroll Number fields can be left blank, and the values of these fields will be inferred from Sub-Title (STTL) when the transaction is validated, saved, or submitted. If these fields are manually populated, the values entered will override those values inferred from Sub-Title. If the POSITION CONTROL SITE parameter is set to No, no values will be inferred from Sub-Title.

Field InformationField Information

  • This transaction captures general information, such as Department, Position Number, effective date in the From field, and a short description in the Short Description field. The Unit, a long description and an expiration date can also be entered. Note: Enter a five digit number for Position Number. Do not enter Position Number if the Position Status is New, since it is auto-generated by the system. For more information on automatic generation of Position Number, refer to the "Automatic Generation of Position ID" topic.

  • Enter the position attribute information including the Assignment Type, Title, Position Status, Pay Class, and Payroll Number.

  • Enter override profile and pay information.

  • Define evaluation details.

  • Enter the accounting source information in the Labor Distribution Override Option field. If Use Appointment Accounting Values is selected, no override accounting attributes are allowed. If Use Entered Accounting Values is selected, the override accounting attributes are required. If Use Entered Labor Distribution Profile is selected, an override labor distribution profile is required and should be entered in the Labor Distribution Profile field.

  • Fund accounting and detail fund accounting information can be entered.

  • You can track the "reporting to" information or organizational charting.

  • Capture Old Unit information.

  • Capture new unit information for manual reorganization/reclassifications.


Refer to the following topic that contains instructions on the task that can be performed using the Position Maintenance transaction: