Employee Onboarding Setup
The following reference pages are required for a Human Resource Administrators to be able to define activities or tasks, assign the task and set task due dates as part of the employee onboarding.
Employee Action Task - allows you to define the rules on when a User Task is automatically assigned, in which Task Category it will be assigned, whom it will be assigned to, and when it will be due.
Task Assignment - reference page allows you to monitor, add, update, or remove assigned User Tasks.
Task Category - reference page allows you to define categories associated with User Tasks, which are used to determine on which pages or reports the assigned User Tasks appear.
User Task - reference page allows you to define an item to be completed, by an Assignee defined on the Employee Action and Task page or on the Task Assignment page.
Configurable Task - transaction is the configured template defined within a User Task record with a Destination Type of ‘Non Advantage Task’.