Reference Tables
The Recruiting and Staffing business area includes the following reference tables:
Name |
Page Code |
Description |
Activity Result |
The Activity Result (RSLT) page allows you to define codes which describe applicants’ performance in different tests and activities during the interview process. These codes are also used to describe the result of various activities scheduled for a job notice. |
Applicant Status |
The Applicant Status (APST) page allows you to define codes which describe the status an applicant may hold in the application process. For example, a code of AC can be defined as Active to indicate the applicant is actively applying for a job notice, or a code of HI can be defined as Hired to indicate the applicant has been hired and is now an employee. |
Applicant Status Reason |
The Applicant Status Reason (APSR) page allows you to define codes which describe the reasoning used in assigning an applicant an application status code. For example, an applicant might have a status of UNAV to indicate the applicant is currently unavailable to be hired. |
Applicant Tracking Activity |
The Applicant Tracking Activity (ATVY) page allows you to define the codes which describe any activities associated with a job notice that an applicant participates in during the interview process. Examples of such activities could be a typing test or a technical interview. |
Applicant Tracking Title Group |
The Applicant Tracking Title Group (ATTG) page allows you to define the salary range, job requirements and pay policy for a specific set of job notices. |
Department Ranking |
The Department Ranking (RANK) page allows you to define the codes which describe the preference an applicant might have for one department in comparison to another. |
Employee Action and Task |
The Employee Action and Task (EACT) page allows you to define the rules on when a User Task is assigned, in which Task Category it will be assigned, whom it will be assigned to, and when it will be due. |
Geographic Location |
The Geographic Location (GEOG) page allows you to define codes which identify the area where an applicant currently resides, or the area where an applicant is seeking employment. |
Interview Rating |
The Interview Rating (IRTG) page allows you to define codes which describe applicants’ performance during the interview process. |
Job Notice Status |
The Job Notice Status (JNST) page allows you to define the codes which identify the possible statuses a job notice might have. For example, a job notice may have an open status, whereby the general public can apply for the job, or an internal status, whereby only internal employees are eligible to apply. |
Job Notice Type |
The Job Notice Type (JNTP) page allows you to define the codes which group job notices into categories. These categories, or types, of job notices give a general description of the types of duties the employee performs. For example, all managerial jobs can be grouped under one job notice type, while all secretarial jobs can be grouped under another job notice category. |
Job Notice Status Reason |
The Job Notice Status Reason (JNSR) page allows you to define the codes which describe the basis for assigning a job notice a particular status. For example, a job notice might be assigned an internal status because this job notice is only open to existing employees for promotion opportunities. |
Job Requirements |
The Job Requirements (JBRQ) page allows you to define any requirements of a specified job notice. |
Job Requirement Competency |
The Job Requirement Competency (JBRC) page allows you to identify the competencies required for a job. |
Job Requirement Interview |
The Job Requirement Interview (JBRI) page allows you to create and maintain Job Requirement Interview information. |
Job Requirement Other Factor |
The Job Requirement Other Factor (JBRO) page allows you to identify the other factors required for a job. |
Job Requirement Test Type |
The Job Requirement Test Type (JBRT) page allows you to identify the types of tests required for a job. |
Job Statement |
The Job Statement (JSTA) page allows you to define the codes which identify statements found on a Job Notice Statement (JBST) page. The Job Statement page only defines valid job statement codes; it does not define the job description. |
Mass Task Assignment Center |
The Mass Task Assignment Center (MTAC) wizard provides a way to assign tasks to a subset of employees based on Department, Unit, Title and so on. |
Other Factors |
The Other Factors (FACT) page allows you to define codes describing any factors considered in the recruiting process that relate to applicants, but are not included in any other category. For example, if an applicant is fluent in a foreign language, this could be defined on this page. |
Personnel Action Checklist |
The Personnel Action Checklist (PACH) page stores the contents of each Personnel Action Checklist. A Personnel Action Checklist is a list of transactions that need to be completed when a given Personnel Action code and Department code are used on a transaction. These checklists include both Advantage and non-Advantage, off-line transactions. The PACH page is keyed by Personnel Action code, Department, and Personnel Action Reason. It has two additional sections, one for On-Line and one for Off-Line transactions. These sections allow the creation of lists of on-line or off-line transactions that need to be completed whenever the designated Personnel Action code/Department code combination is used for an employee. |
Recommendation |
The Recommendation (RCMD) page allows you to define codes which describe any recommendations relating to applicants. For example, an interviewer can recommend that an applicant is suited for a management position based on his or her background. |
Recruitment Related Transactions |
The Recruitment Related Transactions (RECCATRD) page displays all transactions that can be modified or created from the section that was active prior to selecting the Related Transactions section. Transactions with a Transaction Phase of Pending or Draft, and that are for the selected entity(s) (i.e. Employee ID, Position Number, etc.) from which the Related Transactions section was selected are shown on the Related Transactions page. In the case of multiple entities, the transactions that are shown on the Related Transactions page take into account all previously selected entities. For example, in the Recruitment (RECR) activity folder, the section hierarchy is Applicant, Job Application, and Job Notice. When a user is on the Job Application section and selects the Related Transactions link, all JOBA transactions for the selected applicant and for ALL job notices are shown. When a user is on the Job Notice section and selects the Related Transactions link all JNOT transactions for the selected job notice and the applicant from the previous section are shown. |
Recruitment Transaction Catalog |
The Recruitment Transaction Catalog (RECCATLG) page allows you to search for a recruitment-related transaction or to create a recruitment -related transaction. You can search for a recruitment -related transaction by clicking on Transaction Search and can create a transaction by clicking on Create Transaction. This page enables you to view all recent transactions in the system, open and process existing transactions and create new transactions and batches. It provides the following information about each transaction - Version Number, Phase, Status, Create Date, Create User ID etc. |
Recruitment Worklist |
The Recruitment Worklist (RECWKLST) page lists the work assigned to you. You receive your assigned work based on previously set approval rules. Approval processing routes the recruitment -related transactions to the specified users and roles. The routings then appear in your Worklist. Recruitment-related transactions are always routed to an assignee's Worklist. Once you have received and approved a particular transaction, you have the ability to select the Recall link, enabling you to review the transaction again. The Recall action recalls that transaction and any other transactions that are still in Pending status, along with those transactions which reflect that your approval is the highest one applied to the transaction. The process of recalling is actually an unassigned unapproval; however, you may re-approve the transaction or perform a Reject action. The transaction must be submitted in order to move into Final status. |
Referral Source |
The Referral Source (REFR) page allows you to define the codes which identify the possible sources where an applicant heard of the job opening. |
Special Requirement |
The Special Requirements (SPRQ) page allows you to define codes which identify any special abilities an applicant must have to be eligible for a job, such as a fluency in speaking or writing Spanish, or an ability to type proficiently at over 85 words per minute. |
Task Assignment |
The Task Assignment (TSKA) page allows you to monitor, add, update, or remove assigned User Tasks. |
Task Category |
The Task Category (TCAT) page allows you to define categories associated with User Tasks, which are used to determine on which pages or reports the assigned User Tasks appear. These categories are associated to the User Task within the Employee Action and Task or Task Assignment pages. |
Test Type |
The Test Type (TETP) page allows you to define the codes that describe any tests an employee might have to pass in order to be eligible for a job notice. |
User Task |
The User Task (UTSK) page allows you to define the item to be completed, which relates either to an Advantage transaction or to a configurable template for tracking items currently outside of Advantage. |