Business Area Overview

The Advantage HRM system provides the ability to track an employee’s enrollment in and contributions to a retirement system. This functionality involves several system elements including: online reference tables, the payroll process, a batch job to load the payroll details into a table, and finally an activity folder and adjustment transaction to view and modify the entries on the table. This functionality is currently reserved to support state reporting requirements for the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) and the California Public Employee’s Retirement System (CalPERS).

  • In the Advantage HRM system, online reference pages allow you to establish and maintain retirement information. The online tables used for retirement processing are listed in the "Advanced - Setup" topic. Together these tables control retirement processing for the site as well as for an individual. These pages establish Pension Systems and Pension Tiers as well as associating combinations of Pension System and Pension Tier to specific retirement systems such as STRS and PERS. Default Retirement Pay Codes, Retirement Contribution Codes, Assign Codes and Retirement Service dates are established using the reference pages. Pension system override codes and a crosswalk table for amount basis conversion are also populated as part of the online reference pages.

  • The Pension Profile (PENS) transaction allows you to record and view information pertaining to an employee's pension plan and pension deductions. Although pension profiles can be established at the appointment level, retirement processing requires that the Pension Profile be entered at the employee level. All employees who are using retirement processing should have the Appointment ID set to ‘*’. If no Pension System and Pension Tier is established for the employee on PENS, retirement processing uses the Pension System and Pension Tier from the Sub-Title (STTL) entry associated with the employee’s primary (blank) appointment.

  • Once you have set up the reference pages, the payroll process calculates each employee’s retirement contributions. Once calculated, these details are stored on the Deduction Detail tables along with other relevant retirement information. The Deduction Detail tables store retirement information such as the Retirement Service Dates that a deduction is associated with, the Earnings that were used to calculate the deduction, the Retirement Pay Code, and Retirement Pay Rate associated with the retirement activity. The Deduction Detail tables also stores information such as the Retirement Contribution Code assigned to the deduction activity.

  • After the payroll process is completed, the STRS PERS Extract batch job is run. This batch program updates the Retirement Contribution Detail table with the details from the Deduction Detail tables. During processing, the extract uses the DPLN / BENP / EFBP and RTCC tables from online to determine how deduction details should be grouped and summarized for reporting purposes. Additional table lookups are performed to populated fields needed for specific reporting requirements. Once the Extract process is complete, the Retirement Contribution Detail table can be viewed online using the Retirement Contribution Management Inquiry (RTCM) activity folder. From the activity folder, the Retirement Contribution Adjustment (RCADJ) transaction can be launched so that contribution details can be modified or deleted.

The retirement contribution details stored on the Retirement Contribution Detail table can then be used by clients to generate interface files and reports need to fulfill state reporting requirements. Refer to the following topics for additional information.