Creating/Modifying Timesheets Group (TIMEG)

A Timesheet Group (TIMEG) transaction provides timekeepers with the ability to enter time for a group of employees on a single timesheet transaction. The Timesheet Group transaction reduces the input time and navigation required to enter time for multiple employees by providing a single timesheet applicable for multiple employees. This transaction supports the entry of multiple department/unit combinations by a single timekeeper to be reported on a single timesheet and automatically generate pre-populated group timesheet templates. The Timesheet Group transaction can accommodate any of the Advantage HRM supported standard payroll cycles. Overrides (pay rate, assignment information) are not available on the Timesheet Group transaction.

If a Department/Unit has more than one timekeeper, each timekeeper is able to create a Timesheet Group transaction and generate a full list of eligible employees on the transaction. Each timekeeper only has the ability to fill out records for the employees for which they are responsible or to which they have security access.

To setup the application to use the Timesheet Group transaction, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Establish the employees who needs to be included in a designated Timesheet Group via the Timesheet Group (TSG) page. The Timesheet Group (TSG) page allows employees from multiple departments/units, pay and work locations to be associated with a designated Timesheet Group. For information on defining or modifying a Timesheet Group, refer to the Creating/Modifying Timesheet Groups topic. Note: It is the responsibility of the timekeeper to maintain the employee(s) associated with a Timesheet Group.  

Creating/Modifying a Group Timesheet (TIMEG) Transaction

To create or modify a Timesheet Group (TIMEG) transaction, launch the Timesheet Group transaction from the transaction catalog or from View Group Timesheet carousel page and perform the following steps:

  1. On the Create New Group Timesheet modal window, enter the required fields and select the Create button. Note: ” * ” denotes a required field.

  2. The Time Entry tab contains the employee details as well as the hours information, used for reporting hours for the selected employee. The information on this tab is automatically populated based on the Timesheet Group Setup (TIMEGS) reference page settings. By default, the Employee ID, Appointment ID, and Employee Name details will be present on initial load if the Automatically Fill is disabled on Timesheet Group Setup page. When Automatically Fill is enabled the event and hours information will be populated along with employee information. These event rows can be manually inserted and deleted as needed. The event rows with the same event are considered duplicates and not allowed.

  3. The Other Activity tab is an optional setting on the Timesheet Group Setup page. This tab is displayed on Timesheet Group when the related check box is selected on the Timesheet Group Setup page. This tab is extensively used to report dollar and unit based amounts.

  4. Select the Summary section to view the summary of the employees and their time details that is being reported on the Time Entry tab. The Employee Hours Summary section displays all the employees, their event, time, and leave details that have been entered.

  5. Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.  The validation process verifies whether an employee has been reported on a submitted Timesheet Group transaction for the same pay period. Note: The Summary section may be downloaded with or without hours for added convenience in gathering time to be reported.

  6. Select Submit to save your entries.

  7. Select Close to exit the Group Timesheet transaction.  

Once a TIMEG transaction has been created, it is viewable via the General Transaction Catalog and the Time Transaction Catalog. It is also on the General Worklist and the Time Worklist. Users are able to search for and open only those TIMEG transactions for which they have security access granted. Employees may have more than one submitted TIMEG transaction per pay period.

When the TIMEG transaction is submitted into Final status, the Time-to-Gross (TTG) processing should occur that creates pending payments and adjusts leave balances. Upon validating or submitting the TIMEG transaction, pay and leave events are validated against the employee’s pay and leave policies, and the leave balances are checked against the employee’s available leave.

The TIMEG transaction supports transaction versioning. TIMEG transaction versioning allows users to make necessary modifications to a transaction in both the Draft and Final phase and provides the ability to track the changes with an updated version number. While the version number might change, the transaction number stays the same. When a new version is created for a draft TIMEG transaction, the previous version of the draft transaction changes to the phase of Conflict Draft. When a new version is created for a final TIMEG transaction, the previous version of the final transaction changes to the phase of Historical (Final). The following outlines when the Edit button is available to modify a TIMEG transaction, and when a new version of a TIMEG transaction is created during each transaction phase:

Draft: The user of a TIMEG transaction in the draft phase can reopen the transaction and select Edit without creating a new version of the transaction. If anyone other than the original creator of the TIMEG transaction selects Edit, then a new version will be created for the transaction.

Pending: The Edit button is not available when the TIMEG transaction is in the phase of Pending. The Recall from Workflow (if original submitter) or Reject All (if not the original submitter) button needs to be selected, putting the transaction back into the phase of Draft. A new version of the TIMEG transaction is created when Edit is selected after being pulled out of the phase of Pending.

Final: A new version of a transaction is created when any user selects the Edit button on a TIMEG transaction in the phase of Final.

TIMEG transaction versioning is a configurable setting and is enabled under the following conditions:

  • The Yes/No Flag of the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) EARLIEST TIME VERSIONING DATE is selected (set to true), and the date is specified in the Text Value field of this parameter, and

  • The Modify Action Allowed check box on the Transaction Control (DCTRL) reference page is checked for the record with the Transaction Type code equal to TIMEG.

Comments and Indicators on the TIMEG Entry section

A comment can be added to an event line for an employee within the TIMEG transaction to note the reason for changes from one version to another. When a comment has been added, the existing comments icon indicator is displayed on the employee’s event line. This provides users with the ability to easily identify when a comment has been added.  

The TIMEG transaction visibly indicates when an employee’s event lines have been modified from one version to the next using an icon indicator. The icon is displayed on the employee detail line. This provides users with the ability to easily identify the changes that have been made to employee detail lines between versions of the TIMEG.

Group Timesheet Query (GTSQ)

Group Timesheets may also be queried from the Group Timesheet Query (GTSQ) page. Any of the following can be used to search for a particular group timesheet: Transaction Code, Transaction Department, Transaction Unit, Transaction ID, Status, Pay Period Start Date, Pay Period End Date, Timesheet Group, User ID, and Pay Cycle Type. From the results returned on the search, the user has the ability to select the Transaction ID link and be presented with the specified group timesheet.