Create Grant Opportunity using GTAOD

To create a Grant Opportunity transaction from the Available Opportunity Detail (GTAOD) table, perform these steps:

Note: Setup is required on DCTRL, APPCTRL and ADNT before the following steps can be performed. Refer to the “Creating Opportunity Transactions from GTAOD and GTAOS” topic for more information.

  1. Open the Available Opportunity Detail (GTAOD) table.

  2. Click the SearchSearch link.

    Note: For additional information on searching, refer to the “Searching for Opportunities on GTAOD and GTAOS” topic.

  3. Select a desired record from the grid that does not have the Grant Opportunity Transaction ID populated.

  4. Select the Create Grant Opportunity Transaction link. Result: A GTOP transaction is created for you and the referenced transaction information is updated in the grid and in the Grant Opportunity Transaction tab. Refer to the “Creating Opportunity Transactions from GTAOD and GTAOS” topic if errors occur and the GTOP transaction is not created.

  5. If the OPPORTUNITY_DOC_SUBMIT parameter is set to True on the APPCTRL table, Advantage will attempt to validate and submit the transaction to Final. The Transaction Phase is updated on this table based on whether the transaction was submitted to Final or the transaction was rejected due to errors. If the Transaction Phase is updated to Final no other steps are required. Otherwise, continue with Step 6.

  6. If errors exist or the OPPORTUNITY_DOC_SUBMIT parameter is set to False on the APPCTRL table you can access the GTOP transaction by selecting the transaction link in the Grant Opportunity Transaction ID column in the grid. Fix the errors on the GTOP transaction, if the transaction was Rejected. Validate and submit the transaction to Final.