Over-the-Counter Stock Issue (OC) Transaction Type

The Over-the-Counter (OC) transaction in the Inventory Control System is a special Stock Requisition type that allows the direct issue of goods from the Warehouse, bypassing the standard requisition and pick-and-issue cycle.  This transaction is designed for requestors who walk into the Warehouse to request and immediately pick up the goods. The OC transaction is similar to the standard Stock Requisition (SR) transaction except that the OC transaction does not permit back ordering items and does not require delivery information.

Actions specific to this transaction type may be controlled by the Component Line Limiting feature of the application.  To see information about those transaction actions of this transaction type that may be controlled and recourses to take if a limit error is issued, refer to the Transactions User Guide.

Important concepts and features of OC transaction

The OC transaction has the following tabs:

For setup information for this transaction, refer to the following topic: "Over-the-Counter Transaction Setup".

OC Delivered Transaction Codes
