Batch Jobs
The batch jobs are listed alphabetically in the below table and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the following user guide: CGI Advantage Financial - Procurement Run Sheets.
Job Name |
Description |
Batch Catalog Section |
Agreement Renewal Notification |
This job issues alerts to the Buyer or any member of the Buyer Team assigned to a Master Agreement or Contract transaction in order to notify users when a Master Agreement or Contract is expired. Notifications can also be sent at a specified number of days prior to the Master Agreement or Contract Expiration Date. |
Procurement |
Assembly Request Cleanup |
The Assembly Request Cleanup process deletes records from the Assembly Request table (R_ASEM_REQ) as well as the matching entries on the Batch Job tables (BS_AGENT, BS_AGENT_LOG, and BS_AGENT_PARM) that are selected based on the items in the parameter tab. |
Procurement |
Catalog Indexing |
The Shopper (SHOP) page allows users to enter a single search value and search against multiple columns on various source data objects. In order to accomplish this, the Catalog Indexing batch job adds a special index to each table that needs to be included in the search. Please note: This job is not applicable when the database platform is IBM DB2 UDB because DB2 Net Search Extender (NSE) Administration commands cannot be directly called from an application. Please consult your System Administrator to inquire about the database update index task schedule and/or to request for the updates to be effected before the next scheduled iteration. |
Procurement |
Catalog Load Process |
This job loads the vendor’s catalog file to the Catalog Maintenance table, and then attaches the Catalog File to the Master Agreement Commodity Line. The job also unzips all Catalog Picture files and attaches them as individual records to the Agreement Catalog Picture Attachment table and then attaches the zip file to the Master Agreement Commodity Line. Refer to the "Catalog Management" topic for more information on the Catalog functionality. |
Procurement |
Close Buysense PO's |
This job closes buysense purchase orders so that a procurement-only environment can archive these purchase orders. |
Procurement |
Close Expired Agreement |
Used to close Master Agreements that have expired before the date indicated in the Expiration Date parameter for the job. |
Procurement |
Contract Copy |
This batch job copies Contract (CT) transactions using the baseline transaction copy command. It selects CT transactions to copy based on the selection criteria passed in the job parameters. |
Procurement |
Master Agreement Copy |
This batch job copies Master Agreement (MA) transactions using the baseline transaction copy command. It selects MA transactions to copy based on the selection criteria passed in the job parameters. |
Procurement |
Deliver Ariba Information |
This job sends XML files and catalog CIF files to buysense. |
Procurement |
Transaction Assembly |
The Assembly functionality is available on the SO, PO, and MA Transaction Types. This process assembles specific transaction tabs, all of the attached Terms and Conditions, and all of the Supporting Transactions attached to the transaction within a single formatted PDF transaction. The Assembly Process may be executed during the transaction’s Draft, Pending or Final phase on demand and it is executed automatically when the procurement transaction is submitted to final. |
Procurement |
Headquarters Unique ID Cleanup |
This job manages auto-generated Address ID and Contact ID sequence numbers by Headquarters Account. This job removes all unused Headquarter IDs. |
Procurement |
Insurance Expiration Notification |
This job sends a notification email to the appropriate buyer when a record on the Insurance Certificate table is about to expire or has expired. |
Procurement |
Milestone Alerts |
This job sends alerts to procurement buyers and managers according to the milestone rules on the Milestone table. The process searches for uncompleted milestones in open procurements when the Milestone rules indicate alerts are to be sent and the uncompleted milestone's Expected Completion Date meets the "number of days" threshold set for the buyer/buyer team or for the manager. |
Procurement |
Process MA Pending Table |
This job assesses all pending Master Agreement Orders and Expenditures from the Pending Table against the specified MA. The process retrieves the records from the Pending table and updates the corresponding components on the MA. |
Procurement |
Procurement Folder Historical Update |
This job sets the Historical Procurement Folder field to Yes, based on user defined parameters. The Run Mode parameter indicates whether the selected records are updated in the system or only listed in a report. Valid values are: 1 – “Report” or 2 – “Update”. |
Procurement |
Protest Action Alerts |
This job sends alerts to buyers and buyer teams regarding incomplete protest actions that are flagged for an alert. Refer to the “Protest and Post Award Dispute Tracking Setup” topic for information on setting up the Protest tables. An alert is sent if all of the following are true:
Procurement |
Renew Agreements |
This job creates modification Master Agreements (MA) and Contract (CT) for all Renewals (RN) effective on a given date. |
Procurement |
Update Department on Buyer and Manager Table |
When a user’s home department is changed on the User Information (SCUSER) page in the Admin application, this job updates the Buyer (BUYR) and Manager (MANG) tables with the new home department value. |
Procurement |
Vendor Complaint Tracking |
This job is used as part of the Protest area. This job determines which Vendors have failed to respond to the complaint and issues follow up notifications for them. |
Procurement |
Commodity and Stock Item Deactivation |
This job is used to deactivate commodities that have been marked for de-activation on the Commodity table. |
Procurement |
Automated Volume Discount |
This job is used to automatically create a new Draft Modifications of the MA transaction type based on the Auto-Volume Discount Information. This job first updates the Net Paid to Vendor based on the MA Pending Total (R_MA_PEND_TOT) records created by the AD/EFT and MD transactions. If the Net Paid to Vendor is increased beyond a volume discount tier threshold amount a trigger will be inserted to the new Volume Discount Trigger (VOL_DISC_TRIG) table. The job will then look at the VOL_DISC_TRIG table and create a new draft of the MA transaction with the volume discount amounts calculated, email the procurement analyst who has issued the MA transaction type, and put the information for the new draft into a report. |
Procurement |