How to Record Vendor Responses

If a vendor does not submit their response through Vendor Self Service, then a buyer must record the vendor’s response using a Solicitation Response (SR) transaction or a Solicitation Response Wizard (SRW) transaction.

Within CGI Advantage Procurement, a buyer can create the Solicitation Response (SR) transaction by using the Transaction Catalog, Copy Forward action on the Solicitation transaction or the New Transaction action for the Solicitation State on the Procurement Management page. In addition, a SR transaction can be created using the Solicitation Response Automation Generation page. Refer to the “Solicitation Response Automation Generation (SRAG)” topic for more information about this page.

Within CGI Advantage Procurement, a buyer can create the Solicitation Response Wizard (SRW) transaction by using the Solicitation Response Wizard page. Refer to the ”Solicitation Response Wizard” topic for more information about this page.

A buyer can search for all draft solicitation response transactions (includes both SRW and SR transactions) by using the Open Solicitation Responses page. Refer to the ”Open Solicitation Responses (OPSR)” topic for more information about this page.