Solicitation State Setup

Several libraries provide inputs to the Solicitation transaction in the form of a pick list. This allows buyers to reuse and share data, saving time for the buyers when they are creating their Solicitation transactions. Each of these pages is discussed under "Advanced - Setup". Click the hyperlinks to transition to the appropriate topic.

The Solicitation State contains the following additional setup requirements:

  • Procurement Location

  • Special Instructions (SPIS)

  • An entry for all procurement transactions must exist on the Procurement Transaction Control table. Refer to the "SO Transaction Type" topic for setup that affects transactions in the Solicitation State.

  • An entry for all procurement transactions must exist on the Auto Numbering table for the current Fiscal Year.

  • A valid Home Department Code and Home Unit Code must exist on the User Information table in Advantage Admin for the User ID that logged into the application.

  • Refer to the "Advanced - Setup" topic for all other setup requirements.