Manage Report Listing
This feature provides the capability to manage Power BI reports from within the Advantage application. The Manage Reports (RPRTMNGR) page is accessible online only to the system administrator. This page allows administrators to view all reports available on the Power BI service and group them into different folders (groups). After this step, the administrator can navigate to the BI Folder Security (BIFLDROL) page to setup security for the folders. On this page, the security roles are mapped to the folders. For a user to have access to a folder, it should be assigned the security role that is mapped to that folder on the BI Folder Security page. A non-admin user can access the folders and reports from the Reports page. This page provides a read-only view of folders and reports accessible to the user based on security setup. The user can also click on the reports (shown as hyperlinks) and open them in a new window. This feature eliminates the need of embedding every reports to a home page in order to view them and provides a secure way to view and open all the reports accessible to a user from an online page.
Note: Please note that the reports referred here are not actual reports but the link to the reports.
Refer to the following topics for more information: