Employee Calendar Landing

The Manage Calendars Landing Page includes Employee Calendar and Annual Attendance Card that allows you to view your leave, overtime and work schedule information.

This page can also be accessed by a manager that wants to view leave, overtime and work schedule information of an employee. The manager can approve or reject a pending leave, overtime, and work schedule change requests.  The manager can switch to a different employee by selecting the Change Employee icon and then selecting a different employee.

Calendar also has provision to display timeline enabled/disabled view. User can toggle between timeline enabled and disabled view anytime.

Advantage supports two types of Calendars; one is a Standard Calendar another is the Enhanced Calendar which supports shifts scheduling functionality.

Employee CalendarEmployee Calendar

The Calendar page allows you to view your work - overtime and upcoming leave information. The Calendar displays Approved Leave (Green), Approved Overtime (Purple), Work Days (Blue), Holidays (Red), and Off Days (White).  In addition, if you have a pending Leave, Overtime, or Work Schedule Change Request, it will be highlighted as a Pending Request or Pending Routed Request. You can also open a baseball card view to see leave, overtime, and work schedule information as well as to initiate a Leave Request, Overtime Request, or Work Schedule Change Request for any selected day.

The Calendar page also enables managers to view time and leave data from their reporting hierarchy for their direct reporting employees. The calendar allows managers to view, approve, or reject pending leave, overtime, and work schedule change requests. The manager can also navigate to the Out of Office page  by selecting the Out of Office link from the page-level menu.  

For Employee role the Calendar page allows to view work - overtime and upcoming leave information. The Calendar displays Approved Leave (Green), Approved Overtime (Pink), Work Days (Blue), Holidays (Amber), and Off Days (White). In addition, Pending Leave, Overtime, or Work Schedule Change Requests, are highlighted as a Pending Request or a Pending Routed Request.

The default calendar shows week view, there is date selection option on the calendar, when a user selects particular date, the calendar displays one week from the selected date. For example, if the user selects 05-26-2024, then the calendar displays the data from 05-26-2024 to 06-01-2024.

The calendar also displays the photo of the employee if photo has been updated to the Employee Attributes transaction.

Functions within Calendar

The Calendar page provides several functions that assist employee and manager with making work scheduling decisions and updates.  These include the following:

Calendar Check BoxesCalendar Check Boxes

These check boxes allow you to choose to display leave request details, work schedule details, or both.  

  • Work - When you select the Work check box the calendar displays work days, holidays, and off days, as well as pending and routed pending Work Schedule Change Request details. If your site uses Enhanced Calendar, then the Work block displays three buttons that can navigate to any website or link. If there are multiple shifts during the day, the calendar displays shift details and slots based on the hours scheduled.

  • Overtime – When you select the Overtime check box, the calendar displays approved, pending and routed pending Overtime Request details.

  • Leave - When you select the Leave check box, the calendar displays approved, pending and routed pending Leave Request details.

Holidays/Work Days/Off DaysHolidays/Work Days/Off Days

Holidays are highlighted in red, scheduled work days are highlighted in blue, and off days are white.

Approved/Pending Leave, Overtime and Work ScheduleApproved/Pending Leave, Overtime and Work Schedule

Pending Leave, Overtime, and Work Schedule Change Requests, which require manager approval, are displayed with the Pending Request and Pending Routed Request (if the request requires multiple approvers) icons. The day remains highlighted with icons until all routed pending requests for that day have been approved by the appropriate manager.

Select the request links displayed on the Calendar to view additional details regarding the particular request. The links will transition you to the respective transaction where you can view additional information of the selected request.  The managers can also view, approve, or reject pending leave, overtime, and work schedule change requests from here.

For example, select the Leave request link from the calendar, and this will open the Employee Leave Request transaction for you to view the additional details. Select the Close button to return to the Employee Calendar page.

The manager also will be transition to the Employee Leave Request transaction and will have option to approve/reject the leave request.

If multiple requests are pending for a particular day, the day will retain a Pending Request or Pending Routed Request until all requests have been processed.

  • Approved Leave is highlighted in green. When you click on the approved Leave link for a day, it transitions you to the Employee Leave Request transaction where additional information can be viewed.

Manager can modify or cancel the approved leave request.  The Modify button allows you to change the information for the leave request.  The original leave request will be replaced with the modified information.  If the Cancel button is selected, the leave request will be removed and will no longer appear as approved on the calendar. An email is automatically generated informing the employee when a leave request is either modified or cancelled.

  • Approved Overtime - is highlighted in purple. When you click on the approved Overtime link for a day, it transitions you to the Overtime Request transaction where additional information can be viewed.

  • Approved Work Schedule is displayed on the Calendar as blue. When you click on the approved Work Schedule link for a day, it transitions you to the Work Schedule Request transaction where additional information can be viewed.

  •  Pending Requests, regardless of type (i.e. leave, overtime, or work schedule change), which require the manager's approval, are highlighted with a Pending Request or Pending Routed Request for the day.

  • The manager may approve or reject the leave requests by selecting the Approve or Reject button on the Employee Leave Request transaction. If the manager rejects a request, the reason for the rejection must be entered in the Comments field. This is required for all rejections. Deny the request by selecting the Reject button. The request is then returned to the employee.

  • If multiple requests have been submitted for the same day, the day remains highlighted with a Pending Request or Pending Routed Request until all pending requests for that day have been approved.

  • Routing Pending Requests (for leave, overtime, or work schedule changes), which have been approved by the manager but are waiting on approval at another level, are highlighted with an orange border around the day.  If multiple requests (leave, overtime, or work schedule change) have been submitted for the same day, the day remains highlighted with an orange border until all routed pending requests for that day have been approved.

Calendar NavigationCalendar Navigation

The current date is highlighted with blue color. You can navigate either forward or backward through the calendar by seven days or by a week at a time, by clicking on these navigation buttons (< or >). You can also select a date on the Calendar icon and the select the View button, which will display you the details of the selected date's week.

Multiple Requests on the Same DayMultiple Requests on the Same Day

You can apply for multiple leave/overtime/work schedule change requests on the same day, for example, four hours of compensatory time and four hours of personal leave, in separate leave requests. In this case, both leave requests are displayed in a consolidated format. The managers can approve/reject these leave requests independently.

Once all pending requests have been approved for a day, the Pending Request or Pending Routed Request will be removed and the calendar will display with a partial green box for approved leave, partial purple box for approved overtime, and partial blue box for work schedule.  The total number of hours for all leave requests for the day will be displayed.  The day will remain highlighted with the Pending Request or Pending Routed Request until all requests (leave, overtime, or work schedule change) for that day have been approved.

Multiple Leave Types in One RequestMultiple Leave Types in One Request

You can apply for a leave request with multiple leave types on the same day using a single leave request. In this case, when you open the calendar for that day, all the leave types on that leave request are displayed.

The manager would also be able to approve/reject the all leave types in one request at the same time.

Additional ActionsAdditional Actions

Additional Actions menu allows you to perform the following actions. Only the Print action is available for managers from the following actions.

  • Request Leave - This action transitions you to the Employee Leave Request transaction that allows you to create, view and modify leave requests.

  • Request Overtime - This action transitions you to the Overtime Request transaction that allows you to create an overtime request and view your previously submitted overtime requests.

  • Request Work Schedule Changes - This action transitions you to the Work Schedule Change Request transaction. This action allows you to create a work schedule change request and view your previously submitted work schedule change requests.

  • Upcoming Work Schedule - allows you to view your work and upcoming leave information. This information opens in a pop-up window, select the Close button to close the popup and return to the Calendar page.

  • Print - allows you to print a copy of your Calendar view.

Out of OfficeOut of Office

The Out of Office page allows managers to designate a period of time when they will be out of the office and to appoint an alternate delegate that will be responsible for taking action on items that require review/approval while they are away. Note: The Out of Office feature is only applicable for the Manager role. For additional information about the Out of Office feature, refer to the "Out of Office" topic.

Annual Attendance CardAnnual Attendance Card

The Annual Attendance Card page allows you to view your leave usage over the course of a year.  When you select Attendance Card from the Employee Calendar Landing, you are presented with search option where you can select Starting Month and Year from the drop down menus. Once you make your selection, select the Search button and you can see your leave details for a year.  For example, if you set the Starting Month to January, select 2019 for Year, and select the Search button, your leave details are displayed in an annual calendar format from January 2019 to December 2019.  

The Annual Attendance Card page also allows a manager to view an employee’s leave usage over the course of a year from their reporting hierarchy for their direct reporting employees.  The manager can select an employee by selecting the Change Employee icon. The manager can switch to a different employee by selecting the Change Employee icon and then selecting a different employee.  When the manager opens the Annual Attendance Card widget for an employee, he can search with Starting Month and Year from the drop down menus. After selecting the Search button, the manager will see an employee’s leave details for a year.  For example, if a manager selects an employee, and sets the Starting Month to December, selects 2018 for Year, and selects the Search button, the employee’s leave details are displayed in an annual calendar format from December 2018 to November 2019.  

It is important to note that the Annual Attendance Card reflects actual leave taken (that is, leave submitted on a Timesheet transaction or Timesheet Adjustment transaction). Scheduled and Unscheduled leave is determined by the Unscheduled Leave flag on the Pay and Leave Events  page.

View Annual Attendance CardView Annual Attendance Card

The Attendance Card view displays leave taken throughout the year, including Denied Days, Unscheduled/Scheduled leave, Holidays, and Regular/Off Days. The different leave types shown on the Attendance Card can be distinguished by a two-character abbreviation, which is set up by a Leave Administrator. For example, a sick leave event might display as SL or an annual leave event might display as AN on the Attendance Card if your site chooses to use the two character designation.

In the calendar, the Scheduled leave represents leave that was pre-approved; Unscheduled leave represents leave that was taken but not requested; and Denied leave represents that a leave request was denied, but was taken anyway.

Select the Leave Details link from the page-level menu to view the leave details. The leave details are displayed in pop-up window.

Select the View Calendar link from the page-level menu to navigate to Calendar and view the details.

A manager can also view the leave details for the selected employee and can navigate to employee calendar using the above page-level menu links.

Multiple Leave Types on One dayMultiple Leave Types on One day

When more than one type of leave is taken on the same date, the day is marked as XX and with a color indicator. If there are multiple details in one day with the same leave type then the day is displayed with the Leave Abbreviation and a color indicator.