Employee Emergency Contact
The Employee Emergency Contact (EMER) transaction allows you to record and view information for an unlimited number of emergency contacts for an employee.
Note: A Human Resource user can also update Emergency Contact Information for an employee via the Employee Emergency Contact transaction. Human Resource users should refer to the “Employee Emergency Contact” topic in the Personnel Management User Guide for more information.
Field InformationField Information
If the emergency contact works with the same employer, select Yes in the Emergency Contact Works for Same Employer? field and enter the Emergency Contact Employee ID. Select the Get Existing Details check box to populate the existing employee data such as name, address, phone, email details of the Emergency Contact Employee ID.
If a user has already entered the name or address information on the record and then selects the Get Existing Details check box then the information entered by user will be overridden with data already existing in the system for the emergency contact’s employee record.
Within the transaction flow, if the user alters an already entered emergency contact for which the Get existing details check box was already used and backend data was retrieved, then the user must clear and re-select the Get Existing Details check box to update the name, address, phone, and email information.
Populate all required/conditionally required fields.
You can record up to four phone numbers for the emergency contact being defined. Specify the primary phone number for the emergency contact by selecting Yes for the Primary Phone field associated with the primary number.
You can define up to two emails for each emergency contact. Indicate the primary e-mail address for the emergency contact by selecting Yes for the Primary E-Mail field associated with the primary number.
The Employee Emergency Contact transaction can be created in the following ways, based on user access rights:
Select the Create or Edit action on the Profile Information Landing > Manage Emergency Contact Information carousel tile to add new or edit existing emergency contact information. Once you have made all of your changes, select the Save & Close button to save your emergency contact information and return to the Manage Emergency Contact Information carousel tile. If you select the Cancel button, you will exit the Employee Emergency Contact transaction without saving your changes.
Select the Create Employee Emergency Contact row-level action on the Employee Emergency Contact Information tab of the Employee Profile Management (EPM) activity folder.
Select the Modify Employee Emergency Contact row-level action on the Employee Emergency Contact Information tab of the Employee Profile Management (EPM) activity folder.
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.