Profile Information Landing
The Profile Information Landing Page is a central location that allow an employee to access all employee related information. This page can also be accessed by a manager to view information of an employee. The manager will have a read only access and should contact the employee or Human Resource Department if updates are required. The manager can switch to a different employee by selecting the Change Employee icon and then selecting a different employee.
The Profile Information carousel provides you a quick link to several key information including:
View Work DetailsView Work Details
The View Work Details page allows you to view your work details.
Manage Personal InformationManage Personal Information
The Manage Personal Information page allows you to view and update your personal and educational information.
You can perform the following actions on this page.
Select the Create action to add your personal and educational details. This transitions you to the Employee Attributes transaction.
Select the Edit action to modify or update your existing personal and educational details. This transitions you to the Employee Attributes transaction.
View Position HistoryView Position History
The View Position History page allows you to view your position history details.
Manage Contact InformationManage Contact Information
The Manage Contact Information page allows you to view and update your current address information.
You can perform the following actions on this page.
Select the Create action to add your contact details. This transitions you to the Employee Address transaction.
Select the Edit action to modify or update your existing contact details. This transitions you to the Employee Address transaction.
Manage Emergency ContactManage Emergency Contact
The Manage Emergency Contact page allows you to view and update your emergency contact details.
You can perform the following actions on this page.
Select the Create action to add emergency contact details. This action transitions you to the Employee Emergency Contact transaction.
Select the Edit action to modify or update your existing emergency contact details. This action transitions you to the Employee Emergency Contact transaction.
Process Name ChangeProcess Name Change
The Process Name Change page allows you to change your name. You can change the following information about your name: Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, or Suffix.
You can perform the following action on this page:
Select the Edit action to modify or update information associated with your name. This action transitions you to the Employee Identification Change Form transaction.
Manage Work HistoryManage Work History
The Manage Work History page allows you to update your prior work history information.
You can perform the following actions on this page.
Select the Create action to add your work history details. This action transitions you to the Employee Work History transaction.
Select the Edit action to modify or update your previous work details. This action transitions you to the Employee Work History transaction.
Request Assignment UpdateRequest Assignment Update
The Request Assignment Update page allows you to create a request for an assignment update.
You can perform the following actions on this page.
Select the Create action to create your request related to assignment update. This action transitions you to the Personnel Action Request - Employee (PARE) transaction.
Select the View action (row-level) to view details for an existing assignment update request.
Note: A manager can also raise an assignment request for an employee on their behalf.
View Letters and NotificationsView Letters and Notifications
The View Letters and Notifications carousel tile allows you to view letters/notifications that are sent to you and to your direct reportees.
This carousel tile is available based on the user access rights.
A Human Resource Administrator should refer to the “Correspondence Notifications” topic in the Personnel Management User Guide for setup information.