On-line Check

The On-line Check (OCHK) transaction allows you to perform the supplemental pay processing necessary to produce a check for an employee. Users may also create ‘what if’ scenarios for employee paychecks to view pay, deduction, and fringe changes.

The On-line Check page includes the following tabs:

The On-line Check transaction can be created in the following ways:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog, populate required fields (for example, enter OCHK in the Code field), then select Continue.

  • Select the Create Online Check Calculation row-level action from the Issued Checks/Advices tab of the Payroll Management activity folder.

  • Select the Create Online Check Calculation row-level action for the desired record on the Issued Checks/Advises tab of the Payroll Check Status inquiry page.

Refer to the "Create Checks Online" topic for instructions on how to create an On-line Check transaction.