On-line Check

The On-line Check (OCHK) transaction allows you to perform the supplemental pay processing necessary to produce a check for an employee. Users may also create ‘what if’ scenarios for employee paychecks to view pay, deduction, and fringe changes.

The On-line Check page includes the following tabs:

On-demand CheckOn-demand Check

The On-demand Check tab allows you to identify the pay type, dates, and check details for an employee.

Pay DetailsPay Details

Use the Pay Details tab to identify all of the payment details.

Deduction DetailsDeduction Details

Use the Deduction Details tab to identify all of the deduction details.

Fringe DetailsFringe Details

Use the Fringe Details tab to identify all of the fringe details.

The On-line Check transaction can be created in the following ways:

  • Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog, populate required fields (for example, enter OCHK in the Code field), then select Continue.

  • Select the Create Online Check Calculation row-level action from the Issued Checks/Advices tab of the Payroll Management activity folder.

  • Select the Create Online Check Calculation row-level action for the desired record on the Issued Checks/Advises tab of the Payroll Check Status inquiry page.

Refer to the "Create Checks Online" topic for instructions on how to create an On-line Check transaction.