Advanced - Batch
The Personnel Management area includes batch jobs that are listed under several different areas in the Batch Catalog. Please refer the below for a list of all batch and report jobs. The jobs are listed alphabetically in the below table and the last column indicates their location in the Batch Catalog. For a detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters), refer to the applicable CGI Advantage HRM run sheet guides, accessible from the User Guide Downloads page.
Batch Job Name |
Description |
Batch Catalog section |
Allowable Workers Compensation Supplemental Hours |
Because no taxes are taken out of workers' compensation payments, it is possible that an employee could make more money while on workers' compensation than while on regular pay. Therefore, the Allowable Workers Compensation Supplemental Hours process is used to calculate the number of hours per day that an employee can charge in addition to workers' compensation, based on an employee's leave policy, full/part time status, and standard work hours. |
On Request Processing > Workers' Comp |
Check Archiving/Check Restore |
The Check archiving job is used to archive check related tables to files to be stored on media. The archived check data can be restored using the Check Restore job. |
Utilities |
Civil Service Total Initialization |
The Civil Service Total Initialization batch job (referred to as CSTO) reads the Employee Civil Service Status (ECIV) table and accumulates the percentages for four fields: Total Permanent FTE percentage, Total Contracted FTE percentage, Active Non Temporary FTE percentage, and Active Paid FTE percentage. The key fields read on ECIV are Civil Service Authorization Code, Civil Service Jurisdiction Code, and Title Code. The job inserts Civil Service Titles Authorized (CSTA) records. If not found, the system creates log, that details the number of ECIV records read, the number of CSTO records added, and the number of Civil Service Titles Authorized (CSTA) records added. |
On-Request |
Email Letter/Notification PDF |
The Email Letter/Notification PDF batch process sends the XMLs generated by the Generate Letter/Notification XML batch process to the BIRT server to create the PDFs for any Letter Types that have a Distribution Method of Employee E-mail or Both. It also sends an email that contains a copy of the PDF to the identified employee. This job shall utilize the employee's email specified on User Information (SCUSER). |
On-Request |
Employee Archiving/Employee Restore |
The Employee Archiving chain job is used to archive or purge employee related tables. This process generates the following reports: Employee Selection and Employee Exception. The archived employee data can be restored using the Employee Restore job. |
Utilities |
Employee Evaluation |
The Employee Evaluations batch job is used to automatically generate Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transactions. Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transactions need to be generated at the start of the evaluation period. This job can be run to create evaluation transactions in mass based on multiple parameters. Employee Evaluation transactions are created to evaluate an employee based on goals, training and competencies which gets auto-populated based on employee’s performance policy and other configurations on the Mapping page. The Employee Evaluation batch job provides an option of Copy from Previous where the goal details get copied from the previous evaluations and not from the Mapping configurations. Refer to the Employee Evaluations Batch Process topic for more information. |
On-Request |
Employee Fast Track Transaction Submission |
The Employee Fast Track Transaction Submission batch job is utilized to submit transactions created from the Employee FastTrack wizard transaction (EMPFTWT). This job automatically submits all child transactions in draft status once the corresponding main Employee FastTrack Wizard (EFTW) session has been approved. |
On-Request |
Employee Performance Evaluation |
Creates Employee Evaluation Summary records and EPEV transactions. Employee Assignment is the driving force behind selecting the records. Based on the effective date and expiration date supplied via the input parameters to this job and information obtained from Title and Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) records, each Employee Assignment is processed in order to create EPEV Transactions. After selecting Employee Assignment records within the range of the Start Date and End Date parameters, all information required for EPEV transaction generation is fetched. Using Title/SPAR data, the Employee Assignment data is manipulated to EPEV records, which can be inserted in EPEV_DOC_HDR. If Expectation Details from an Employee Performance Expectation (EPEX) transaction exist for the performance evaluation period, both the Expectations Details (manually entered and from the Shared Ratings/Expectations page) and the Rating lines on the EPEV transaction will be populated on the Ratings tab of the Employee Performance Evaluation (EPEV) transaction. |
On-Request |
Employee Performance Expectations |
The Employee Performance Expectations batch job is used to automatically generate Employee Performance Expectations (EPEX) transactions based on rules specified on Title. Employee Performance Expectations transactions need to be generated at the start of the evaluation period. The Load Expectations button on the generated EPEX transaction is executed and will populate the Expectation Details portion of the transaction with expectations from the Performance Expectation and Rating Type (RPTP) and Shared Ratings/Expectations pages. |
On-Request |
Generate Letter/Notification XML |
The Generate Letter/Notification XML batch process processes the entries created on the Generate Letter/Notification (GENLN) reference page and creates XML files with the details returned by the SQL entered on the GENLN reference page. |
On Request |
Leave Archiving/Leave Restore |
Leave Archiving job is used to archive leave related tables to files to be stored on media. The archived leave data can be restored using the Leave Restore job. |
Utilities |
Letter/Notification PDF Load |
The Letter/Notification PDF Load process is used to import letters created by the Email Letter/Notification PDF and Print Letter/Notification PDF batch processes into the Correspondence Notifications (CRNTF) reference page. |
On-Request |
Mass Change Request |
A mass change is made when there is a change that affects the attributes of more than one employee. The job reads data from Employee Assignment table to create new transaction and then replaces the data with new values entered on mass change revised attributes section. |
On-Request |
Mass Change for Employee Evaluation |
The Mass Change for Employee Evaluation job is used to change data on Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transactions from one value to a different value. The job reads data from the Mass Change Evaluation (MASSEV) table. Based on the data on the Selection Criteria tab, the Employee evaluation transactions are selected for changes; similarly based on data on the Revised Attributes tab, the values are updated in Employee Evaluation transactions. The Employee Evaluation transactions that are updated are the ones that are still in the transaction table, not the final submitted ones. The Employee Evaluation data gets updated in the operational tables when the Employee Evaluation transaction is completed (Signed and finalized by Employee and Manager). |
On-Request |
Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance |
The Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance batch job is used to change employee data from one value to another value in a large scale. The job reads data from the Employee Assignment, Mass Change Selection Criteria, Mass Change Exclusion Criteria, and Mass Change Revised Attributes tables, to create a new transaction and replaces the existing values with new values entered on the Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance (MASSE) reference page, Revised Attributes tab. The data in the operational tables are updated when the transaction is submitted to Final. |
On-Request |
Performance Management Notification |
Creates and sends out email notifications to an employee or to an employee's evaluator, case officer or HR administrator reminding them of pending and past due performance expectations and evaluations. |
On-Request |
Personnel Action Wizard Batch Job for Deductions |
The Personnel Action Wizard Batch Job for Deductions evaluates the eligibility of Deductions/Benefits Triggers and then expires the deductions/benefits accordingly by creating the respective transactions. |
On-Request |
The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Chain consists of two jobs that support Personnel Action Wizard Leave processing. A preliminary process called the Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual program verifies that an employee’s final leave accrual has been calculated and processed, if applicable, prior to the second program (Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing) executing the payout and reset actions. The second job will not run until the Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual job finishes successfully. |
On-Request |
Populate WDAY Table |
Populates work schedules on the Work Day page. Provides users with the ability to track time by allowing four different Start Time/End Time periods for each day on the Work Day page. See Populating Work Day Automatically for more information. |
On-Request |
Print Letter/Notification |
The Print Letter/Notification batch process sends the XMLs generated by the Generate Letter/Notification XML batch job to the BIRT server to create PDFs for Letter Types with a Distribution Method of Mail or Both. It also sends a copy of the PDF to the printer based on the Print Resource selected. |
On Request |
Process Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria |
The Process Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria batch job utilizes the Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria (STEPSC) reference page to select employees eligible for step increase processing. Once the eligible employees are determined, the Process Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria batch job automatically process the employee step increase and generates an Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction for employees who are eligible to receive a step increase that have a current and/or future dated employee assignment records. |
On-Request |
Work Schedule Wizard Commit Batch Job |
The Work Schedule Wizard Commit Batch Job is a chain process that publishes work schedule changes from the Work Schedule Wizard. All temporary table data records for the particular session are copied into the operational tables and then deleted from the temporary tables, except for Work Day and Work Cycle reference tables. In addition, this job generates Employee Work Schedule (ESCHD), Position Work Schedule (PSCHD), and Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transactions from the wizard temporary data. Existing information in the operational tables is overridden as new changes are processed in the order that they come through. The following steps are included in this chain job:
Refer to the CGI Advantage On Request Processing Run Sheet Guide for the Work Schedule Wizard Commit job for more information. |
Workers Comp Waiting Period Reimbursement |
Reimburses an employee for leave that was used during the workers’ compensation waiting period once a workers’ compensation claim has been approved. The Workers Comp Waiting Period Reimbursement process generates a Status Report that lists all of the claims that were reimbursed for an employee, the associated AACC transaction number that was generated for the reimbursement, the total number of hours of leave that were reimbursed for all leave types, the total dollar cost of the leave that was reimbursed, and the status of the AACC transaction that was submitted for each reimbursement. |
On Request Processing > Workers' Comp |