Reference Pages

The Position Control business area includes the following reference tables:

Transaction Name

Page Code


Department Event Position Calculation


The Department Event Position Calculation (DEPC) page determines which event for a department should be included as part of a position’s total budget and units’ calculation when the Position Usage Calculation YTD batch job is executed.

Position Action


The Position Action (POACT) page allows you to track events related to budget and ordinance processes, such as, base budget allocations, mid-year changes, reclassification actions, or reorganizations.

Position Authorization Group


The Position Authorization Group (PAGP) page allows you to define and store valid position groups.

Position Action Reason


The Position Action Reason (PORSN) page allows you to further explain the reason for the Position Action, such as a classification study, new grant, or board action.

Position Transaction Catalog


The Position Transaction Catalog (POSCATLG) page allows you to search for a position-related transaction or to create a position-related transaction.

Position Edit Data List


The Position Edit Data List (POEDL) page allows you to define values for a specific field associated with a specific position action and position action reason combination on PSMT which limits the values available for entry in various fields on the PSMT. For example, the user could set up a Position Action so that only three Position Status settings are available.

Position Edit Rules


The Position Edit Rules (POEDT) page allows you to specify additional edits for a particular position action and position action reason combination on the Position Maintenance (PSMT) transaction.

Position Related Transactions


The Position Related Transactions (POSCATRD) page displays all transactions that can be modified or created from the page that was active prior to selecting the Related Transactions action.

Position Status


The Position Status (PSTS) page allows you to define valid position status codes for position status maintenance transactions. This page is used to set options specifying what activities are permitted, such as appointment activities, recruitment activities, or if the position status allows creation of a new position.

Position Worklist


The Position Worklist (POSWKLST) page lists the work assigned to you.