Timesheet Group (TIMEG)
A Timesheet Group (TIMEG) transaction provides timekeepers with the ability to enter time for a group of employees on a single timesheet transaction. The Timesheet Group transaction reduces the input time and navigation required to enter time for multiple employees by providing a single timesheet applicable for multiple employees. This transaction supports the entry of multiple department/unit combinations by a single timekeeper to be reported on a single timesheet and automatically generate pre-populated group timesheet templates.
The Timesheet Group transaction allows a user to enter leave accrual events for a group of employees that work beyond their scheduled hours. This functionality provides the employees with the option to accrue leave balance rather than being paid overtime.
If a leave accrual event is entered on the timesheet for a specific employee within the Timesheet Group transaction, the additional hours are added to the current leave balance for that employee. This leave accrual will not be counted towards FLSA for nonexempt employees and FLSA will be calculated on pay events only.
If an overtime event is entered on the timesheet for a specific employee within the Timesheet Group transaction, the additional hours are calculated as overtime pay for the employee paycheck. The overtime rate is calculated based on the rate specified on the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) page
If compensation time leave accrual needs to be restricted to exempt employees only to ensure there is no conflict with FLSA logic for nonexempt employees, this can be controlled on the Timesheet Edit Types (TEDT) page.
Note, this also applies to the Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction.
The Timesheet Group transaction can accommodate any of the Advantage HRM supported standard payroll cycles. Overrides (pay rate, assignment information) are not available on the Timesheet Group transaction.
If a Department/Unit has more than one timekeeper, each timekeeper is able to create a Timesheet Group transaction and generate a full list of eligible employees on the transaction by creating a timesheet group for their responsible employees. Each timekeeper only has the ability to fill out records for the employees for which they are responsible or to which they have security access.
The Timesheet Group transaction has three sections: Timesheet Group Header for identifying Timesheet Group, Pay Cycle, and Pay period dates, and Group Level accounting information; TIMEG Detail for entering event, time, and accounting information for each employee who is part of the Timesheet Group; and TIMEG Summary, which summarizes timesheet information entered in the TIMEG Header and TIMEG Detail sections.
The Timesheet Group transaction has the following tabs:
Time Entry tab allows you to entre the event, time, and accounting information for each employee who is part of a Timesheet Group.
Timesheet Group, Pay Cycle, and Pay period dates, Supplemental pay cycle; all this information can be found under the Create new group timesheet modal window which would pop up when the user clicks on the Create New Group Timesheet button either from the Timesheet Group Management (TSGM) activity folder or from the Group Timesheet Landing Page.
The Accounting Overrides and Labor Distribution Profile override codes are available at the line level via individual override picklist to choose the override you wish.
AORD Override (picklist): The Override field is supported by a picklist with valid values from the Accounting Overrides (AORD) reference table page.
LDPR Override (picklist): The LDPR picklist field is supported by a picklist with valid values from the Labor Distribution Profile (LDPR) page. This field must be blank unless the Labor Distribution Option is Use Entered Profile on the Accounting Overrides page.
Though both accounting override fields are displayed, based on the selection and data entry, the system will save the value from these two fields either to the AORD or the LDPR fields based on data entry. In other words, the system will infer the type of override being performed based on data entry.
These accounting override fields on Group Timesheet are not driven based on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) set up. The accounting override fields including the Chart of Account (COA) values under the Overrides section will always be displayed.
The table below explains how the choose accounting values would work depending on which accounting value is available:
Sl No. |
AORD/LDPR Override Code Picklist - 4x |
COA Values (any of the COA values in the Overrides sub tab is selected) |
Choose Accounting Value- Existing 3x |
1 |
Blank |
Yes |
Use Entered Accounting |
2 |
Blank |
No |
Use Entered Accounting |
3 |
Yes |
Use LDPR w Entered Accounting |
4 |
No |
Use LDPR |
5 |
Yes |
Issue validation error |
6 |
No |
Use AORDs |
The User Defined Fields section is optional and by default will not be displayed on the transaction. The section and fields can be made visible by setting the priority to Primary via the Designer page.
The Timesheet Group transaction contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Field Description |
User Code 1 through User Code 3 |
The User Code 1 through User Code 3 fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
User Text 1through User Text 3 |
The User Text 1 through User Text 3 fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
Comments - Clicking on the Comments icon opens a pop-up window (text-area) and allows you to add, modify, delete or view a comment in the Timesheet transaction grid. Select the Ok button on this pop-up to save the comments and select the Cancel button to close the comment pop-up window without saving the comment. If there are no comments on a selected row, then the system displays the + icon on top of the Comments icon.
The TIMEG Summary tab is used to summarize the timesheet information entered in the Time Entry tab.
The Timesheet Group transaction can be created in the following way:
Navigate to the View Group Timesheet inquiry page and select the Create Group Timesheet button to create a new Group Timesheet transaction.
If you need to copy from a previous Group Timesheet, you must create a new Group Timesheet and then select the Copy From action from the tab-level menu.
Copying/creating TIMEG transaction from Transaction Catalog is not allowed. Users can access existing Group Timesheet to perform various actions.
Select the Go to Timesheet Group Management row-level action on the Group Timesheet Query (GTSQ) inquiry page.
For more information on creating/modifying the Timesheet Group transaction, refer to the Creating/Modifying Timesheet Groups topic.