Timesheet (TIMEI)
The Timesheet (TIMEI) transaction allows employees to record their timesheet information. This transaction presents a grid-format to employees, based on the current pay period. Additional tabs are also available for the employee to enter daily activity details, equipment usage details or non-time based (dollar or unit-based) events, if these features are enabled via Timesheet Setup (TIMES) for the employee’s organization.
The compact grid view feature minimizes horizontal scrolling on the Timesheet transaction by decreasing the space between days to display more days in a single view. To enable this feature, sites must set the ENABLE_COMPACT_GRID_VIEW parameter to true on the ERP Application Parameters (ERPCTRL) page. For more information on this parameter please refer to the "ERP Application Parameters" topic in the System Administration Guide.
Note: An Employee can submit their timesheet via the Time and Leave Landing > View Timesheets carousel tile. Employees should refer to the “Timesheet (TIMEI)” topic in the Employee/Manager User Guide for more information.
The Timesheet transaction allows a user to enter leave accrual events for an employee that works beyond their scheduled hours. This functionality provides the user with the option to accrue leave balance rather than being paid overtime.
If a leave accrual event is entered on the timesheet, the additional hours are added to the current leave balance for the employee. This leave accrual will not be counted towards FLSA for nonexempt employees and FLSA will be calculated on pay events only.
If an overtime pay event is entered on the timesheet, the additional hours are calculated as overtime pay on the employee paycheck. The overtime rate is calculated based on the rate specified on the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) page.
If compensation time leave accrual needs to be restricted to exempt employees only to ensure there is no conflict with FLSA logic for nonexempt employees, this can be controlled on the Timesheet Edit Types (TEDT) page.
Note, this also applies to the Timesheet Group (TIMEG) transaction.
The Timesheet transaction also allows you to create a new Timesheet transaction version of the original timesheet provided that the Timesheet versioning feature is enabled. This functionality allows users to track both the information that was entered on the original timesheet and any subsequent changes. The separate versions of the transactions also provide the ability to audit the changes to a timesheet over multiple modifications.
In addition, the timesheet displays an icon that alert a user when any timesheet detail lines have been added or modified from the previous timesheet version.
Timesheet versioning is only allowed when:
The Yes/No Flag of the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) parameter, EARLIEST TIME VERSIONING DATE, is selected (set to true), and the date is specified in the Text Value field, and
The Modify Action Allowed check box on the Transaction Control (DCTRL) reference page is selected (set to true). For more information on Timesheet versioning, refer to the Enable Timesheet Versioning of Original Timesheet topic.
If a timesheet entry is submitted for a time period that has already been processed by Gross-To-Net (GTN), then the system generates a retroactive leave accrual trigger and a message stating that retroactive leave accrual processing has been scheduled for the employee is displayed.
If the employee is paid biweekly and the Display Weekly Totals check box on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) reference page is selected, Week 1 and Week 2 columns are displayed on the Timesheet Details tab. These columns display the total hours entered for each event line for each week of the pay period.
This tab includes an acknowledgement check box. This check box must be selected before the Timesheet is submitted.
Functions within TimesheetFunctions within Timesheet
Page Level Information
On the Timesheet, you can view the information about the employee, as well as the standard number of hours for the pay period as derived from the employee’s assignment on the timesheet header section. This includes information such as Employee Name, Appointment ID, Position Number, Split Position, Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, Title, Sub-Title, and other relevant employee information. The Assignment From and Assignment To dates indicate the assignment change within the pay period. The Comments field allows the storage of comments for administrators to view when reviewing the Timesheet transaction.
Note: The Approve sub-menu is designed for Manager and HR Admin role only and therefore will not be available for Employee role. This includes the menu options of Override, Remove Override, Bypass Approvals, Unapprove, and Reject all.
The following timesheet related functions are available in the page level menu:
Show Accounting Details - A popup window that displays the accounting details that are posted to the historic expense journal table for all timesheets that have been processed completely through the payroll cycle, including Payroll Accounting Management and Finalization.
Default accounting information can be accessed through the Show Accounting Details link. Lines are selectable by clicking on any open space or field in the line. The active line will be highlighted in a pale yellow.
Work Schedule - Allows you to view the total scheduled hours for each day, including shift related start and end times that are configured for an employee’s schedule. Select the Work Schedule icon displayed above each date. One icon corresponds with each day of the pay period. When the icon is selected, a popup window is opened, displaying the detailed work schedule information for the day. The Display Daily Work Schedule pop-up has two sections, Schedule Information and Shift Information
View Default Accounting - Presents a popup window that displays the employee’s default accounting values using the default Chart of Account (COA) accounting hierarchy. If an employee’s default accounting consists of a LDPR code, then the value of the LDPR code and the split accounting is displayed.
Show Average Time - Presents a pop-up window that displays the average time for number of hours worked for the selected event on the Timesheet.
Weekly Totals - If the Display Weekly Totals check box on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) page is selected, and if the employee is paid biweekly, a Weekly Totals button is displayed on the timesheet. When the Weekly Totals button is selected, a popup window displays a summary of the employee’s timesheet hours by Event Type, for each week of the pay period. In addition, Week 1 and Week 2 columns are available on the Timesheet Details section to display the total hours entered for each event line for each week in the pay period. The Week 1 and 2 columns are displayed with values if the Display Weekly Totals check box is checked on the Timesheet Setup page and the employee is paid biweekly.
Save as My Template - If the Allow Timesheet Templates drop down on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) page is set to My Template or Both, Save as My Template is available for selection. When selected, the timesheet’s Event and override information is saved as the user’s timesheet template. Every time this option is selected, it will override the user’s previous template.
View Leave Balance - Presents a pop-up window that displays a snapshot view of current leave balances as of the current system date, as well as maximum balances, accrual rates, last accrual amount, and accrual frequencies.
Maximum Balance is inferred from the Maximum Threshold field in the Daily Threshold Amounts/Dispositions section for each leave category for which the employee has a current balance (for example, for each leave category that is displayed on the Leave Balance pop-up). If multiple records exist, then the Maximum Balance field is displayed as Various.
Accrual Rate displays the sum of all the Standard Accrual Rates from the Leave Policy Rate (LPRT) page for any Leave Events that have been designated for the employee's Leave Policy for Automated Accrual, giving the automated accrual rate for the Leave Category.
The Last Accrual Amount field displays the Input Amount of the leave category from the Leave Detail table for the employee’s last generated Automated Leave Accrual (AACC) transaction.
Accrual Frequency is determined by performing a series of lookups:
The employee's payroll number (from the employee’s assignment record) is used to look up the payment frequency (from the Payroll Number (PYNO) table).
Based on the payment frequency, the frequency code is taken from the Leave Policy Event Type (LPET). For example, if payment frequency is biweekly, the frequency is taken from the Biweekly field.
This frequency code is then used to look up the Short Description on Leave Frequency (LEVF). The value in Short Description is displayed in the Accrual Frequency column on the Leave Balance popup on TIMEI.
If more than one record is present on LPET for the leave category and the records do not have the same frequency code, Multiple is displayed in the Accrual Frequency column on the Leave Balance popup on TIMEI.
If more than one record is present on LPET for the leave category and all the records have the same frequency code, the frequency code is used to look up LEVF and the value from the Short Description field is displayed.
If one or more records are present on LPET for the leave category and all of them have a blank frequency code, then Pay Period is displayed in the Accrual Frequency column on TIMEI.
While maximum balances are stored at the category level, accrual rates are displayed at the leave event level. Therefore, the Accrual Rate displayed is the sum of all leave events within that particular leave category. Additionally, the display of the leave accrual rate incorporates an employee’s FTE percentage from the employee’s assignment, in order to show the prorated accrual rate.
Print - Presents a pop-up window with a printer friendly view of the Timesheet. The transaction can then be printed to a local printer.
The Timesheet transaction has the following tabs:
Timesheet EntryTimesheet Entry
The Timesheet Entry tab, where normal timesheet information is entered, features color-coded weekends and holidays, configurable override capability, and the ability to record as many as four individual time-in/time-out events per day per event. The available overrides are configurable on the basis of Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, and Pay Policy through the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) reference page.
Note: Attachments, comments, leave approvals, and/or overtime approvals may be required for an event line on the Timesheet, depending on the configuration of the Time Validation (TIMEV) reference page.
The Timesheet Setup (TIMES) page allows the configuration of timesheet options for groups of employees. The availability of particular fields to override for an employee is designated on the Timesheet Setup page. Overrides are configured for employees on the basis of the employee’s Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, and Pay Policy. The fields that are checked in the Overrides section are visible (and available) in the Timesheet for the designated group of employees, while the fields that are unchecked are hidden. Options on TIMES allow administrators to configure clock time (time-in/out) requirements and what elements (overrides, time-in/out) appear when the transaction is printed. For more information on Timesheet Setup reference page, refer to the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) topic.
The following functions are available on the Timesheet Entry tab. Use the functions to perform the general activities on the timesheet.
Tab Level Actions: The Timesheet Entry tab has the following grid-level actions.
Easy Fill - If the same amount of time is regularly applied to a certain event, this link can be used to fill in all fields of the timesheet automatically. The Easy Fill action allows you to automatically load the Timesheet Details on their timesheet. Information is retrieved from the employee’s work schedule, including Approved Leave Requests, Approved Overtime Requests, Default Pay Type codes, Accounting Override codes, Schedule Location codes, and Hours.
If a work schedule change occurs after an employee has created their timesheet, a warning message is issued when the employee re-opens the Timesheet for editing. The user can then re-select the Easy Fill button to update the timesheet with the current information.
Note - this will overwrite the data on the Timesheet Entry section.
The Timesheet Event Selection (TSHT) table is also used to indicate the pay and leave event type codes to be printed on the timesheet for an employee. Using this page, you define the list of valid events based on organizational criteria and pay policy. The event type codes that are printed on an employee's timesheet are based on this defined list.
Copy From - This option allows you to select and copy the events from any previously submitted timesheet. The Copy From pop-up window displays the list of ten last Timesheets in a chronological order. Once you select the timesheet and select the Populate Timesheet, button the Event field of the selected timesheet will be populated on the Time Entry grid.
Quick Entry - You can enter timesheet information through Quick Entry option. This option allows you to enter amount of hours worked for a particular event during each day in a week. Recurrence Pattern allows you to select days of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday), that are recurring for Total Hours for all evens. By default, Monday through Friday will be preselected.
Populate from My Template - If the Allow Timesheet Templates drop-down on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) page is set to My Template or Both, Populate from My Template is available for selection. This option allows you to populate your timesheet with the template information that was saved when using the Save as My Template link.
Populate from Master Template - If the Allow Timesheet Templates drop-down on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) page is set to Master Template or Both, Populate from Master Template is available for selection. These settings allow you to populate your timesheet with the template information created on Timesheet Master Template.
Row Level Actions - You can perform the following row-level actions:
Other Overrides - If your site configured to allow other overrides via Timesheet Setup configuration page, the Other Overrides scalar is displayed on each event line in a Timesheet once a line is expanded. Other Overrides has the below fields where assignment values can be overridden using any of these fields:
Title - This field is used to override assignment title for the pay period.
Sub-Title - This field is used to override assignment sub-title for the pay period.
Grade - Use this field to override employee’s grade from assignment.
Step - Use this field to override employee’s step from assignment.
Rate - Use this field to override employee’s pay at a timesheet level for the pay period.
Position Number - This field can be used to override employee’s assigned position for the pay period.
Position Department - When Position Number is overridden, the Position Department is a required field. The Position Department will be inferred when a unique entry is found on Position History table. If more than one matching record is found for the Position Number, the field will not be inferred. If no position number is entered then data in this field is not allowed.
Position Unit- Position Unit will be inferred when a position number is overridden and a unique entry matching the Position Number is found on the Position History table. If more than one matching record is found for the Position Number, the field will not be inferred. If no position number is entered then data in this field is not allowed.
Schedule Location: Users have the option to override the Schedule Location field. The Schedule Location must be a valid value on the Location (LOCA) reference page and must have a Location Type of either Work or Both. If a site has the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter enabled, the State associated with the Location must be valid on the employee’s state tax enrollment.
Comments - Clicking on the Comments icon opens a pop-up window (text-area) and allows you to add, modify, delete or view a comment in the Timesheet transaction grid. Select the Ok button on this pop-up to save the comments and select the Cancel button to close the comment pop-up window without saving the comment. If there are no comments on a selected row, then the system displays the + icon on top of the Comments icon.
Enter Time-In/Time-Out - Presents a dialog box that includes every day in the pay period, along with four slots each for time-in and time-out, and daily totals. The slots for in/out events have drop-down lists that allow the selection of half-hour increments with the mouse, or exact times (including an 'a' or 'p' to signify morning or afternoon in 12-hour format) can be typed directly into the field.
Recording of specific hours for time-in and time-out events is performed through a pop-up dialog that contains hourly listings. Each field allows information to be directly typed in the field, or to be chosen from a drop-down list, including AM/PM information. The Timesheet transaction summarizes and totals time information entered on the Time-In/Time-Out dialog. When the Populate Timesheet button is selected, the daily totals are updated on the Timesheet transaction.
To enter the Time In/Time Out shift information, enter the time associated with the Event and select either AM or PM for standard time. Time entry cannot span multiple days. For instance, you can enter that an employee worked a shift from 8:00 p.m. on Monday to 4:00 a.m. on Tuesday as 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., then 12:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m., and this time will be allocated as 8 hours of time entered across the two days (4 hours on each day). The employee time in cases such as this should be entered as follows:
If a shift were to start at 8 p.m. on Monday., August 2nd, the Time In punch should be entered as 8:00 p.m. in the Time In 1 field and 12:00 a.m. as Time Out 1 field. Another entry should be entered on August 3rd as Time In 1 field of 12:00 a.m. and Time Out 1 field of 4 a.m.
You can enter four shifts for each day. The total number of hours worked for the day will be displayed below the shift entries. If additional shift times (more than 4 per day) is needed for the same event code, then a separate timesheet line can be created which will allow you another 4 shifts to be entered.
Note, if the Shift Time Validation field on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) reference page is set to Auto Fill the system auto populates the missing first Time-In and last Time-Out entries for a shift that crosses midnight. For example, if a last Time-Out entry is missing on the current day, and a Time-Out entry is available on the following day for the midnight shift, the system auto populates the missing last Time-Out entry on current day as 12:00 AM or 00:00 and the first Time-In entry on following day as 12:00 AM or 00:00 and populate the hours on to Event line on the Timesheet.
Rounded Time In/Out - If your sites uses rounding rules, you can see the rounded time in/out by clicking on the Calculate Rounded Time button in the Time In/Out page, which will populated on the Timesheet event row.
Average Time – Presents a pop-up window that displays the Total Eligible Hours, Number of Pay Periods, Average Time Reported, and Average Daily Reported Hours details. The Average Time is calculated for each Pay/Leave usage event.
Total Eligible Hours – Eligible hours are the sum of all hours from previous timesheets for the event that have been included in the Average Time Reported calculation on the Timesheet Edit Types (TEDT) reference page.
Number of Pay Periods - Number of pay periods is inferred from the TEDT reference page Number of Pay Periods field.
Average Time Reported - Average Time Reported is calculated based on the Total Eligible Hours for the pay/leave event that is eligible for average time calculation divided by the Number of Pay Periods.
Average Daily Reported Hours - Average Daily Reported Hours is calculated based on the Total Eligible Hours divided by the Number of Days for which time is entered on the timesheet for previously submitted timesheets.
Number of Days - Number of Day’s logic is updated in Timesheet Hours.
Note: The Average Time popup window displays N/A in all columns if the Pay/Leave Event is not setup on the TEDT reference page for Average Worked Hours. The employee or HR administrator must select an event on the Timesheet transaction line to view the average time worked hours.
Add Record - Adds a new, blank timesheet detail line to the transaction.
Delete Row - Deletes the selected row on the Timesheet Details page.
Copy Row - Copies the selected row of the timesheet detail line.
Paste Row - Inserts the copied row. The line contains the same details as of the line copied on the timesheet. This button does not create a row if no line has been copied.
Freeze/Unfreeze - The Freeze icon would freeze a column. You would need to select a column you want to freeze and right click on that column and select the Freeze icon. Once the column is frozen, the Freeze icon will be deactivated and Unfreeze icon will be enabled. You can select Unfreeze icon to go back to the default state of the grid (without any columns frozen within the grid). This feature is available for all the tabs (Time Entry, Daily Activity, and Equipment Usage) within Timesheet.
Note: The numbering of timesheet lines is sequential, and re-numbered if lines are deleted. Therefore, if line 3 of 5 is deleted, lines 4 and 5 would then become lines 3 and 4, respectively.
The User Defined Fields section is located on the Time Entry, Daily Activity, Other Activity, and Equipment Usage tabs. These fields are optional and by default will not be displayed on the transaction. The section and fields can be made visible by setting the priority to Primary via the Designer page.
The Timesheet transaction contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Field Description |
User Code 1 through User Code 3 |
The User Code 1 through User Code 3 fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
User Text 1through User Text 3 |
The User Text 1 through User Text 3 fields are reserved for site-specific use. These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them. |
The Daily Activity tab allows employees to record and track information regarding their daily work activity. Employees may enter detailed information on multiple activities they have worked in a week/pay period, which helps the employees and managers to analyze and charge their productive hours accurately in the timesheet. It also provides the ability to save and load the hours entered against the activity into the Timesheet Details tab of the Timesheet transaction.
When the Update Timesheet action is selected, the hours entered on the Daily Activity tab are summed up by the Events entered. A new line/row is then created on the Timesheet Entry tab for each Event entered with the summed hours from the Daily Activity tab.
Note: Neither the value of the Accounting Overrides or LDPR Codes field nor any entered accounting values are carried over to the Timesheet Entry tab from the Daily Activity tab when the Update Timesheet action is selected. If there is a line for the same event on both the Timesheet Entry tab and the Daily Activity tab, but each line has a different accounting option, the accounting for the line within the Timesheet Entry tab is not updated.
The Other Activity tab allows you to enter expanded timesheet information, such as overrides and unit or dollar based events.
The Other Activity tab includes expanded information to the header tab as on the other tab of the transaction. The Accounting Overrides and Labor Distribution Profile override codes are available at the line level via override picklist to choose the override you wish. Note: This functionality is standard across all the tabs on the Timesheet.
The Accounting Overrides and Labor Distribution Profile override codes are available at the line level via individual override picklist to choose the override you wish.
AORD Override (picklist): The Override field is supported by a picklist with valid values from the Accounting Overrides (AORD) reference table page.
LDPR Override (picklist): The LDPR picklist field is supported by a picklist with valid values from the Labor Distribution Profile (LDPR) page. This field must be blank unless the Labor Distribution Option is Use Entered Profile on the Accounting Overrides page.
Though both accounting override fields are displayed, based on the selection and data entry, the system will save the value from these two fields either to the AORD or the LDPR fields based on data entry. In other words, the system will infer the type of override being performed based on data entry.
These accounting override fields on Timesheet are not driven based on the Timesheet Setup (TIMES) set up. The accounting override fields including the Chart of Account (COA) values under the Overrides section will always be displayed.
The table below explains how the choose accounting values would work depending on which accounting value is available:
Sl No. |
AORD/LDPR Override Code Picklist - 4x |
COA Values (any of the COA values in the Overrides sub tab is selected) |
Choose Accounting Value- Existing 3x |
1 |
Blank |
Yes |
Use Entered Accounting |
2 |
Blank |
No |
Use Entered Accounting |
3 |
Yes |
Use LDPR w Entered Accounting |
4 |
No |
Use LDPR |
5 |
Yes |
Issue validation error |
6 |
No |
Use AORDs |
Equipment UsageEquipment Usage
The Equipment Usage tab is used to collect an employee’s Equipment Usage information by allowing the resources used to perform a task to be defined. This tab provides clarity of resource used to perform a task and allows the user to record the dates, times, hours or mileage that the equipment was used. This information is saved along with the employee’s timesheet details.
The accounting information defined on this tab determines where the equipment usage is charged.
This tab allows you to view the summary of the time entry details that you have added to the Time Entry tab. It displays the Hours summary that includes all the Events that you have entered. The tab also displays the following details under Timesheet Includes section:
Accounting Adjustment - The Accounting Adjustment check box is automatically populated if the Labor Cost Redistribution Request (LCRR) transaction is processed to modify an existing payroll expense journal record. This check box is selected on the latest version of the timesheet transaction that has been submitted to final and is non editable.
Timesheet Overrides - This field is denoted by either Yes/No, if there is an Timesheet override the same field will be displayed with the value of Yes, and vice versa.
Proxy Timesheet - This field is auto populated by the system when a Timesheet Proxy or anyone other than the employee submits a timesheet on another employee’s behalf.
Default Status - This field is auto populated by the system, when a timesheet is created by a default Batch job.
The Timesheet transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Create Timesheet option on the timesheet Landing page (TIMELP) from the Timesheet carousel.
Select the Create Timesheet option on the Create Timesheet (TIMEC) from the Timesheet carousel.
Select the Create New Timesheet row-level action on the Timesheet Roster tab of the Time and Leave Management (ATLM) activity folder.
Select the Create Timesheet or Edit action on the Manage Timesheet Landing > View Timesheets carousel tile to add new or edit an existing information for the selected employee.
Note: Copying/creating a Timesheet transaction from Transaction Catalog is not allowed. Users can access the existing Timesheets to perform various actions.
Once you have made all the changes, select the Validate button to make sure all your entries are correct. Select Submit to submit the transaction. Select Save to save the details you entered. You can select the Save & Close button to save the details you entered and return to the View Timesheet carousel tile. If you select the Cancel button, you will exit the Timesheet transaction without saving your changes.
Refer to the below topics to completing the following Timesheet related tasks: