Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ)

The Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) transaction collects time, attendance, and accounting override information allowing users to make adjustments to the timesheet.

If a timesheet entry is submitted for a time period that has already been processed by Gross-To-Net (GTN), then the system generates a retroactive leave accrual trigger and a message stating that retroactive leave accrual processing has been scheduled for the employee is displayed.

If a timesheet entry is submitted to Final for a time period that has already been processed by Gross-to-Net (GTN), then the system automatically generates a retroactive deduction trigger if the employee is enrolled in deductions with a Special Routine ID of PERS HOUR CAP ROUTINE. A message stating that a retroactive deduction trigger has been generated by the system is displayed.

The Timesheet Adjustment transaction has the following tabs:

Timesheet AdjustmentTimesheet Adjustment

Use the Timesheet Adjustment tab to identify the employee requiring a timesheet adjustment.

The TADJ DOC HASHING OPTION Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) determines the type of validations to be performed on the Input Total and Computed Input Total fields in Timesheet Adjustment.  This parameter has the following four options available A ,C , T and O:  

  • Hash validation on total amount

If the Yes/No Flag of this SPAR is selected (true), and the Text Value field is set to A, then the Input Total value must be in the decimal format (00.00) and the Computed Input Total value will equal the total amount entered on the transaction for employees and match the Input Total amount entered by the user. The Computed Input Total value will include the time, dollars, and units based pay and leave events.

The Timesheet Adjustment Details hours input entry must match the format that is set in the ADV30Params.ini file for the “UseAMSDecimalEntryForTimeFields” parameter for the time based events. The dollar and unit based event will always be in decimals.

  • When the “UseAMSDecimalEntryForTimeFields” parameter value is set to false, ensure that the Input Total must always be entered in decimals. For example, if the hours are 7:30, then the Input Total must be entered as 7.50 matching the decimal value of time. The calculated amount for the time based events entered on the Timesheet Adjustment Details tab will be converted into the decimals format and added to the Computed Input Total value. For example, for a time based event with amount 7:30 entered on the Timesheet Details tab will be converted as 7.50 while processing and will be updated to the Computed Input Total value.

Note: The amount on the Timesheet Adjustment Details tab must always be in the HH:MM format for the time based events when the parameter is set to false.

  • When this parameter is set to true, the Timesheet Adjustment transaction will accept the decimal format (00.00).

  • Hash validation on total event rows entered

If the Yes/No Flag of this SPAR is selected (true ), and the Text Value field is set to C, then the Input Total value must be in a decimal format (00.00) and Computed Input Total will equal the number of event rows on the transaction and must match the Input Total entered by the user.

  • Hash validation on total amount of hours reported

If the Yes/No Flag of this SPAR is selected (true ), and the Text Value field is set to T, then the Input Total value must be in hours and the Computed Input Total value will equal the total number of hours entered on the transaction for employees and match the Input Total entered by the user.

Note: The hours format on the Input Total and Computed Input Total fields must match the format that is set in the ADV30Params.ini file for the “UseAMSDecimalEntryForTimeFields” parameter. When this parameter is set to true both fields will accept the decimal format (00.00) for hours entry. If it is set to false then hours entry must be in the hours and minute format (00:00). The calculation of the Computed Input Totals excludes dollars and units based events entered on the Timesheet Adjustment Details tab.

  • Hash validation on total amount

If the Yes/No Flag of this SPAR is selected (true), and the Text Value field is set to O, then the Input Total value must be in the decimal format (00.00) and the Computed Input Total value will equal the total amount entered on the transaction for employees and match the Input Total amount entered by the user. The Computed Input Total value will include the time, dollars, and units based pay and leave events.

The Timesheet Adjustment Details hours input entry must match the format that is set in the ADV30Params.ini file for the “UseAMSDecimalEntryForTimeFields” parameter for the time based events. The dollar and unit based event will always be in decimals.

  • When the “UseAMSDecimalEntryForTimeFields” parameter value is set to false, ensure that the Input Total must always be entered in decimals. For example, if the hours are 7:30, then the Input Total must be entered as 7.50 matching the decimal value of time. The calculated amount for the time based events entered on the Timesheet Adjustment Details tab will be converted into the decimals format and added to the Computed Input Total value. For example, for a time based event with amount 7:30 entered on the Timesheet Details tab will be converted as 7.50 while processing and will be updated to the Computed Input Total value.

Note: The amount on the Timesheet Adjustment Details tab must always be in the HH:MM format for the time based events when the parameter is set to false.

  • When this parameter is set to true, the Timesheet Adjustment transaction will accept the decimal format (00.00).

We support multiple options depending on sites specific interface design for TADJ DOC HASHING OPTION with text values 'A', 'C', 'T' and 'O'.

The Options are illustrated below



Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Scenario 4

Scenario 5



































Text Value 'A'

Computed Input Total















Text Value 'C'

Computed Input Total















Text Value 'T'

Computed Input Total

Decimals OFF








Decimals ON














Text Value 'O'

Computed Input Total







  • No hash validation

If the Yes/No Flag of this parameter is cleared (false), then the Computed Input Total field will be blank and no hash validation will be performed.

Modified On and Modified By under the Timesheet Adjustment tab displays the last update time of each record in the table along with the User ID that made the update.

Timesheet Adjustment DetailTimesheet Adjustment Detail

The Timesheet Adjustment Detail tab allows you to enter the accounting overrides to identify the Labor Distribution Option. You can also enter the fund and detail accounting specifications for the adjustment.

Enter the Assignment Overrides section to identify assignment overrides for the adjustment.

  • Title - This field is can be used to override assignment title for the pay period

  • Sub-Title - This field to override assignment sub-title for the pay period.

  • Grade - Use this field to override employee’s grade from assignment.

  • Step - Use this field to override employee’s step from assignment.

  • Rate - Use this field to override employee’s pay at timesheet level for the pay period.

  • Position Number - Position number field can be used to override employee’s assigned position for the pay period.

  • Position Department - When Position Number is overridden, the Position Department is a required field. The Position Department will be inferred when a unique entry is found on Position History table. If more than one matching record is found for the Position Number, the field will not be inferred. If no position number is entered then data in this field is not allowed.

  • Position Unit - Position Unit will be inferred when a position number is overridden and a unique entry matching the Position Number is found on the Position History table. If more than one matching record is found for the Position Number, the field will not be inferred. If no position number is entered then data in this field is not allowed.

  • Schedule Location - Users have the option to override the Schedule Location field. The Schedule Location must be a valid value on the Location (LOCA) reference page and must have a Location Type of either Work or Both. If a site has the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter enabled, the state associated with the Location must be valid on the employee’s state tax enrollment.

Enter the Alternate Assignment, Region/Geographic Location and Vessel Location fields to enter the employee’s alternate information for the computation of leave accrual based on contractually negotiated leave accrual thresholds and rates set up on the leave reference table.

Use the Time Information section to enter time information for the adjustment.

The User Defined Fields section is optional and by default will not be displayed on the transaction. The section and fields can be made visible by setting the priority to Primary via the Designer page.

The Timesheet Adjustment transaction contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description

User Code 1 through User Code 3

The User Code 1 through User Code 3 fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

User Text 1through User Text 3

 The User Text 1 through User Text 3 fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

The Timesheet Adjustment transaction can be created in the following way: