Cross Year Payment Request
This section discusses an alternative system feature for payment accruals used in lieu of the Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year parameter on the Application Parameters table.
This feature, the Cross Year Payment Request, has a unique feature whereby encumbrance liquidations occur with a prior Budget Fiscal Year, Fiscal Year and Accounting Period while the accrued expenditure and payable occur in the current Budget Fiscal Year, Fiscal Year and Period. This feature is triggered by a Payment Request determining if it is being processed in or after the ‘Accounts Payable Period’.
The Accounts Payable Period (APP) field on the Spending BFY Stage Definitions table is used to specify whether the Stage Start and Stage End Dates are during or after the Accounts Payable Period. This field enforces certain inferences and edits for payment request transactions for PR Transaction Types and ABS Transaction Types with a Transaction Sub Type of GAX, TA, and TP. The system uses the transaction’s Record Date to perform a lookup to the Spending BFY Stage Definition Table.
Payment requests may be affected by the Application Parameters called Accounts Payable Period Accounting Fiscal Year and Accounts Payable Period Accounting Period. If the Accounting Fiscal Year (AFY) > Budget Fiscal Year (BFY) on a liquidation posting line, the system sets the AFY and APD to the Accounts Payable Period Accounting Fiscal Year and Accounts Payable Period Accounting Fiscal Year parameters from the Application Parameters table. These values are discussed in the applicable situation below.
Another consideration for cross year payment requests is the Liquidation Lines flag on the Budget Fiscal Year Staging Transaction Events table. The Budget Fiscal Year Staging functionality allows the rules against a referenced transaction to differ when it applies to liquidation lines versus the rules that apply when the referenced transaction is created or modified and has BFY Staging rules apply to its standard/non-standard posting lines. This logic is independent of the Accounts Payable Period field logic.
Important Note: Records with BFY 9999 will bypass the rules put in place for the Accounts Payable Period no matter what the Accounts Payable Period field is set to.
The following items are discussed in this topic: