
The following are the Inquiries for Accounts Receivable in Advantage:


Page Code


Accounts Receivable Correspondence History

Accounts Receivable Correspondence Update


This page allows you to view all correspondence information for a customer.  

Accounts Receivable Correspondence Update is not an inquiry and does not have direct navigation, but the page is accessed from Accounts Receivable Correspondence History to manually maintain correspondence information.

BAI Deposit Configuration


This page allows for the establishment of BAI Type Codes used to identify the types of data reported in the bank file. Data established can be used to provide reconciliation details for pages such as Deposit Exception and Deposit Reconciliation.

Bank Deposit Balance


This inquiry provides a snapshot of the daily bank deposit balances, which includes Open Deposits, Return Items, Adjustments, Total Bank Balance, Book Balance, and Variances. Refer to the Accounts Payable User Guide for further information.

Check/Deposit Manual Update Tracking


This inquiry serves as an audit log that allows you to track the manual online changes to the Check Reconciliation, Paid Checks, Check Exception, Deposit Reconciliation, and Deposit Exception records.

Confirmed Deposits



This inquiry allows you to view and query all deposits that have been reconciled by the system that have a status of Confirmed and all the remaining attribute values are the same as the Deposit Reconciliation table. The Automated Deposit Reconciliation process updates this page when the deposit record matches a bank's record.

Confirmed Deposits Detail


This inquiry allows you to view and query all detailed information for deposits that have been reconciled by the system that have a status of Confirmed and all the remaining attribute values are the same as the Deposit Reconciliation Detail table. An alternative Automated Deposit Reconciliation process can be run to update this page when the deposit record matches a bank's record.

Customer Account Information


This inquiry allows you to view and query customer balance and credit history information.  

Customer Account Summary


This inquiry allows you to view a customer's financial and credit history across all his/her billing profiles.

Department BAI


This reference page allows you to define  valid combinations of Bank Account, Deposit Type Code, and Bank Deposit.  Records on this table can be utilized when executing Deposit Reconciliation.

Deposit Detail


This inquiry allows you to view more detailed information for a deposit.

Deposit Exception



This inquiry allows you to view deposits for which there were no match to deposit data from the bank so that the reason for the exception can be researched.

Deposit Matching Criteria


This is an optional inquiry page that can be utilized during deposit reconciliation. Users can configure per Transaction Code how they would like to systematically match a bank file with a cash receipt.

Deposit Reconciliation

Deposit Status Update



This inquiry allows you to view information for deposits. It is updated by the Deposit Ticket Printing process and Cash Receipt transactions. Any Cash Receipt modification transaction will update Deposit Reconciliation with the corrected data for the next reconciliation process.

Deposit Status Update is not an inquiry and does not have direct navigation, but the page is accessed from Deposit Reconciliation to manually intervene in the reconciliation process.

Deposit Reconciliation Detail

Deposit Status Update


This inquiry allows you to view detailed information for deposits. It is updated by the Deposit Ticket Printing process and Cash Receipt transactions. Any Cash Receipt modification transaction will update Deposit Reconciliation with the corrected data for the next reconciliation process.

Deposit Status Update is not an inquiry and does not have direct navigation, but the page is accessed from Deposit Reconciliation Detail to manually intervene in the reconciliation process.

Deposit Reconciliation Management


This inquiry provides a consolidated view of Book Deposit, DPCNF, DPRF, and DPEXC within the same page.

Deposit Search


This inquiry allows you to view and query all deposit transactions in all transaction phases.



This inquiry allows you to view and query invoice statuses. It is updated by Receivables from invoice customers.

Invoice Print History


This inquiry allows you to view invoice generation history. Refer to the “Notice of Intent Print History” topic in the Intercept User Guide for more information.

Notice of Intent Print History


This inquiry allows you to view intercept notification history.

Payment Plan Print


This inquiry allows you to view and query Payment Plan notices. It is updated when the Status on the Payment Plan is changed to Active, Cancelled, or Completed.

Payment Plan Print History


This inquiry allows you to view the print history of each Payment Plan notification.

Pending Collection Agency Referral


This inquiry allows you to view and manage receivables that are significantly past due and eligible for referral to collection agency.

Pending Credit Refunds


This inquiry allows you to view and query information on customers with a credit refund in progress.

Pending Write Off


This inquiry allows you to view and manage receivables or referrals to collection agency that are significantly past due and eligible to be written off.

Print Deposit Ticket


This inquiry allows users to view and select cash receipts for deposit ticket printing.

Receivable History and Reference


This inquiry allows you to query and view detailed information about receivable transactions.

Receivable Search




This inquiry allows you to view and query receivables throughout their entire life cycle.

Reserved Credit Balance


This inquiry allows you to view overpayments recorded as reserved. By definition, a reserved credit balance is a result of a payment that must be applied against a specific obligation.



This inquiry allows to view and query customer statements.

Statement Detail


This inquiry displays the transaction activity for statement generation.

Statement Print History


This inquiry allows you to view statement history.

Unreserved Credit Balance


This inquiry allows you to view overpayments recorded as unreserved. By definition, an unreserved credit balance is a result of an overpayment for a customer account that does not have to be applied to a specific obligation. Such overpayments are processed through the Auto Netting process.