The Buyer (BUYR) table allows you to set up a list of Buyers to be used throughout the system. Every buyer that will be using CGI Advantage Procurement must be added to the Buyer table and assigned a manager. A Buyer is an individual responsible for the procurement of goods or services. When a record is added to the BUYR page, the Active flag is automatically checked. You may inactivate a Buyer in the system by clearing the Active flag. This may only be done if the Buyer is not referenced on any of the following pages: Universal Requestor Control (URCTRL), Commodity (COMM), Unit (UNIT), or Department (DEPT).
Configuration Points:
A Buyer must first be set up on the Procurement User table before he/she can be selected in the Buyer field.
Managers must be set up on the Manager (MANG) table before he/she can be selected in the Manager field on the Buyer table.
A buyer can be assigned to one/more commodity codes on the Commodity table and Universal Requestor Control (URCTRL) table.
If a buyer is designated as the Central Buyer for a department on the Department (DEPT) table, then the department is listed on the Departments tab of the Buyer table in Edit mode. A buyer can be the Central Buyer for more than one department.
If a buyer is designated as the Central Buyer on the Unit (UNIT) table, then the Fiscal Year/Department/Unit record is listed on the Units tab of the Buyer table in Edit mode. A buyer can be the Central Buyer for more than one Fiscal Year/Department/Unit combination.