
The Vendor/Customer (VCUST) page, supported by the Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) and Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transactions, is the location for the primary definition of vendors and customers. Vendor and customer definition are dependent upon several other reference pages before an entity is considered ready for use. For information pertaining to Customer Self Service, refer to the "Vendor/Customer" topic in the CGI Advantage Accounts Receivable User Guide.

Please be aware that there may be fields available in the definition of a Vendor/Customer record that are not initially visible without an adjustment on Configure Page (DESIGNER). Such fields include: the indication of a Retired Employee and Retirement Date.

The Vendor/Customer table is divided into the following tabs:

If a Vendor uses the Vendor Self Service application (VSS) they may register themselves for these commodities and will be notified via email when a solicitation is created, changed or cancelled for one of their commodities. If the Registration Level on System Options is set to Item, the vendor may register at the Class level and but still receive solicitation notices for all commodity items within the particular class. This avoids the vendor needing to register for each individual item within a commodity class if all apply to their organization.

Based on user security settings, you can also assign/remove commodities for vendors using the Vendor Commodity Maintenance (VENDCOM2) page. Any commodities added or removed using VENDCOM2 are also updated on the Commodity tab on the Vendor/Customer table and vice versa.  

The W-8 Form Information tab is then dynamically populated by the system based on the selection made for the W-8 Form Type and W-8 Form Version. The tab is populated with fields based on the records in the W-8 Form Field and W-8 Form Part tables that are tied to the selected W-8 Form Type/W-8 Form Version combination.

This page contains the following actions/links:

Record-Level Actions/Links