Reference Pages

The Deduction Processing business area includes the following reference tables:

Reference Page Name

Reference Page Code




The 1094B reference page allows you to search and view data the Generate 1094B/1095B Tables batch job writes to the R1094B_FORM table. This page also allows you to enter the Submitted Date, the date the transmission was submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Receipt ID (issued by Internal Revenue Service (IRS)) that verifies a transmission was submitted. The Receipt ID is displayed on the IRS UI Channel after a transmission is submitted.



The 1094C reference page allows you to search and view the data the Generate 1094C/1095C Tables batch job writes/populates to the R1094C_FORM table. This page also allows you to enter the Submitted Date the date the transmission was submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Receipt ID (issued by Internal Revenue Service (IRS)) that verifies a transmission was submitted. The Receipt ID is displayed on the IRS UI Channel after a transmission is submitted.

Benefit Policy Type


Allows you to set up benefits policies for various benefit plans.

Deduction Frequency


Allows you to define codes that identify on what time basis deductions can occur. Deduction frequency is entered on Deduction Plan (DPLN), Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP), and Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP). It is then entered on the Pay Cycle (CYCL) page to signal to the system the pay cycle in which the deduction should be taken.

Category Cap


Allows you to define and maintain annual cap amounts. You can establish a maximum allowable deduction amount for deduction processing or maximum allowable payout amount for leave processing

Deduction Plan


Allows you to define variations of each deduction type and contains processing information on amounts and percentages, deduction frequency, whether the standard deduction amount or rate may be overridden on an employee basis and whether a special deduction routine should be performed to calculate the deduction. For example, if the deduction types are Medical or Dental, the plans might be Kaiser Single, Kaiser Married, etc.

In addition, the page allows you to establish deductions that specify the employee and employer cost associated with retirement payments.

Deduction Plan Alternate Rates


Allows you to define alternate rates for deduction plans that are defined on the Deduction Plan (DPLN), Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP), or Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP) pages. The alternate rate used is based on the number of months between the Alternate Rate Begin and End Date entered on the Deduction Plan (DPLN), Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP), or Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP) pages.

Deduction Policy


Allows you to define the codes that identify all deduction policies used by an organization to govern all employee deduction processing. The system refers to these policies when processing employee transactions or transactions.

Deduction Policy Type


Allows you to define the codes that identify variations of each deduction type. This page, along with the Deduction Type (DEDT) page, allows you to control enrollment into deductions by the deduction policy. Each employee appointment has a deduction policy associated with it. An employee’s deduction policy is defined on the Sub-title page. The deduction policy can be overridden on the employee’s Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page.

Deduction Policy Type by Department and Unit


This page is used to restrict Deduction policy, Deduction Type and Deduction plan to one or more Departments and Units when the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) Filtering by DPTD is set to Yes.

Deduction Type


Allows you to define the types of deductions available for employees.

Department Special Accounts


Used to assign Chart of Account (COA) elements and related fields, such as the Internal Service Fund, that are specific to the department. The key fields are Fiscal Year and Department. The page is maintained in the Advantage Financial application and the data is copied to Advantage HRM so users have the ability to view these pages.

Electronic Funds Transfer Cancellation Not Deleted


Displays all electronic fund transfers which have been cancelled before the electronic funds transfer tape is produced for the bank. The checks are displayed in reverse chronological order based on the check date. Click Delete to cancel a requested cancellation record.

Employee State Tax Withholding Configuration


Allows users to setup configuration for a specific State ID that controls validations on the Employee State Tax Withholding Certificate (ETAXS) transaction.

Enhanced Taxing Entity


Allows you to define the taxing entities to be used by your organization. The identification information associated with the taxing entity includes federal and state tax ID numbers, location information, contact information and the tax tape information. There is no limit on the number of states that can be associated with this taxing entity.

This page should only be used by sites utilizing the Next Generation Payroll service and have MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter (APPCTRL) entry enabled.

Include/Exclude Deduction Categories


Allows you to define and maintain the codes for the deduction categories that are included or excluded from the deduction type and plan listed.

Include/Exclude Pay Categories


Allows you to define and maintain the codes for pay categories that are included or excluded from the deduction type and plan listed.

Health Insurance Status


 Allows you to define and maintain Health Insurance Status codes.

Marginal Tax Rates


Allows you to establish the marginal tax brackets, tax marital status and income level base tax amount for each tax entity for which taxes are deducted.

Pay and Leave Category


The Pay and Leave Category (CATG) page allows you to define Leave and Pay categories.

Pension System


Allows you to define the codes that identify the types of pension plans in which employees can enroll.  In addition, you can link a Payroll Cycle to a particular Retirement System for processing and reporting.

Special Routine Formulas


Allows the user to enter different formulas for use in defined deduction special routine processing.  

State Tax Withholding Forms


Allows users to upload state tax withholding form PDFs based on State ID and Tax Year. These forms are used on the Employee State Tax Withholding Certificate (ETAXS) transaction.

State Tax Class


Allows you to define all the state tax deductions that an employee assigned the State Tax Class is eligible to be enrolled in. When an employee is assigned to a State Tax Class, they can only enroll in state tax deductions that are associated with that State Tax Class.

Tax Class


Allows you to identify the combinations of tax deductions that apply to employees at your site. When an employee is assigned to a Tax Class, they will be subject to all of the taxes that are associated with that Tax Class.

Tax Marital Status


Allows you to define the codes that identify possible marital statuses employees can claim on tax forms. Both the Employee Tax Parameters (TAX) and Tax Parameters (TAXP) pages validate against the tax marital status.

Tax Parameters


Allows you to define the tax rules for each deduction type and plan by tax marital status.

Tax Parameters State


Allows you to define deduction bands that are used for State Tax processing for each deduction type and plan by tax marital status.

Taxing Entity


Allows you to define the taxing entities to be used by your organization. The identification information associated with the taxing entity includes federal and state tax ID numbers, location information, contact information and the tax tape information.

Union Deduction Include/Exclude


Allows you to specify the deduction types and plans by Union Local to be adjusted within the Deduction Adjustment chain job.

Wage-Based Tax


Allows users to define all the Connecticut Withholding Amounts based on the State of Connecticut Withholding Tables.