Advanced - Batch Processing

The following lists the Batch Processes for the Payroll Accounting Management of the Advantage HRM system. Please refer to the run sheets in the CGI Advantage Paycycle Processing Run Sheet guide  and the CGI Advantage On-Request Processing Run Sheet guide for more information on each of these processes.

Job Name


Batch Catalog Folder

Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation

The Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation process creates payroll accounting records and must be run three (3) times in each payroll cycle. The Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation batch parameter PYRL_DOC_ID needs to be set to 'P' (Payroll) for the first run, 'C' (Contract Pay) for the next run, and 'L' (Leave Liability) for the last run.

Payroll Accounting Management

Payroll Check Processor

The Payroll Check Processor processes the payroll information. The pay details and the deduction details are exploded based on the accounting information to create payroll expense, fringe and liability journal records. These records are written to the payroll expense journal, payroll fringe journal and payroll liability journal table respectively. The payroll expense journal, payroll fringe journal and payroll liability journal records are used to create payroll accounting transactions. The accounting and non-accounting data errors are written to the PAM error table. The accounting statistics are written to the PAM statistics table. The job is multithreading so it can be run in parallel, simply specify a unique GTN_PROC_NO for each parallel job. The job is restart able but need to submit the new job to restart it.

Payroll Accounting Management

Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor

The Contract Pay Encumbrance Processor processes the contract pay summary information from the contract pay summary table to create contract pay encumbrance expense journal records. These records are written to the contract pay encumbrance expense journal table. The contract pay encumbrance expense journal records are used to create contract pay encumbrance expense transactions.

Payroll Accounting Management

Leave Liability Expense Processor

The Leave Liability Expense Processor processes the leave balance information from the leave extract table to create leave liability accrual expense journal records. These records are written to the leave liability accrual expense journal table, and are used to create leave liability accrual expense transactions.

Payroll Accounting Management

Journal Data Finalization

The Journal Data Finalization batch process first inserts all the records from the current journal tables to historical journal tables before the current journal tables are purged. This process is executed for the given GTN Proc Number and GTN Run Number combination. The batch process uses the entered GTN Proc Number and GTN Run Number as input to select the records from the current journal tables (PYRL_EXPS_JRNL, PYRL_FRNG_JRNL and PYRL_LIAB_JRNL). Once the records are selected based on the input job parameters, the batch job first inserts all the records from the current journal tables to historical journal tables.

When you run Payroll Accounting Management (PAM) related jobs after finalizing Payroll, you can run the Journal Data Finalization job to purge the Journal tables that have been processed. Processed Journals have a value other than 0:

This job takes two parameters – GTN_RUN_NO and GTN PROC NO and it clears the journal table entries for the specified GTN Run number.

The Journal Data Finalization batch job is run only after all PAM related batch jobs have been processed and the Payroll Check Processor job in Advantage HRM application, Finance Transaction Generator job in Finance application have been successfully processed.

Payroll Accounting Management

PAM Reconciliation Pre-Processor

Given the high volume of information being processed by the PAM Reconciliation process, the processing time can be a high if run with a single processing thread. To improve overall performance times, the PAM Reconciliation Pre-Processor job should be executed before the PAM Reconciliation job. The PAM Reconciliation Pre-Processor job splits the Advantage Financial Payroll Reconciliation (PYRLAR) input into separate threads. Each thread is represented by a unique Payroll Reconciliation Process number. The PAM Reconciliation Pre-Processor consolidates all of a Payroll Transaction’s PYRLAR Accounting Line records into the same thread.

Payroll Accounting Management

PAM Reconciliation Processor

The PAM Reconciliation Processor job compares the output of the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation (the payroll accounting tables) against the Advantage Financial Payroll Reconciliation (PYRLAR) table, which contains accounting line details for Payroll Expenditure Correction (PREXC)/Payroll Expenditure (PREXP) transactions that have been submitted to Final.  PAM Reconciliation can be run in two modes:

  • Adjustment Mode – Adjustment Mode processes PREXC transactions that originated online in Advantage Financial.  

  • Payroll Mode – Payroll Mode processes PREXP/PREXC transactions that originated in Advantage HRM either through a payroll or by a Labor Cost Redistribution Request (LCRR) transaction.

Payroll Accounting ManagementPayroll Accounting Management

Mass Change Labor Distribution

The Mass Change for Labor Distribution batch process will read the Mass Change for Labor Distribution table and select Payroll Accounting Expense Journal records for redistribution. Mass Change for Labor Distribution will run in one of the following modes. 

  • Mode R – Report Mode

  • Mode U – Update Mode

  • Mode D – Delete Mode

Report mode will update temporary tables with selected Payroll Accounting Journal records and revised records based data defined on MAS6 page. The InfoAdvantage universe will read these temporary tables so there is no ETL process required. Each client site can create a site specific InfoAdvantage Report to review report mode labor redistribution projections.

Update Mode will create, load and submit LCRR transactions with selected Payroll Accounting Journal records and revised records based data defined on MAS6 page. The LCRR transactions will perform the needed Payroll Journal updates.

Delete Mode will delete all the temporary table records. In delete mode a request number can be entered in the batch parameter to delete all temporary table records for the request number. If request number is blank then delete all records.

Payroll Accounting Management