Payroll Check Processor
Payroll expenses and liabilities, vendor payable, contract pay encumbrances and leave liability accrued expenses must be posted to a financial system so that the proper accounts can be debited and credited, vendors can be paid, and the contract pay and leave liability accrued expenses can be encumbered. The following functionality describes the procedure to process the payroll information to create payroll expense journal and payroll liability journal records. These records are used to create payroll accounting transactions. The Payroll Check Processor processes the paycheck, pay detail and deduction detail records created as a result of the payroll process. It reads the paycheck external table and processes all the records that are selected based on the chosen criteria and whose PAM Processed ID is null. The PAM system provides the following parameters for processing the payroll information:
Gross-to-net Process Number - The gross-to-net process number can be entered if only certain paychecks with the specified gross-to-net process number are to be processed. The process number(s) can be setup as job parameters to the PAM process. If more than one process number is entered, they must be separated by commas. If left blank, all the records in the paycheck extension table are processed.
Gross-to-net Run Number - One or more gross-to-net run numbers can be entered if payroll information from only certain run numbers are to be processed. The run number(s) are setup as job parameters to the PAM process. If more than one run number is entered, they must be separated by commas. If left blank, all records in the paycheck extension table are processed.
Payroll Transaction Summarization Level Check - Summarization level can be passed as a job parameter to the PAM process. If the summarization level is not passed as a job parameter then the PYRL ACTG DOC SUMMARIZATION LEVEL parameter on Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) is used as the default summarization level. Valid values are:
1 - Fund and Sub-Fund level
2 - Fund, Sub-Fund and Department level
3 - Fund, Sub-Fund, Department and Unit level
4 - Paycheck level (default level)
Note: If the Yes/No Flag of the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) entry USE PAM DOC TYPE SUMMARIZATION is selected, then summarization at the header and line level may be defined for each payroll transaction code type via the PAM Summarization by Transaction Type (PAMSUMM) page. In this instance, the Payroll Check Processor defaults to execute at Summarization Level 3 and the information on PAMSUMM is then used as input to the PAM Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation batch job.
Use Historical Tables flag - This flag allows the ability to choose between running the process against data in the "Current", "Historical" or “Preliminary” payroll tables. Valid values for the parameter are:
Y - Payroll Check Processor uses historical tables to generate payroll journals..
N - Payroll Check Processor uses current tables to generate payroll journals.
P – Payroll Check Processor uses preliminary tables to generate payroll journals.
Transaction Summarization Level
The Payroll Check Processor parameter for the transaction summarization level determines whether a PYRL transaction is created for each unique Fund, Sub Fund, or Fund, Sub Fund, and Department, or Fund, Sub Fund, Department, and Unit, or per paycheck. However, it does not affect the postings that are done by the PYRL transactions.
The transaction summarization level parameter determines what information is written to the summ_perfkey field. If the summarization level 1 is used as a parameter then only the Fund and Sub Fund are appended to the end of the summ_pefkey. If the summarization level 2 is used as a parameter then only the Fund, Sub Fund, and Department to the end of the summ_perfkey, etc. Appending these values tells the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation when to create a new transaction.
Use Cycle Date as Check Date - When this parameter is set to Y, payroll journal entries created from a cancelled check uses the check date from the current pay cycle as of the processing date instead of the original check date. Entries for cancelled checks are defined as lines with TRAN_ID of Q, R, or S on PYRL_EXPS_JRNL, PYRL_FRNG_JRNL, PYRL_LIAB_JRNL.
Payroll Accounting Line Summarization LevelPayroll Accounting Line Summarization Level
Before the Payroll Check Processor writes to the journal tables it checks that accounting line summarization is turned on. If accounting line summarization is on, then journal entries will have all COA elements removed, except for Fund, Sub-Fund, BSA, Sub-BSA, BFY, FY, APD, Clearing Fund, and Sub-Clearing Fund.
If the SPAR flag PYRL ACTG LINE DED SUMMARIZATION has its Yes/No Flag value set to Y the payroll accounting lines are summarized at the Fund, Sub-Fund, BSA, Sub-BSA, BFY, FY, APD, Clearing Fund, and Sub-Clearing Fund level.
Deductions of the following types are summarized:
Deductions whose deduction plan entries have payment voucher type code equal to 1 (External deductions), and are not fringe.
Net Pay deductions
Running the Payroll Check ProcessorRunning the Payroll Check Processor
PAM collects and assemble the payroll details based on the summarization level. PAM generates one journal record for all payroll details that have the same:
GTN Run Number
Internal Control Number
Event Type or Deduction Type/Plan
Pay Cycle
Payroll Transaction Line Type ID
Fiscal Period, Fiscal Year, Budget Fiscal Year
COA elements
This journal will have at least one entry for each payroll detail it contains. The actual summarization takes place during the Labor Distribution Consolidation phase of PAM. One pay check is processed at a time. If the check being processed is a temporary check, no further processing is performed. The internal control number from the pay check extension table is used to retrieve additional employee information from the pay check table, all the pay details from the pay detail and pay detail extension table, all the deduction details from the deduction detail and the deduction detail extension table for the paycheck. The employee information is processed and the necessary attributes stored so the information can be used when the payroll expense and payroll liability records are created. The pay detail records are exploded based on the appropriate accounting information and stored for further processing. After all the employee information and pay records for a paycheck have been processed the excess time charged is processed based on a flag set on the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) table. The deduction detail records are processed, the fringes and deductions are allocated, and the corresponding pay journal and deduction journal records are written to the payroll expense journal table and payroll liability journal table respectively. The cancelled check information is processed to negate the payroll accounting transactions posted for the original check. Finally, the PAM Processed ID on the paycheck extension table for the pay check record processed is set to the internal control number. The statistics are generated as payroll expense and liability journal records are written to the journal tables. The generated statistics are then written to the PAM statistics table.
Note: For information on how Pay Check Details are processed, refer to the Processing Pay Check Details topic. In addition, the following topics provide detailed information for each of the processes highlighted above:
Processing JournalsProcessing Journals
Once PAM has processed the paycheck details and created records in the payroll expense and payroll liability journals, it processes the payroll expense and payroll liability journal records to update payroll accounting transaction reference tables. These tables are used by Advantage Financial to build and post the payroll accounting transactions. Contract Pay Encumbrance and Leave Accrual Expense details are processed in the same way, when needed. Advantage Financial then uses the transactions to adjust and correct the labor distribution associated with the payroll details. In the process of generating the accounting transactions, PAM creates the following Journal History tables:
and, when needed,
The Journal files also receive a specific processing ID, a pam_proc_id, in the relevant journal table. This corresponds to the Journal History Row Serial No.
PAM generates the accounting transactions for the payroll details by running them through the Payroll Labor Distribution Consolidation process using the journals as input.