Personnel Action Request Management (PARM)

The Personnel Action Request Management (PARM) activity folder makes it easy for you to record and track employee’s personnel action requests. 

After opening the Personnel Action Request Management (PARM) activity folder, use the Search tool and grid to search for and select the appropriate PAR number. You can then access all pages necessary for entering or modifying the selected employee’s personnel requests records from the secondary navigation panel.

Using the Personnel Action Request Management (PARM) activity folder, you can access the following page:

The Personnel Action Request Management (PARM) activity folder contains the following tabs:

Personnel Action Request Management Personnel Action Request Management

Use the Personnel Action Request Management tab to enter employee personnel action request information.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Personnel Action Request Transaction - This action creates and opens a Personnel Action Request (PAR) transaction, which allows you to you to define employees' personnel action requests.

Personnel Action Request DetailPersonnel Action Request Detail

Use the Personnel Action Request Detail tab to enter employee personnel action request information.

This tab contains the following row-level action:

  • Create Personnel Action Request Transaction - This action creates and opens a Personnel Action Request (PAR) transaction, which allows you to you to define employees' personnel action requests.

  • Modify Personnel Action Request Transaction - This action creates and opens the Personnel Action Request (PAR) transactions, which allows you to modify the employees' personnel details.

Personnel Action Request LinePersonnel Action Request Line

Use the Personnel Action Request Detail Line section to enter line information of employee personnel action request.

This tab contains the following row-level actions:

  • Modify Employee Status Maintenance - This action creates and opens the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions, which allows you to modify the employee details.

  • Create Position Status Maintenance - This action creates and opens a Position Maintenance (PSMT) transaction, which allows you create a new position, change the status of an existing position, and define or change profile attributes of a position.

  • Modify Position Status Maintenance - This action creates and opens the Position Maintenance (PSMT) transactions, which allows you to modify position details.

  • Create Department Specific Data - This action creates and opens a Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transaction, which allows you to record and view information regarding an employee's home unit, pay and work locations, department-specific identification, seniority, work cycle and timesheet proxy.

Select Related Transactions from the page-level menu, to view related transactions.