Payroll (PYRL) Transaction Type

The Payroll (PYRL) Transaction Type is used for all of the various needs of payroll accounting. The transaction type is a combination of features found on the Accounting Based Spending, Journal Voucher, and Internal Exchange Transaction types. The PYRL transaction type has the following transaction tabs; some may or may not be visible depending on the HTML/View being used.

Transaction Header          (only 1)

            Vendor Line       (1 - n)

Accounting Line              (1 - n)

In instances where information loaded from a payroll interface to a PYRL transaction is changed, an out of sync condition occurs between CGI Advantage Financial (FIN) and HRM. When transactions reject, users have to make COA and amount adjustments to ensure all activity is processed. This is one of three means by which COA differ. The second, and in many cases the most prevalent, is the inference of COA within FIN such as Appropriation. The third is a correction with the PREXC transaction. Other common methods of changes do not apply to the PYRL. In fact, the transaction type does not allow for online modifications or cancellation actions. The only exception to the modification rule is for the reclassification by Future Transaction Triggering of the PRLLL, PRACR, and PRLCE Transaction Codes.

More Info

The Payroll (PYRL) Transaction Type contains the following tabs:

PYRL Delivered Transaction Codes
