Transaction Information

The Deductions Processing business area involves the following transactions:

Transaction Name

Transaction Code

Intended Use

Employee State Tax Withholding Certificate


The Employee State Tax Withholding Certificate (ETAXS) transaction allows employees to create their state tax enrollment for more than one state. Only users within the Employee business role can create this transaction. This transaction should only be used when the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter (APPCTRL) entry is set to Y.

Employee Tax


The Employee Tax (TAX) transaction allows you to manage employee income tax deduction information.

Family Court/ Family Court Arrears/ Bankruptcy


The Family Court-Arrears-Bankruptcy (FAMC) transaction allows you to handle deductions related to Family Court arrears, bankruptcy deductions administer these during Gross-to-Net processing.

Federal Tax Enrollment


The Federal Tax Enrollment (TAXF) transaction allows users to adjust federal tax deductions for an employee. This transaction should only be used when the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter (APPCTRL) entry is enabled.

Health Insurance Eligibility


The Health Insurance Eligibility (HINS) transaction allows you to define/modify an employee’s Health Insurance eligibility.

Garnishment Deduction


The Garnishment (GARN) transaction allows you calculate, compare and deduct the employee's pay garnishment. Garnishments are processed based on the deduction processing order set on the Deduction Type (DEDT) page.

Miscellaneous Deductions


The Miscellaneous Deductions (MISC) transaction allows you to manage several miscellaneous deductions such as awards/fines, Credit Union Payments, Charitable contributions and Health Insurance premiums.

Net Pay Distribution


The Net Pay Distribution (NPD) transaction allows you to create and maintain Net Pay Electronic Fund Transfers for eligible employees. 

One-Time Deduction


The One-Time Deduction (OTDED) transaction allows you to enter a one-time deductions for employee pay.

Pending Deduction


The Pending Deduction (PDED) transaction allows you to handle pending deductions.

Pension Profile


The Pension Profile (PENS) transaction allows you to record and view information pertaining to an employee's pension plan and pension deductions. 

Reimbursement Account Claim


The Reimbursement Account Claim (REIM) transaction is used to reimburse eligible out-of-pocket health care and dependent care expenses under Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) regulations.

Savings Bond Deductions


The Savings Bond Deduction (SAVB) transaction allows you to manage Savings Bond Deposit deductions from the employees pay.

Note: Advantage HRM supports this feature only if your organization offers employees the opportunity to invest in a US Savings Bond Payroll Plan.

State Tax Enrollment


The State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) transaction allows users to adjust state tax deductions for an employee.  Users can enroll employees in more than one state tax deduction. This transaction should only be used when the MULTI_STATE_TAX Application Parameter (APPCTRL) entry is enabled.

Tax Levy


The Tax Levy (LEVY) transaction is used to create and manage tax levy deductions and enables you to manage Tax Levy deductions of employee pay.