Manage Time and Leave

The Manage Time and Leave area of Advantage allows you to view and initiate overtime time and leave requests, check your leave balances and work schedules, view, create and submit timesheets, and view your attendance records.

The Time and Leave Landing Page provides a carousel that allows you to perform the following functions:

View TimesheetView Timesheet

The View Timesheets tile displays your previously submitted timesheets and allows you to enter a new timesheet. This page allows you modify the submitted timesheet and create a new version of the previously submitted timesheet, provided that Timesheet versioning is enabled at your site. Please contact your HR Administrator if you have any questions regarding modifying previously submitted Timesheets.

The View Timesheet designates timesheets with one of three statuses:

  • Draft - timesheets that have been created, but not yet submitted. If a timesheet was submitted but then rejected, it will be displayed as Draft status.

  • Pending - timesheets that have been submitted but are waiting for approval.

  • Final - timesheets that have been approved.

You can create timesheets for either your primary or secondary appointments based on the selected appointment via the Appointment search and select icon. Before creating a timesheet, select the Appointment search and select icon from the top left hand of the page and select the appropriate job appointment. Once the timesheet has been created, the Timesheets page refreshes and the timesheet will be displayed.

You can also select the employee proxy from the Change Employee icon for a particular period. At the time of selecting an employee from the Change Employee icon, the employee and you must be in the same department to access/submit the Timesheet on behalf of them.

You can also view the timesheets, if any, that need your certification under the Timesheet Certification section. You can select the Transaction ID to view the timesheet that requires your certification and then close the timesheet to select the Certify button.

This page can also be accessed by a manager to view/create timesheets for their direct reportee employee. The manager can approve or reject a timesheet for a reporting employee under View Timesheet carousel tile. The manager can switch to a different employee by selecting the Change Employee icon and then selecting a different employee.

The View Timesheet carousel tile allows you to view and update your timesheet information.

You can perform the following actions on this page.

Note: If there is an assignment change within the pay period for which you are submitting the Timesheet, then you need to submit separate timesheet for each assignment. Upon selecting the Create Timesheet button and selecting the Pay Period, if there is an assignment change then, the popup Create Timesheet – For Assignment will open and display multiple rows for timesheet creation in the pay period based on your assignment changes. Select each assignment and select Create Timesheet button.

Note: If timesheet versioning is enabled at your site, the application will open the most recent version of the timesheet. The timesheet will be flagged with an exclamation point icon for any timesheet detail lines that have been changed from one version to the next.

If your time is tracked via a Group Timesheet, when you select the View button, your detail lines from the Group Timesheet are displayed.  You will not be able to view detail lines for other employees on the Group Timesheet.

Modify Draft Timesheets

The Edit action on the row-level menu  allows you to see or modify the details for a selected timesheet. The timesheet will be opened, allowing you to make the necessary changes.

If timesheet versioning is enabled at your site, you can select and open timesheets that are in Final or Pending status and if needed, recall the transaction from workflow, using the Recall From Workflow button, to make any corrections to the original timesheet. Enter the reason for recalling the timesheet in the comment box and select Continue. The original Timesheet will be returned to a Draft status and then you will be allowed to make changes on the timesheet. If you decide not to recall the timesheet, then select the Cancel button to cancel the recall. The new timesheet version will not be created and you will return back to the original timesheet. Please contact your Human Resource Administrator if you have any questions regarding modifying a previously submitted timesheet.

The Modify action on the row-level menu allows you to modify a timesheet that has been approved and is in the final state. The timesheet will be flagged with an exclamation point icon for any timesheet detail lines that have been changed from one version to the next. This icon also remains visible when the timesheet transaction is closed and reopened.

Only timesheets that have been approved can be modified.

Timesheet ProxyTimesheet Proxy

The Timesheet Proxy carousel allows you to nominate timesheet proxies for yourself. (Proxies are the employees whom you select/nominate to act on your behalf in your absence.) You can select Proxy Employee ID (based on the security authorization), Proxy Appointment ID from the pick list and nominate a proxy. You can assign any number of timesheet proxies for your timesheet for each appointment. You and your proxy must belong to the same department.

Note:  A Human Resource Administrator and your Manager may designate a timesheet proxy in your behalf. Human Resource and Manage role users should refer to the “Timesheet Proxy” topic in the Time and Leave User Guide for more information.

You can perform the following actions on this page.

  • Select the Create button to create a proxy for your timesheet. To be able to create other employees as your proxy you should have a security clearance/authorization.

The Timesheet Proxy page enables you to view the status of your assigned timesheet proxies whether they are In Active, Active or Upcoming based on the From Date and To Dates selected for the timesheet proxies.

Overtime RequestOvertime Request

The Overtime Request carousel allows you to create an overtime request and view your previously created overtime requests. The Overtime Request section displays all submitted overtime requests with their current status (Final, Pending, or Draft). This page also enables you to download the overtime requests in the .ics format that can be uploaded in your calendar application such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple and so on.

You can perform the following actions on this page.

The manager can Approve or Reject an overtime request for a reporting employee through their Worklist. Once an overtime request has been approved or rejected, it is removed from the worklist. To approve or reject a worklist item, select either the Approve or Reject action, and an approve/reject comment box will pop up, depending on your selection. Comments are mandatory if the work item is being rejected. Select the Submit button to approve the item, or select Close to cancel approve/reject action for that particular request. After a request is approved or rejected, the corresponding work item is removed from the worklist.

The display of overtime request worklist items depends on your assigned managerial role. If you are authorized, you are able to view pending overtime requests belonging to employees who are not your direct reports.  For instance, if you are part of an overtime approval group, you can see all overtime requests routed to your approval group, not just for your direct reports.

Leave RequestLeave Request

The Leave Requests carousel allows you to create a leave request and, view and modify leave requests, your previously created leave requests. The Leave Request section displays all created leave requests with their current status (Final, Pending, or Draft). This page also enables you to download the leave requests in the .ics format that can be uploaded in your calendar application such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple and so on.

  • Draft - Leave Request that has been created, but not yet submitted. If a Leave Request was submitted but then rejected, it will display as Draft status.

  • Pending - Leave Request that has been submitted but are waiting for approval.

  • Final - Leave Request that has been approved.

You can perform the following actions on this page.

The manager can Approve or Reject a leave request for a reporting employee through their Worklist. Once a leave request has been approved or rejected, it is removed from the worklist. To approve or reject a worklist item, select either the Approve or Reject action, and an approve/reject comment box will pop up, depending on your selection. Comments are mandatory if the work item is being rejected. Select the Submit button to approve the item, or select Close to cancel approve/reject action for that particular request. After a request is approved or rejected, the corresponding work item is removed from the worklist.

The display of leave request worklist items depends on your assigned managerial role. If you are authorized, you are able to view leave requests belonging to employees who are not your direct reports.  For instance, if you are part of a leave approval group, you can see all leave requests routed to your approval group, not just for your direct reports.

View Leave BalanceView Leave Balance

The View Leave Balance carousel tile allows you to view your leave balance information for a specific calendar month and year, and calculate leave cash-in by entering either a Dollar Amount or Hours for projection purposes only.

The Leave Balance section displays a list of the different categories of leave available to you, along with leave balances, maximum leave balances, accrual rates, and accrual frequencies.

You can perform the following actions on this page:

Note: The managers can view the leave balance of their direct reportees via the View Leave Balance tab. The View Leave Balance tab provide managers with leave balance information for their direct reporting employees.

The Leave Cash Value section enables you to project cash-in calculated leave by Dollars or Hours.

You can perform the following actions on this page.

View Leave DetailsView Leave Details

The View Leave Detail carousel tile allows you to view your Leave Activity by Date.

You can perform the following actions on this page:

View Monthly Accrual and UsageView Monthly Accrual and Usage

The View Monthly Accrual and Usage carousel tile allows you to view your monthly leave accrual and usage for a specific calendar year.

You can perform the following actions on this page:

Leave BankLeave Bank

The Leave Bank carousel tile allows you to create a leave bank enrollment and, view your current enrollments.  It also allows you to create a leave donation and view your previously created leave donations.

The Leave Bank Enrollment section displays all entered enrollments with the status of Final.

You can perform the following actions on this page.

The Leave Donation section displays all entered donations with their current status (Final, Pending, or Draft).

You can perform the following actions on this page.