Debt (DEBT) Transaction Type

The Debt (DEBT) Transaction Type contains transaction codes that are used for the Loan, Lease, and Bond (Major Types of Debt). Each Major Type of Debt has a separate Setup transaction and a Modification transaction that are used to add and maintain information to the respective Debt Registry pages.

The Debt transactions do not perform any accounting, but rather are used to create and maintain information within Debt Management. The Debt transactions cannot be modified or cancelled, thus only version 1 of each is permitted. If a mistake is made, then a modification transaction is required.

Only a very limited number of fields on the Debt Management inquiry pages are updated by batch processing or the processing of accounting transactions. All other fields are updated only by the Debt transactions.

The creation of Debt transactions occur from the Transaction Catalog as with most other transaction types. However, the Debt Registry pages have actions that create transactions with different amounts of information pre-populated based on the action taken. As with other transactions, the Debt transactions can be copied to create similar Authorizations and Debt Instruments.

DEBT Setup & Modification Transaction Layouts and Fields

The creation and maintenance of Authorization and Debt Instrument data is the sole purpose of the Debt Transaction Type. The type of Authorization and Debt Instrument is up to the Transaction Sub Type of the selected Transaction Code.

All of the primary Debt transactions contain the following tabs with a few exceptions noted below:

*Tab found only on bond transactions.

**Tab names have slight variations for Leases and Bonds.

More Info

There is a secondary Debt transaction - Debt Status Change (DEBTSC) - that contains only a subset of tabs found on the primary transactions. The use of this transaction is limited to changing the Authorization Status and the Debt Instrument Status, thus the fields presentation is very limited and contain only fields described later in this guide.

Debt Delivered Transaction Codes
