
This section includes all of the inquiries used in the Travel and Expense Management area. All pages are true inquiry pages in that data entry is not allowed. Only the Attachments link that is visible on some pages and the editable Scheduled Payment Date on the HRM Travel Payments (HRMTP) page allows for any sort of data maintenance by users. The various Travel transactions make the majority of updates to the inquiry pages. Other updates come from the processing of disbursement, receivable, cash receipt, and write-off transactions that reference a Trip ID.

When Travel and Expense Management is implemented with both Advantage Financial and Human Resource Management, it is considered a ‘dual site’ if the Dual HRM/Financial Site record on Application Parameters (APPCTRL) is set to True. In this situation, sites may want to restrict information that managers see on the inquiry pages to that of their direct reports based on the Organizational Chart functionality. In the event a manager tries to search for a traveler that is not a direct report, an error is issued. This includes travelers that were former reports but not a current report. If a user is not a manager and has access to one of these pages, there is no restriction.

The inquiry pages that use this feature have the following note (“Manager filtering is available.”) in the Description column of the following table.

This filtering is configured in multiple areas:

  1. The Dual HRM/Financial Site (DUAL_HRM_FIN_SITE) parameter must be set to True on APPCTRL.

  2. Managers must be assigned using a Business Role where the Role Type Information is set to Manager.

  3. Application Security Roles (APPROLES) has been defined for that Role Type Information setting.

Inquiry Name

Page Code


HRM Travel Payments


The HRMTP inquiry page is automatically updated when a TRADV, TRER, or TRADVR transaction is submitted to Final, but only if the Payment System is HRM.

Taxable Expense Trigger


Records are created on this page for expenses and advances that are considered taxable.

Traveler Inquiry


The TRAV inquiry allows you to query summary information for a traveler. This page displays summary totals for all trips associated with a specific traveler. Manager filtering is available.

Trip Audit Details


The TRIPAUD inquiry allows you to browse the transaction history along with all versions of the transactions associated with a specific traveler and/or trip, regardless of the Phase or Status of the transactions. Each record contains a transaction link that opens the selected version of the transaction for further research or transaction actions. Manager filtering is available.

Trip Detail


The TRIPD inquiry allows you to query information regarding the expense lines of each trip taken by the traveler. This page displays the amounts associated with a trip’s expense line. Manager filtering is available.

Trip History


The TRIPHIST inquiry allows you to query all transactions that have been processed for a specific traveler and/or trip. Manager filtering is available.

Trip Summary


The TRIPS inquiry allows you to query summary level information of each trip taken by the traveler. This page displays summary totals for a specific trip. Manager filtering is available.