Inquiries and Activity Folders
The following table lists the inquiries and activity folders used in the Payroll Processing functional area of CGI Advantage HRM.
Inquiry or Activity Folder Name |
Page Code |
Description |
Check Cancellation Register Report |
Displays a comprehensive list of payroll reversal activity associated with each employee check that was cancelled within the selected time period. The Pay Check Totals Grid displays the totals for a particular check and the standard totals are a summation of all cancelled checks for the Run Number specified. The pay and deductions details section displays information applicable to all reversed pay, reimbursable expenditures, deductions, fringe benefits and covered wages for a particular check number. |
Check Register Management |
Allows you to query on employee’s checks and direct deposits. This includes the gross pay, net pay, and valid/invalid check counts. |
Contract Management |
Allows you to view related Contract Management transactions within a folder. Furthermore, you can create and maintain the related transactions. |
Current Check Details |
The Current Check Details (CURRCHK) inquiry page displays an individual employee's check details with net amount, check number, check date for the current processed periods. |
Current Pay Details |
The Current Pay Details (CURRPAY) page displays an individual employee's pay details for the current processed periods. |
Deduction Detail Inquiry |
This inquiry allows users to research deduction details and can be viewed in many different ways including by Employee ID, Deduction Plan, Deduction Type, and Category. |
Deduction Register Management |
Allows you to query on employee’s deductions by run number, pay cycle, payroll group, payroll number, pay location, vendor, deduction type and deduction plan. This Activity Folder allows users to query on all deductions, direct deposit deductions, garnishments deductions, family court deductions, one-time deductions, deduction processing exceptions, and savings bond deduction information. One detail information tab will query against the current deduction tables, and the other against the historical tables. |
Electronic W-2 Tracking |
The Electronic W-2 Tracking (QW2TRK) inquiry is used to track an employee’s Paperless W-2 status. Employees have the option to opt out of receiving paper distributions of their W-2 Tax Forms. When the Paperless option is selected, employees will no longer receive a paper copy of their W-2 Tax Forms during the annual run of the W-2 or W-2C Print jobs. However, the PDF forms will still be viewable, printable, and downloadable via HRM. |
Employee Pay Rate History Inquiry |
Enables you to display detailed pay rate information for an employee. This page can also be used to scan an employee's pay progression. When you scan on base pay, asterisks appear in the pay rate field for those date ranges in which a pay rate cannot be found. When you scan on non-base pay, lines with date ranges for which no pay rate can be found are not displayed. This page does not allow you to perform complex searches that include wildcards or commas. |
FICA Information |
The FICA Information inquiry page enables you to view the annual and quarterly employment tax information at the employee and employer level. Note, the quarterly tax withholding information for employees and all employer level information is only available when utilizing the Next Generation Payroll service. |
Gross to Net Statistics |
Enables you to display detailed payroll statistics by run number. Note: On-line check cycles cannot be queried on this page, since gtn_stat_detl is not populated by the OCHK transaction. |
Historical Pay Details |
The Historical Pay Details (HISTPAY) page displays an individual employee's pay details for previously processed periods. |
Labor Distribution Profile |
Allows you to set up accounting distributions to which pay resulting from events can be charged. The labor distribution profile code can reduce data entry since a single code can be used in place of entering the full accounting distribution, and it also allows you to distribute an expense between different accounting lines. |
Leave Balance |
Allows you to query the details of the employees’ leave balance, accruals and usages for the last pay period, when the Leave Extract batch job was run. You can filter the results of this query based on the following:
Leave Cash Value Calculator |
Allows you to calculate leave cash-in by entering either a Dollar Amount or Hours for projection purposes only. |
Leave Management |
Allows you to view related Leave Management transactions within a folder. Furthermore, one can create and maintain the related transactions. |
Pay Detail Inquiry |
This inquiry allows users to research pay details and can be viewed in many different ways including by Employee ID, Check Date, Department, and Event Type. |
Payroll Check Status Inquiry |
Allows you to easily perform pay-related actions by gathering all of the necessary pages together in one place. Furthermore, one can create and maintain the related transactions. The Payroll Check Status Inquiry (QPCHK) activity folder provides information about pay details, deduction details and fringe details supporting an employee’s Issued Checks/Advices. Information about Pending Checks/Advices and Current On-Line Checks is also available. When additional check details are generated apart from the original issued check, such as retroactive pay processing or check cancellations, QPCHK groups and displays these check details with the current issued check and not the original issued check. QPCHK filters according to the Internal Control Number only. |
Pay Components |
The Pay components (PAYCOMP) Inquiry page displays all pay components associated with an employee. |
Payroll Management |
Allows you to easily perform pay-related actions by gathering all of the necessary pages together in one place. Furthermore, one can create and maintain the related transactions. On the Employee Pay Summary tab, you can see the Total Annual Amount and total quarterly amounts in the scalar section for the pay taken. These totals reflect the summary of all records that match your specified selection (search) criteria, even if all the records are not being displayed on the viewable grid. Note that the default selection criteria will only display records for the current year. When additional check details are generated apart from the original issued check, such as retroactive pay processing or check cancellations, PAYM groups and displays these check details with the original issued check and not the current issued check. PAYM filters according to the Internal Control Number AND Original Internal Control Number. The Employee Pay Details History tab allows you to view pay details information by employee in historical event date order. This tab displays the pay rate (hourly rate), all hours reported (including pay hours generated from leave events) and those system-generated pay events such as FLSA premium overtime and pay period bonuses. This information is also displayed on the employee’s warrant/direct deposit. |
Payroll Reconciliation Report |
Enables you to display payroll and bank information by run. The Run Number and Check Disposition Type are required when searching on this page. |
Pay Register Management |
Allows you to query on an employee’s payroll data. This includes check details, hours worked, cancelled checks, external adjustments, and one-time payments. |
Payroll Summary |
Displays pay, deduction, and subject gross summaries that appear on a specified report for an employee. The summaries included on this inquiry are defined on the Tax Reporting (TAXR) page. The inquiry looks up all categories with the Report ID/Report Item combination that is entered on the Tax Reporting page and summarizes the Month to Date, Quarter to Date, and Year to Date amounts, based on the category codes. This page does not allow you to perform complex searches that include wildcards or commas. |
Run Control Register Management |
Run Control Register Management allows you to query on changes in financial position that results from running a payroll. This includes run, pay cycle, payroll number, payroll group, pay location, category, event, and deduction type totals. The totals are broken down by gross pay, fringe pay, reimbursable expenditures, deductions, fringe deductions, and FICA covered wages. The financial information also includes opening balance, current activity, cancellations, adjustments, and closing balance. |
Trigger Management |
Makes it easy for you to administer triggers for retroactive and supplemental pay or leave transactions by gathering all of the necessary pages together into one place. |