Inquiries and Activity Folders

Inquiry Name

Page Code


Create Timesheet


The Create Timesheet (TIMEC) inquiry page is displayed on the Time and Leave carousel. This page lists all pay periods for which the Timesheet is not created or submitted. This page contains the Create Timesheet button that allows you to Create Timesheet for the selected pay period.

Employee Calendar Landing Page


The Employee Calendar Landing page provides a weekly view to the employee about their Work, Overtime, Leave, Off Days, Holidays, Pending Requests, and Pending Routed Requests based on the selected date.

Employee Salary Inquiry


The Employee Salary Inquiry (QSAL) inquiry page is used to look up employee salary information.  Search criteria include the Employee ID, Selection Date and the Events to include in the query. The Include Events option includes base events (salary and base rate bonus), other base events, base rate and other base rate events, non-base rate events, or all events.

Group Timesheet Query


Supports the designation of employees to a timesheet group for use on the Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transaction.

Leave and Overtime Landing Page


The Leave and Overtime Landing page (LVOTLP) page allows you to navigate through the leave and overtime related pages and transactions for an employee.

Leave Balance


The Leave Balance Inquiry (QLEVBAL) page allows you to query the details of the employees’ leave balance, as well as the accruals and usages for the last pay period, when the Leave Extract batch job was run. You can then filter the results of the query.

Leave Bank Balance Inquiry


Allows you to query the Leave bank balances based on Leave Category and Leave As of Date.

Leave Management


Allows you to view related Time and Leave Management transactions within a folder and create or maintain the related transactions.

Missing Timesheet Inquiry


Allows you to query all employees who have not yet submitted a timesheet within a payroll period.

Time and Leave Management


Allows you to view related Time and Leave Management transactions within a folder and create or maintain the related transactions.

Time Transaction Catalog


Allows you to search for a time-related transaction or to create a time-related transaction.

Timesheet Certification Transaction Catalog


Allows you to search all timesheet certification related records that need certification.  

Timesheet Group Management


Provides one location to view Timesheet Groups or employees that are part of a Timesheet Group, and the ability to view, create or modify a TIMEG transaction for the Timesheet Group.

Timesheet Landing Page


The Timesheet Landing page (TIMELP) inquiry page displayed on the Time and Leave carousel where employees can perform various actions like create/view timesheet, create timesheet proxies, create leave or overtime requests, view employee leave balance and accrual details, create leave donations and also create leave bank enrollments.

View Group Timesheet


The View Timesheet (VTIMEG) inquiry page displays the Timesheet grid that allows you to view group timesheets that have been submitted.

View Timesheet


The View Timesheet grid displays the Timesheet that has been submitted by the employee.