Advanced - Setup
CGI Advantage HRM allows you to tailor your system to meet your Human Resource needs and reporting requirements. Review of the various options and controls available is part of the configuration of any application before going live. 'What functionality will be used and how, should be decided before the data conversion begins and especially before system users begin entering data into transactions. It is strongly recommended that you do not change many options or controls in the middle of a fiscal year. Some of them should never be changed after going live. If changed, the integrity of your Human Resource records might be jeopardized. This user's guide details what options can be changed any time, only for a new fiscal year, or never.
Set up the following to efficiently use the Advantage HRM system to your Human Resource needs:
Personnel Action reference page contains a drop-down field labeled: User Access Option. The drop-down options are:
Not Applicable - An HRDOC will not to be automatically generated; this will mean that there is no change to the employee’s security setting.
User Default Access - An HRDOC will be generated to set the user’s default application access.
Org Update - An HRDOC will be generated to update the user’s organizational information on the Administration tables. No user access will be modified.
Revoke - An HRDOC will be generated to revoke the user’s access to all Advantage application(s).
Revoke and Lock Out – An HRDOC transaction will be generated. The HRDOC will lock the employee’s access to the Advantage application(s) by setting the Locked Out value to true (checked) and will revoke the user’s access to all Advantage application(s).
Suspend - An HRDOC will be generated to suspend a user’s current access to all Advantage application(s).
Restore Suspended - An HRDOC will be generated to restore the user’s suspended access.
Also, refer to the following topics: